
  • 网络concrete mixing plant;HZS
  1. 介绍了PLC在商品混凝土搅拌站自动控制系统中的应用,并详细地叙述了系统的软、硬件设计。

    The application of PLC in concrete mixing plant is presented , and the hardware and software design of the system are described in detail .

  2. 高速铁路CRTSⅡ型轨道板及箱梁专用混凝土搅拌站

    High Speed Railway CRTS ⅱ Rail Board and Concrete Mixing Plant Specialized for Beam

  3. 基于PLC和工控机的混凝土搅拌站测控系统设计

    Design of Concrete-Mixing-Station Measure-control System Based on PLC and IPC

  4. 基于PLC和嵌入式组态软件的小型混凝土搅拌站控制系统的设计

    Control system design of concrete mixing tower based on PLC and embedded MCGS

  5. 基于ARM的混凝土搅拌站自动控制系统

    Automation of a Concrete Batching Plant Based on ARM

  6. 积分分离式PID控制在混凝土搅拌站称量系统中的应用

    Application of Integral Separated PID Control in the Weighing System of a Concrete Mixing Station

  7. 基于ANN和DCS的混凝土搅拌站测控系统的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Concrete-Mixing-Station Measure-control System Based on ANN and DCS

  8. PAC控制器在混凝土搅拌站上的应用

    PAC controller in the application of concrete mixing station

  9. 基于PROFIBUS总线的沥青混凝土搅拌站控制系统

    An asphalt mixing station control system based on PROFIBUS

  10. 首先阐述一种集散控制型的连续强制式水泥混凝土搅拌站的工作原理,然后给出物料流量的最优积分分离式PID控制模型和算法,并给出计算机仿真结果。

    The paper firstly introduces the working principles of the station , then expresses PID controlling model and arithmetic of the material flux , and finally computes the simulation result .

  11. 混凝土搅拌站的选址问题(theallocationproblemoftheconcretemixingplants,以下简称APCMP)属于组合优化问题,随着我国建筑业的迅速发展,近年来越来越表现出其重要的实际意义。

    The allocation problem of the concrete mixing plants ( APCMP ) belongs to the combinatorial optimization problem , it shows the more important practical significance with the rapid development of the construction industry .

  12. 在简要分析对PLC开关量产生干扰的基础上,从安全性、可靠性等方面考虑,介绍了混凝土搅拌站中可编程控制器开关量的几种软件抗干扰措施。

    On purpose to improve the safety factor and reliability factor in concrete mixer work-station , this paper presents several methods of antijamming program design after analyzing the production of jamming in PLC 's I / O switch .

  13. S7-200PLC在混凝土搅拌站中的应用

    Application of S7-200 PLC in Concrete Mixing Station

  14. 本文介绍的混凝土搅拌站自动化控制系统,此系统以工控机为上位机,PLC为下位机,基于组态王操作平台,提供了一种实用的混凝土搅拌站自动化控制系统方案。

    This article introduce a system of automatic control for Concrete Mixing Station , IPC is upper machinery and PLC is subordinate machinery for this system . On the base of operation , which provide a useful project that a system of automatic control for stirrer of concrete .

  15. 最后以160t智能沥青混凝土搅拌站为例进行了分析。

    At the end of this paper , the system of bituminous concrete mixer which has tonnage of 160 is taken for a example .

  16. 该产品是依照GB10172《混凝土搅拌站技术条件》中配料系统的技术标准设计的。

    This product is GB10172 concrete mixing station in accordance with the technical conditions of technical standards of burdening system design .

  17. 混凝土搅拌站及配套设备采购与服务,编号MJAM-WZZB-10006。其中:规格型号为HZS60,数量2套。

    Purchase of Concrete Mixing Station and the Auxiliary Units and Services . Number : MJAM-WZZB-10006 . Specifications : HZS60 . Quantity : 2 sets .

  18. 采用S7-200PLC设计并开发出混凝土搅拌站控制系统,详细分析了其控制流程、硬件组成以及软件实现方法。

    A control system based on S7-200 PLC in the Concrete Mixing Station is designed , and the flow , hardware configuration and software realization of the system are analyzed .

  19. 气路控制系统在混凝土搅拌站上的应用

    Application of the pneumatic control system in the concrete mixing station

  20. 连续强制式水泥混凝土搅拌站及其控制算法研究

    Research on Control Algorithm for Continuous Forced Cement Concrete Mixing Station

  21. 混凝土搅拌站称量搅拌微机控制系统

    Microcomputer control system for weighing and mixing in concrete mixing station

  22. 客运专线用高性能混凝土搅拌站

    Concrete Mix Plant with High Performance Used in Express Railway

  23. 混凝土搅拌站是一种用来制备混凝土的机械装备。

    Concrete mixing plant is used to prepare concrete machinery and equipment .

  24. 混凝土搅拌站控制系统故障处理经验

    Trouble shooting of control system in the concrete mixing plant

  25. 工业以太网在混凝土搅拌站自动控制中的应用

    The application of industry ethernet to automatic control of concrete mixing station

  26. 中小城市商品混凝土搅拌站发展策略

    Strategy of Developing Commodity Concrete Mixing Plants in Medium and Small Cities

  27. 节能环保混凝土搅拌站方案设计实例

    A Design Case of Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Ready-mix Concrete Plant

  28. 沥青混凝土搅拌站称重系统的误差补偿

    Error Compensation of Weighing System of Asphalt Concrete Mixing Plant

  29. 混凝土搅拌站加强质量管理的几点方法

    Several methods about concrete stirring station how to improve the quality management

  30. 可编程控制器在混凝土搅拌站控制系统上的应用

    The use of PLC for the control system of concrete stirring station