
  1. 我们的主要关注点在于招的是优秀的程序员,而不是专门招Scala程序员。

    We primarily recruit good software developers , rather than looking specifically for Scala developers .

  2. 你想我教你点杀招吗?

    You want me to teach you a kill move ?

  3. 他跟我们耍了点小花招,但没得到我们的同情。

    He tries on his little games with us , but failed to win our sympathy .

  4. 如果有人坚持要用按时间顺序展开的履历格式,也还是可以玩点“小花招”。

    For those who are wedded to the idea of a chronological format , there are still tricks to employ .

  5. 本章结合我国独立审计市场的特点,提出五点特殊因素使得招投标制在注册会计师选聘中异化现象突出,进而对注册会计师成本补偿构成严重威胁。

    According to the characteristics of auditing market in China , there are five factors that cause the variation of audit tendering and threatens the cost compensation of audit firms .

  6. 本文以高校基本建设的三个主要阶段为切入点,着重研究招投标管理、工程质量和建设投资管理、合同管理及工程风险问题。

    With three main phases of the capital construction in institutions of higher learning as its breakthrough point , this study focuses on the management of public bidding issues , the management of project quality and investment in construction , the management of contracts and the discussion of project risks .

  7. 基督人的生活是爬山的生活;如果爬在前面的人能常回头喊一声,笑一笑,点一点,头招一招手,对于爬在后面的人是大有帮助的。

    Life is a steep climb , and it does the heart good to have somebody " call back " and cheerily beckon us on up the high hill .