
  • 网络Characteristic
  1. 树立正确观念,掌握WTO规则,找准市场角色和定位,进行企业过程再造,使企业经营特色化,产品个性化,是企业增强竞争实力的最佳选择。

    But It will be dangerous for the enterprises . The best choice of improving competition ability is setting up correct business concepts , grasping WTO rules , finding a exact market position , implementing BPR , making enterprises characteristic and products individual .

  2. 近代企业家朱志尧企业经营特色论

    A Discussion of a Modern Entrepreneur , ZHU Zhi-yao 's Management Characteristic of Enterprises

  3. 作为一个印刷大国,一定要在经营特色与经营生产效率上进行加强。

    As a big printing country , we must be in power management features and management production efficiency on strengthening .

  4. 努力地经营特色,山西地方文献工作一定前景光明,大有可为。

    If we develop its characters well , the work for Shanxi 's local documents must be of a bright future .

  5. 因此,在投资方面必须注意把握规模和区位,突出经营特色,进行分步投资。

    Therefore , the developers must pay attention to the investment scale and position , carry on investment step by step .

  6. 都市型工业园区的发展具有地域性、阶段性等特征,提高用地效益、增强科技含量、强化经营特色是都市型工业园区的发展趋势。

    Improving land usage and technology level as well as strengthening characteristic management is the trend of urban industrial zone development .

  7. 整合经营特色发展&我国中小城市发展战略思考

    Managing in Conformity and Developing with Specific Characteristics & Refections on the Strategy of Development for Small and Medium Cities in China

  8. 建设和服绸出口专厂,发扬产品经营特色,以质取胜,发展深加工,扩大出口。

    Establish export Kimono silk factories aiming at expansion of export by competition of quality and promotion of " value-increment " process .

  9. 商场形象定位包括时尚定位、档次定位、居家定位、文化定位、服务定位和经营特色定位。

    Emporium image positioning include vogue positioning , grade positioning , family positioning , culture positioning , service positioning , characteristic management positioning .

  10. 继承传统经营特色,实施名牌经营战略是胡玉美酿造食品有限公司获得成功的关键所在。胡玉美人秉承和发展百年酱王创民族名牌的经营理念。

    To inherit traditional business operation and implement famous brand business strategy is the key to success for Hu Yu-mei Brew Food Company .

  11. 要解决这些问题,必须要强化战略管理,结合自身实际,选择小而精、小而专战略、经营特色战略、高新技术战略或特许经营战略等;

    To solve these problems , we should , first , strengthen strategic management and choose the suitable strategies according to their characteristics ;

  12. 以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。

    To many varieties management characteristic and the principle of small profits and quick turnover , win the trust of the majority of customers .

  13. 尽管它在不同时期有着不尽相同的经营特色,但透过其表象,仍可从中找到它共同的经营特点和规律。

    Although it has different characteristics during different periods , common characteristics and rules of business can still be found out through the appearance .

  14. 从大生金融机构的诞生、营运、兴盛和失败过程,可以看到它具有与当时一般社会金融机构不同的地方经营特色。

    Analyzing the process of naissance , management and failure , the characteristics can be showed up which were different from the other financial organizations .

  15. 中国的商业银行,特别是那些有经营特色,市场意识强烈的中、小商业银行具有良好的投资价值。

    The local commercial banks , particularly the medium and small banks which have good characteristics and good sense of marketing have excellent investment value .

  16. 其中,实施品牌战略有利于连锁超市提高信誉、形成经营特色、降低商品价格、提升市场竞争力。

    The implementation of brand strategy may benefit enterprise in the improvement of reputation , managerial style , lowering prices and the promotion of competitiveness .

  17. 应拓展其市场,改善其设施,加强内部管理,形成经营特色,提升服务质量,以实现健身俱乐部的良性发展。

    They should broaden markets , improve facilities , strengthen inner management , form their own characteristics , and promote service quality to realize favorable development .

  18. 我们重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。

    We re-credit , keep the contract , to ensure product quality , variety principles of operating characteristics and puerile , and win the trust of our customers .

  19. 并详细论述了吉野林业的借地林业制度、山守制度、组合制度等经营特色和集约经营的育林技术模式。

    Expounds in detail the integrated forest cultivation technical model and the operating characteristics of the forestry institutes of renting land , guarding mountain , and grouping resources in Yosino ;

  20. 经销的产品价格种类繁多,款式齐全,价格合理,保证产品价格质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。

    With a wide range of products , complete models , reasonable prices and high quality , it has won the trust of customers under the principles of various categories and low price .

  21. 清末放垦以前,蒙古族的农业种植业属于一种附属于游牧业的农业,带有明显的粗放经营特色。

    With an evident characteristic of extensive management , the Mongolian nationality 's farming was a kind of agriculture attached to pasturing before free cultivation was permitted at the end of the Qing Dynasty .

  22. 研究药店管理的某些对策,努力把药店办成药学服务的窗口,以服务质量和经营特色取胜,是办好药店的一个重要决策。

    The most important strategy of successfully managing a pharmacy is to try to make pharmacy become a window of medical service by studying its strategy and to win through the service quality and characteristic management .

  23. 因此,在准确把握自身定位的前提下,进行发展和创新,努力寻觅和创造自己的经营特色对于购物中心来说显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , in the process of development and innovation , it is essential for these malls to seek and create the operation characteristics of their own on the premise of accurately grasp the market orientation .

  24. 在此基础上,本文分析了中国跨国公司的几个成长点,包括大型企业和企业集团、企业集群、中小型企业中具有经营特色的企业、国内市场产品饱和的企业等。

    The paper presents several points of Chinese TNC development , including the large-scale enterprises and enterprise groups , enterprise clusters , small and medium-sized enterprises characteristic in business , and the enterprises of product saturation in the domestic market .

  25. 本文着重以三大新财经报纸为研究范本,运用新闻传播学理论和经济学一些基本概念,引入大量的例证,对新财经报纸的报道和经营特色进行了较为全面的思考和论述。

    Applying some basic and classic theories in economics and journalism , the thesis makes a relatively complete thinking and illustration about the characteristics of the new economic newspaper on the base of examples of the-big-three economic newspapers mainly through case-analyzing approach .

  26. 同时借鉴世界上几大烟草公司的经营特色,从渠道结构、零售商管理以及物流配送等方面对我国烟草商业企业营销渠道的改进提出了一些建议和对策。

    Several major tobacco companies operating characteristics of the world used for reference in this article . Some suggestions and countermeasures from the channel structure , retailers , and logistics and distribution to improve the tobacco business enterprise marketing channels in China .

  27. 本文针对新形势下安徽经济的若干问题进行了探讨和分析,对包括构建现代农业、改造和升级制造业、经营特色服务业等方面提出了意见和措施,以加快安徽经济的崛起和发展。

    Some problems about economics of Anhui province under new situation were ( analyzed ) and discussed , including some suggestions and measures on constructing modern agriculture , improving and updating manufacturing and characteristic service industries to accelerate economic development of Anhui province .

  28. 因此,试图从购物中心的商圈辐射范围和经营特色的定位两个角度,构建我国购物中心的市场定位体系,以期能对我国购物中心的良性健康发展做出贡献。

    Therefore , the writer attempts to construct the market positioning system of the shopping center in our country from the radiation scope of business circle positioning and the characteristic management positioning , in order to promote the good development of the shopping center in China .

  29. 家族整体经营的特色。

    The whole operating spirits of clan unified management .

  30. 发挥优势错位经营走特色路

    To bring advantage into full play , discrepant management and go characteristic way