
  • 网络Accident mortality rate;death rate of accident
  1. 基于BP网络的我国工伤事故死亡率预测模型

    Forecast Model of the Death Rate of Chinese Industrial Accidents Based on BP Network

  2. 文中用ARMA模型,对1974年至2003年全国工业企业事故死亡率进行时间序列分析,用SAS软件检验模型的可行性,并进行预测应用。

    Using ARMA model , this paper analysed the enterprise accident death rate from 1974 to 2003 in China and verified the model by SAS .

  3. 在居民各类伤害中运输事故死亡率和YPLL均位居首位,淹溺、中毒分列第二、三位;

    Both mortality and YPLL of transport accidents in all injuries of inhabitants were the first and drowning and poisoning ranked the second and the third , respectively .

  4. 目的了解辽宁省城市居民交通事故死亡率变化趋势和特点。

    Character of Exposure-Response Relationship between Particulate Matter and Population Mortality ;

  5. 所以题干说:“高速公路上的事故死亡率比其他路面上的高”是错误的。

    The death rate on highways is half that of all other U.

  6. 泰国的交通事故死亡率高居世界第二。

    Thailand has the second worst record in the world for traffic fatalities .

  7. 这条路上的事故死亡率已经下降了。

    The death toll has fallen .

  8. 地区城镇人口密度与地区安全生产事故死亡率的关系微弱。

    Moreover , the density of population has weak relation with the mortality of regional prnduetion safety accident .

  9. 中国的交通事故死亡率居世界前几位,尽管死亡人数近年来一直在下降。

    China has one of the world 's highest rates of traffic deaths , though fatalities have been declining in recent years .

  10. 机动车辆交通事故死亡率由高到低依次为:农村男性、城市男性、农村女性、城市女性。

    The order of traffic accident death from high to low was rural male , male in city , rural female and female in city .

  11. 有专家预测,中国道路交通事故死亡率在未来十年期间仍将在此高位徘徊。

    The expert predicts that Chinese road traffic accident death rate will wander up and down in such high position during the following ten years .

  12. 据卫生部说,泰国是世界上交通事故死亡率最高的国家之一,平均每小时有两人死于交通事故。

    On average , two people die in road accidents every hour in Thailand & one of the world 's worst accident rates , the ministry said .

  13. 不过在民航飞行时间每年以两位数增长的同时,近段时间以来中国的民航事故死亡率却要比欧美国家更低。

    The most recent fatal-accident rates for China were lower than America 's and Europe 's , despite double-digit annual growth in the number of hours China 's airlines fly .

  14. 结论应降低饮酒驾车和醉酒驾车BAC标准,以利于减少交通事故肇事死亡率。

    Conclusion The BAC criteria for drinking driving and drunk driving should be reduced .

  15. 交通事故的死亡率在迅速增长。

    The rum her of road deaths has increased rapidly .

  16. 郊县的各类运输事故人群死亡率和减寿率明显高于市区;

    The rural mortality and the rate of PYLL of transportation accidents were higher than that in urban .

  17. 我国目前交通事故的死亡率、致残率居高不下,很大的一个原因是紧急救援体系还很不完善。

    At present , accident emergency aid system in China is not perfect , which leads to very high rate of death and disability .

  18. 参考其它事故的死亡率,防水煤柱的失效概率为1×10-5~1×10-6比较合适

    In contrast with other accidents , the lose efficacy probability of the barrier pillar ranges suitably in 1 × 10 - 5 ~ 1 × 10 - 6

  19. 1988~1990年上海市9个郊县道路交通事故率、死亡率及伤死率均高于12个市区(P<0.01),其中死亡率及伤死率分别是后者的1.85及1.81倍。

    During 1988 1990 period , the traffic accident mortality and case fatality rates in 9 rural counties were found to be 1.85 and 1.81 times higher than those in 12 urban districts respectively ( P < 0.01 ) .

  20. 比如说,左撇子驾驶员在交通事故中的死亡率是正常人的将近5倍。

    statistics like left-handed drivers being about five times more likely to die in a car accident seemed to support this theory .

  21. 因此,如何有效的监测和防止驾驶员疲劳驾驶,对于降低交通事故及人员死亡率,有着十分重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , how to effectively monitor and prevent driver fatigue driving has much real significance to reduce traffic accidents and personnel mortality .

  22. 城市机动车交通事故和自杀死亡率均呈上升趋势,农村自杀死亡率呈明显下降趋势。

    The mortality of traffic accident and suicide was increased in urban areas , the mortality of suicide was decreased in rural areas .

  23. 当人们开始注意到它时,城市化已酿成了不少恶果和灾难,大量居民生活居住条件恶化,交通拥堵和交通事故频发,死亡率上升,贫富差距拉大,环境污染严重,社会失控,犯罪猖獗。

    Once people start to realize the challenge , urbanization has already resulted in consequences as for traffic jam , death increase , poverty , pollution and crime rampancy .

  24. 因此,研究公路平面交叉口的安全诊断改善技术对于提高整个公路系统的交通安全,降低交通事故率和死亡率具有重要的意义。

    So the study of Highway intersection safety diagnosis and improvement method is very important to low death and injuries , as well as improving the whole highway system traffic safety .

  25. 进行此项研究的卡迪夫大学的专家们希望政府出台一项夜间连续驾驶最长两小时的限令,以减少交通事故、降低死亡率。

    Experts at Cardiff University who carried out the research want governments to impose a maximum two-hour limit on continuous night-time driving in a bid to curb accidents and death rates .

  26. 第三部分,依据动态系统控制论基本原理,选取综合事故率和死亡率为安全状态变量,以危险度和控制度为参数,构建水上交通系统的安全状态方程模型。

    In the third part , based on the dynamic system control theory , it select the integrated accident rate and mortality for safety state variables , the degree of risk and control for parameters . Ultimately , a safety-state-equation model of water transportation system is constructed .

  27. 事故发生率和死亡率较高的车型是大型货车。

    The accident rate and mortality mainly caused by large trucks .

  28. 论文应用灰色模型对我国2003年至2020年中长期火灾事故10万人死亡率进行预测分析,预测结果表明我国在未来时期火灾事故的10万人死亡率总体水平基本稳定。

    Gray forecasting model is applied to predict analyzing domestic death rate per hundred thousand persons ranging from 2003 year to 2020 year .

  29. 虽然气囊可以降低交通事故中人员的死亡率和损伤程度,但同时也引起很多非致命性的损伤。

    Also , airbags have reduced the severity of injuries in automobile collisions . However , it has associated with some nonfatal injuries .

  30. 我国车辆交通事故导致的儿童死亡率是欧洲的2.5倍,美国的2.6倍。

    In pediatric population , the fatality rate in automotive crash in China is about 2.5 times that of European countries and the United States of America .