
  1. 明《漕运通志》点校本前言

    On the Preface of The Water Transport Record of Ming Dynasty

  2. 对现行点校本古籍中误标误点的若干例证逐一分析错误成因,进而归纳总结出古书标点的几种常见错误。

    Several kinds of commonly made punctuation mistakes are summed up by illustrating such mistakes in proof-reading made in ancient books , reasons for which are analyzed one by one .

  3. 第二,第一章的第一节对中华书局点校本《梁书》的失校和误校之处进行勘正,其中包括标点和文字校勘,以及史实考辨。

    We check and correct the errors in the version of the Zhonghua Press , including punctuations , words and historical facts in the first section of the first chapter .

  4. 现行影响较大的点校本存在有错字、脱文与衍文、标点之误、正文误作评语、删节等问题,有违古籍整理出版的规范性和学术性。

    The proofreader 's copy that had great influence now has the wrong words , lost words and surplus words , the punctuation errors , making main body as remark , and the problems of abridgement , which ran counter to the standard and academic character .

  5. 论科研兴校的着力点&校本教学研究

    The Focus of the School Prosperity by Scientific Research School-orientated Teaching and Research

  6. 作为教师继续教育的重要组成部分的教师培训在教师的专业发展过程中非常重要,而立足学校、以教学实践为出发点的校本培训更显示出其特有的意义。

    As an important part of teachers ' continuing education , teachers ' training plays a very important role in professional development . And the school-based training displays its proper meaning , because it is based upon the school and starts from teaching experience .