
  • coal science
  1. 稳住煤炭科学基金促进煤炭科技进步

    Stablize the Coal Science Fund to Push forward Coal Scientific and Technical Advancement

  2. 中国古代煤炭科学技术的主要成就(下)

    Main Achievements of Coal Science and Technology in China s Acient Times ;

  3. 煤炭科学研究总院唐山分院;

    Tangshan Branch of China Coal Research Institute ;

  4. 《煤炭科学技术》1995~1999年载文统计分析

    Statistical analysis of papers issued on Coal Science and Technology from 1995 to 1999

  5. 中国煤炭科学研究机构

    Chinese coal scientific research institutions

  6. 贺信&希望《煤炭科学技术》成为传播新技术的阵地

    Letter of Congratulation & May " Coal Science and Technology " Journal Become A Forum for Disseminating New Techniques

  7. 为发展我国煤炭科学技术事业而奋斗&为庆祝建国35周年而作

    Strive for the Development of R D in Coal Mining for Celebration of 35th Anniversary of the Founding of PRC

  8. 随着煤炭科学技术的发展,故障诊断技术在煤矿也得到了较为广泛的应用。

    With the development of the mine science and technology , the fault diagnosis technology is widely applied in coal mines .

  9. 煤的生物转化具有转化条件温和、无污染等优点,是煤炭科学技术研究的新领域。

    Bioconversion of coal has some advantages , such as milder condition and no pollution . It was new field of sciences .

  10. 中国古代煤炭科学技术成就不仅是中国古代科学技术宝库中一颗瑰丽的明珠,在世界古代史中也是光彩夺目的一页。

    The achievements were remarkable not only in ancient Chinese coal science and technology but also in the ancient history of the world .

  11. 承载使命科技引领发展不断超越创新拥有未来&煤炭科学研究总院50周年回顾与展望

    Taking mission , Science and technology leading further development and continued forward to create and have future & review and outlook for 50 Anniversary of China Coal Research Institute

  12. 锚杆支护方式已在煤矿井下巷道中得到广泛应用,特别是在煤巷中的应用已成为当前煤炭科学研究的热点和难点。

    The form of anchoring support is used universally under roadway of coal , especially in the coal roadway , which becomes hot spot and difficulty on coal science study .

  13. 简要回顾了煤炭科学研究总院唐山分院在重介质旋流器选煤研究方面取得的成就,阐述了重介质旋流器选煤技术的新发展。

    Following a review of the achievements obtained by China Coal Research Institute Tangshan Branch in the study in this respect , an introduction is made to the new developments of this coal cleaning technology .

  14. 云南煤炭产业科学发展战略保证研究

    A study on the strategic guarantee for a rationalized coal sector development in Yunnan

  15. 为煤炭工业的科学技术进步而奋斗

    The Struggle for Developing Science and Technology of Coal Industry

  16. 加强煤炭资源地质科学研究确保国家能源安全

    Strengthening the study on the geology of coal resource to insure the energy sources security of our country

  17. 煤炭企业资金的科学管理

    Scientific Management of the Funds of Coal-Related Enterprises

  18. 分析了我国煤炭资源形势,从基础理论和关键技术两方面,提出了煤炭资源地质科学领域的研究目标和主要任务。

    This paper analyses the coal resource position of China and suggests the work targets and the main tasks of geology domain of coal resource , from two points of basic theory and the key technique .

  19. 煤炭分类国际标准ISO11760已于2005年发布,该国际标准是一个煤炭科学分类,与现行的应用型的中国煤炭分类标准GB5751相比,在分类方法和分类参数上都具有显著的差异。

    ISO 11760 , the International Coal Classification Standard , was issued in 2005.As a scientific classification standard , ISO 11760 is significantly different in classification method and parameters from GB 5751 the Chinese Coal Classification Standard , which is of utility-type .