
  • 网络Confusing concepts;confuse different concepts
  1. 全文分为五大部分,第一部分为“导论”,主要将几组易混淆概念区分开;

    The first part is introduction in which some confused concepts are distinguished .

  2. 看起来最初给它选这个名字是别有用心的,是故意混淆概念、故意制造“误解”的。

    It seems that the name was intentionally selected to create confusion , and from confusion comes misunderstanding .

  3. 古埃及人承认一个无限的,万能的,创造者的神,但增加了混淆概念的三位一体以把众神团结为一体。

    Ancient Egyptians acknowledged One infinite God , Almighty , and Creator but added the confusing concept of trinity to the Unity of God .

  4. 针对供热设计工作中涉及的几个易混淆概念,结合设计中的一些体会和经验,分别阐述了对每个概念的理解。

    In the light of some confusable concepts in the heat supply design , this paper expounds the understanding of each concept connecting with the experiences of the design .

  5. 在对信息混淆概念的理论界定基础上,我尝试对经济生活中信息混淆的原因进行信息系统内和信息系统外分析,并进一步将研究延伸到解决信息混淆现象的滤波理论。

    On the 9 basis of definition of information confusion , I try to analyze the causes inside and outside the system and extend the filter theory to resolve it .

  6. 论文也对超重货物运输中的相关概念进行了定义,并与几个易混淆概念进行了比较分析。

    Besides , several related conceptions are defined involving overweight goods transportation . Then , the overweight goods are compared and analyzed with several other goods to avoid being confused .

  7. 重点介绍和分析企业物流管理会计中的两个核心概念:决策成本与物流成本,并澄清了一些混淆概念,提出一些思考和质疑。

    And the author paid attention to introduce and analyze two core concepts of logistics management accounting : decision costs and logistics costs . And the part cleared some confusion concepts , and then proposed some thinking and questions .

  8. 本章首先界定了人力资本的定义,指明该课题研究需要准确理解人力资本价值的内涵,区分易混淆概念,并结合本课题的研究内容进行分析,为该课题的研究提供基本的理论保障。

    This chapter first defines the definition of human capital , indicate the need for an accurate understanding of the research value of human capital content , distinguish between easily confused concepts , and research projects with the content analysis , the subject of theoretical research to provide basic protection .

  9. 浅析WINDOWSnt中几个容易混淆的概念

    An Analysis of the Severals Confused Conceptions in Windows NT

  10. 本文就运用本体理论,在对目前的各种研究进行了调查以后,区别了几个关键的容易混淆的概念,然后提出了一个基于ontology的、web环境下的语义检索系统的结构模型。

    Under the research on current documents and applications , this paper tried to compare several critical concepts in ontology and information retrieval , and then it discussed an ontology-based semantic information retrieval model , which operates in the WWW environment .

  11. 基于组件的设计领域中,UML1有很多使人混淆的概念。

    In the area of component based design , UML1 had a confusing abundance of concepts .

  12. 理论力学中容易混淆的概念的教学

    The Teaching of Concept Witch Easy Mix up in Theoretical Mechanics

  13. 精炼脱氧技术中几个混淆的概念和模糊问题

    On some ambiguous and confusable concepts in deoxidation in steel refining

  14. 误解和刻意曲解是两个易被混淆的概念。

    In this paper , misinterpretation includes deliberate misinterpretation and unintentional misinterpretation .

  15. 建筑物抗震设计中几个易混淆的概念

    Some easily-confused conception in the antiseismic design of structures

  16. 否定是与肯定完全对立的不容混淆的概念。

    Negation and affirmation are totally opposite twin concepts .

  17. 浅谈脊柱外科中易混淆的概念

    Discussion about some easily confused concepts of spinal surgery

  18. 有的研究文献对其主要成果的通俗表述容易使人混淆一些概念。

    However , some papers on Tarski 's important results confused some conceptions .

  19. 概率中容易混淆的概念对比

    Comparison of the Likely Confusing Concepts in Probability

  20. 注册会计师审计责任与会计责任是两个容易混淆的概念。

    We often mix up two concepts of audit responsibility and account responsibility of registered accountants .

  21. 区分了和谐文化与文化和谐这两个容易混淆的概念。

    The paper distinguishes the harmonious culture from the cultural harmony which is easy to confuse .

  22. 尤其对其设计思维的理解更是一个混淆的概念。

    Particularly as to it 's design the comprehension of thinking is also a concept for confuse .

  23. 其次简单介绍VV&A的概念和原则,并对容易混淆的概念加以分析、比较;

    Secondly , it introduces the concepts and principles of VV & A , analyzes and compares the confessional concepts .

  24. 对最常见的符号信息从基本理论层次进行了分析,澄清了一些容易混淆的概念;

    The symbol information is analysed in the level of basic theory , and some easy confused concept is cleared .

  25. 本文首先对政府责任和责任行政这一对易混淆的概念进行了辨析。

    Firstly , the thesis shows the differences between the two confusing concepts : the government responsibility and the responsible administration .

  26. 该部分主要介绍了反向混淆的概念、历史沿革及对反向混淆行为的定性。

    This part introduced the concept of reverse confusion 、 the history of reverse confusion and the qualitative of reverse confusion .

  27. 这部分中对于传销和直销以及传销与非法传销等易于混淆的概念进行了梳理。

    This part clears off the concepts of pyramid selling , direct selling and illegal pyramid selling which are easily mixed-up .

  28. 本章首先对人力资本、人力资源和人力资产几个容易混淆的概念进行了界定和区分。

    First , it defines the three concepts easily confused : Human Capital , Human Resource , Human Asset , and differentiates them .

  29. 农业支持与农业保护是两个既有联系又有区别而且往往被混淆的概念,因此对两者内涵的辨析是必要的。

    Agricultural support and agricultural protect have connection and distinguish and often are confused , so it 's essential to differentiate the two concepts .

  30. 第二部分简要介绍了原型批评理论,尤其是弗莱的原型理论,并对文中易混淆的概念进行简要的区分比较。

    Part Two is a brief introduction to the archetypal criticism , Frye 's archetypal theory in particular , and distinction of some concepts .