
  1. 但这件事道出了一个事实,就是我们那里非常缺乏安全感,你需要伪装成另一种人,才能越过重重社会壁垒。

    but it speaks to a very real insecurity in these places that you have to pretend to be somebody you 're not to get past these various social barriers .

  2. 关于丹尼尔的事我从没道过歉

    I never apologized for Daniel .

  3. 当我们长大了,父母就更像是我们的朋友,爱玛回忆起这件事时感慨道。

    When we grow up , our parents become more our friends rather than our parents , she said .

  4. 电影中,他的角色装成一个傻子并对投入战争这件事反其道而行。

    In this film his character pretends to be an idiot and goes against the current of plunging into this war .

  5. 狼看到这件事,心中想道:“狮子好像很温顺,它一定很软弱!”

    Observing this , the wolf began to ponder , " This lion seems so meek1 , he must be very weak ! "

  6. 作为环球音乐首席执行官的卢西恩?格兰奇(LucianGrainge),正在尝试这样一件不可能完成的事。他解释道,这项并购是环球公司对“投资音乐产业未来”所做的努力。

    Lucian Grainge , the head of Universal , tries to square this circle . He explains that the merger is an effort to " invest in the future of theindustry . "

  7. 无论怎样都不关你事!哈利回答道。

    And it 's really none of your business , said Harry .

  8. 昨天的事我想先道个歉。

    I 'd like to apologize for what happened .

  9. 不!我决不做任何伤害她的事!我叫道。

    ' No ! I 'll do nothing to hurt her ! 'I cried .

  10. 但这可不是开玩笑的事儿。常言道,健康就是财富。

    But it is no joking matter . Health is wealth , as they say .

  11. 找你来,是想谈谈全国销售会议的事,他亮底道。

    " I wanted to see you about the national sales meeting ," he announced .

  12. 我永远、永远不会做让我父亲担心或不快的事,她许诺道。

    ' I 'll never , never do anything to worry or annoy Father , ' she promised .

  13. 但是他从来没有跟人提过自己结婚的事,帕切特回忆道,他的团队一片哗然,后来通过冷战把他排挤走了。

    He had never mentioned to anyone that he was getting married , Pachter recalls . His team was furious . They froze him out .

  14. 他又指示我一件事。有一道墙是按准绳建筑的,主手拿准绳站在其上。

    Thus he shewed me : and , behold , the LORD stood upon a wall made by a plumbline , with a plumbline in his hand .

  15. 只要是着想效用函数极大化,就尽对决不会干的那类事中,有一类事叫道道德为。

    So long as is considered that the utility function maximization , absolutely in the dry that kind of matter , some kind of matter will not be called the moral behavior .