
  • 网络de facto standard;de facto;facto standard;de fact standard
  1. 它是Google用于服务器对服务器调用的事实标准。

    It is the de facto standard at Google for any server-to-server calls .

  2. XML技术出现后,已经逐步成为各种网络应用中数据交换和存储的事实标准。

    XML has gradually become the de facto standard for data exchange and data storage in network applications .

  3. 随着Internet的迅速发展,XML逐渐成为互联网上信息存储和交换的事实标准。

    With prompt development of Internet , XML is emerging as the common standard for data representation and exchange .

  4. XML已经成为互联网上数据发布和数据交换的事实标准。

    XML is fast emerging as the standard for data representation and exchange on the World Wide Web .

  5. XML为Web提供了一致的数据模型和描述语言,已成为表示Web中多样性数据的事实标准。

    XML has become the standard to represent data in Web and it provides a uniform data model for Web data .

  6. 近年来,随着Internet的快速发展,XML已经发展成为Web数据表示和交换的事实标准。

    As the rapid development of Internet , XML has become the de facto standard of Web data presentation and exchange .

  7. 随着网络信息的发展,可扩展标记语言XML越来越多地被用于网络信息传输上,迅速成为网络数据表示和信息交换的事实标准。

    Along with the development of the network , XML is more and more often used for the network information transmission .

  8. MVC设计模式则是当今设计各种交互式应用的事实标准。

    MVC is the de facto standard for designing interactive applications .

  9. 当前,传输层安全性(TransportLayerSecurity(TLS))是因特网上安全通信的事实标准。

    Currently , Transport Layer Security ( TLS ) is the de facto standard for secure communication over the Internet .

  10. 而XML本身具有的平台无关性、可扩展性、自描述性等特性,使得XML己经成为数据交换的事实标准。

    And with the features of platform independency , extendibility , and self-description , XML becomes the factual standard of data exchange .

  11. 随着XML成为WEB上数据表示和交换的事实标准,XML数据的语义映射成为新的研究热点。

    As XML has been the de facto stan-dard of data representation and exchange in the Web , XML data semantic mapping becomes a research hotspot .

  12. WINSOCK是在Windows进行网络通信编程的API接口,也是Windows环境下网络编程的事实标准。

    WINSOCK is the interface of Windows communication program 's API and WINSOCK is the standardization of Windows communication .

  13. Motorola公司只提出了一种事实标准,并没有标准的版本协议。

    The Motorola puts forward a facial standard without unified protocol .

  14. BGP协议是Internet域间路由协议的事实标准。

    The Border Gateway Protocol , BGP , is currently the de-facto standard for inter-domain routing in today 's Internet .

  15. Wrapped-Document/Literal模式提供了高度互操作的web服务设计,且在定义Web服务时已被服务供应商社区作为事实标准接受。

    Wrapped Document / Literal pattern provides highly interoperable web service design and has been accepted in the service provider community as a de facto standard while defining the Web Services .

  16. 因此,Web服务是实现SOA(要求请求程序和提供程序之间进行松散耦合)的事实标准。

    For this reason , Web services are the de facto standard for implementing an SOA that requires a loose coupling between a requester and a provider .

  17. STL作为CAD与RP系统之间数据接口的事实标准,所有的RP系统都支持该数据接口。

    STL is deemed to the factual standard of data interface between CAD and a RP system .

  18. 如前所述,JUnit是测试由Java代码开发的应用程序所需的事实标准。

    As mentioned , JUnit is the de facto standard to test an application developed in Java code .

  19. XML具有的与平台无关、易于扩展、交互性好、语义性强等特性,使得XML已经成为数据交换的事实标准。

    XML itself is platform-independent , easy to expand , interactive , semantic in nature etc , it has been made as the fact standard of data exchange .

  20. 事实标准XMLHttpRequest对象的正式化,它是Ajax通信的核心

    A formalization of the de-facto standard XMLHttpRequest object , the centerpiece of Ajax communication

  21. HTML可以让我们自如地在各种不同的资源之间进行切换,它已成为一种在网络上使用的事实标准。

    HTML makes it easy for us to transfer between different resources . It has become an actual standard for Internet use .

  22. IPSec协议良好的体系结构及解决端对端通信的能力使其已经成为开发VPN的事实标准。

    The better ability to solve end-to-end communicating of IPSec makes IPSec the factual criterion to develop VPN .

  23. SSL协议作为端到端可靠的传输安全的事实标准,得到了大力的发展。

    SSL protocol as the transmission of secure and reliable end to end de facto standard has been vigorously development .

  24. 边界网关协议BGP是当前因特网域间路由协议的事实标准,基于策略的路由选择过程使它不再是严格意义上的距离矢量协议,也不再具有距离矢量协议的收敛性。

    The Border Gateway Protocol , BGP , is currently the only inter-domain routing protocol employed on the Internet .

  25. 由于得到大量应用,USB(通用串行总线)已经成为嵌入式系统互连解决方案的事实标准,在市场中的地位十分稳固。

    With its wide adoption and installation base , USB ( Universal Serial Bus ) has solidified its position as the de-facto standard of connectivity solutions for embedded systems .

  26. KQML是一种最常见的Agent通信语言,目前已成为Agent通讯语言的事实标准,并得到广泛的应用。

    KQML is a kind of most common Agent Communication Language . It has been accepted as a standard of Agent Communication Language in fact and widely used at present .

  27. XML是一种由W3C推出的标记语言,因为它的跨平台,跨网络的特性及其易扩展的语法和语义,使其成为了网络上数据交换的事实标准。

    XML is a markup language brought up by W3C and it has become the factual standard of data exchange over internet for its platform and network independence .

  28. XWindowSystem,也称为X或X11,是一个开源的图形用户界面,它是Linux(和UNIX)系统的事实标准。

    The X Window System , also known as X or X11 , is an open source graphical user interface that is the de facto standard for Linux ( and UNIX ) systems .

  29. 这个领域中的一种事实标准描述语言是WSDL,创建该语言的目的是给服务的接口和实现提供一个抽象层。

    A de facto standard description language in this domain is WSDL , which was created to provide an abstraction layer around a service 's interface and implementation .

  30. 借助来自联邦政府和许多医疗系统的支持,DirectProject凭借其优厚的条件成为交换简单医疗文档(比如转诊信息、保险信息、测试结果和医疗历史)的事实标准。

    With support from the federal government and many healthcare systems , the Direct Project is well positioned to become the de facto standard for exchanging simple healthcare documents such as referrals , insurance information , test results , and medical history .