
  1. 非法举办国家教育考试的,由教育行政部门宣布考试无效;

    A national education examination that is held illegally shall be nullified by the relevant administrative department of education ;

  2. 国家教育考试管理模式的立法定位

    The Legislative Status of the Administrative Model of the National Education Examination

  3. 《国家教育考试法》:落实考试权的宪法保护

    National Educational Testing Law : Protecting the Testing Rights in a Constitutional Sense

  4. 政府公信力期待《国家教育考试法》出台

    Public Confidence in Government : Looking Forward to the Enaction of National Educational Testing Law

  5. 然而国家教育考试的考风考纪问题十分突出,违纪作弊现象相当严重。对违纪作弊行为的法律规制十分薄弱,突出表现为违纪作弊处罚的相关立法不完善。

    However , the problems existing in the exam discipline are outstanding , and the phenomenon of cheating is fairly serious .

  6. 高等教育机构按照国家教育考试机构提供的结果招生或颁发证书。

    Higher education institution admission and certificate awarding are conducted according to the examination results provided by institutions of state education examinations .

  7. 国家教育考试在科学、公正地认定人才、选拔人才、任用人才方面发挥着重要的作用,是全社会关心的大事。

    The national educational examination , the great event concerned by the whole society , plays an important role in cognizing , selecting and employing the talents scientifically and equitably .

  8. 国家教育考试由国务院教育行政部门确定种类,并由国家批准的实施教育考试的机构承办。

    The administrative department of education under the State Council shall determine the types of national education examination which shall be undertaken by the institutions that conduct such education examination as approved by the State .

  9. 第六部分提出合理构建国家教育考试机构的法律地位的措施,从法律关系的角度,明确国家教育考试机构与教育行政机关、社会考试机构、高等学校、考生之间的相互关系。

    Chapter 6 continues to provide possible measures to construct the legal status of the institution . From the legal point of view , this part tries to make the relationships between national educational institutions and educational administration , private examination institutions , universities and candidates .

  10. 就教育考试方面说,落实完法所隐含的考试权的途径是制定《国家教育考试法》,对考试权的地位、法律责任、权利救济等给予明确规定。

    As far as the educational testing is concerned , the way to fulfill the testing rights implied in the constitution is to enact National Educational Testing Law so that the status , legal responsibility and right relief of the testing rights can all be clearly identified .

  11. 第七十九条在国家教育考试中作弊的,由教育行政部门宣布考试无效,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分。

    Article 79 If cheating on a national education examination is found , the relevant administrative department of education shall nullify the examination , and shall , in accordance with law , impose administrative sanctions on the leading persons directly in charge and other persons directly responsible for it .

  12. 英国文化协会代表中国雅思网络与中国国家教育部考试中心正式签署了在中国合作举办IELTS考试的协议。

    On behalf of China IELTS Network , British Council and China National Educational Examinations Authority signed an agreement to jointly manage IELTS tests in China .

  13. 中国的自学考试制度也是世界范围内最大规模的成人进修和国家高等教育考试体系。

    Also the Chinese self-taught examination system is the biggest adult advanced-study and national high level educational examination system all over the world .

  14. 二是类型多样化的国家高等教育考试保持社会向上流动的公正性和活力是保持社会稳定的重要机制。

    Second , type diversification of national higher education examination maintains fairness and vigor of social upward mobility , which is the important mechanism to maintain social stability .

  15. 第二部分主要分析国家介入教育考试的正当性,指出国家运用考试手段,在统一标准的条件下,按照一定的公开程序通过竞争的方式分配教育资源。

    Chapter 2 examines the legitimate reason of the intervention by national educational institutions , to point out that , under the unified standard , the country use test as a means to distribute the educational resources fairly .

  16. 它指的是在中国举办的年度国家高等教育入学考试,形式与美国的SAT类似。

    It refers to the annual National Higher Education Entrance Exam in China , similar in format to the SAT in the United States .

  17. 第二十条国家实行国家教育考试制度。

    Article 20 The State applies a national education examination system .