
  1. 被迫离开GAN后,她求助于时任安盛首席执行官的克洛德•贝贝阿(ClaudeBébéar)。

    Forced to leave , she turned to Claude B é b é ar , Axa 's then chief executive and a fellow Polytechnique alumnus .

  2. 庆幸的是,当她们(和我)不再纠结于食物焦虑时,这些烹饪书——尤其是罗森施特拉赫的书以及珍妮·卡伦科(JennyCarenco)的《贝贝美食家》(BébéGourmet)——还是提供了几十个听起来很棒的菜谱。

    The silver lining is that when they ( and I ) stop perseverating on food anxiety , the cookbooks - especially the ones by Rosenstrach , and also " B é b é Gourmet , " by Jenny Carenco - feature dozens of extraordinary-sounding recipes .

  3. 我们去看蜜蜂,贝贝遭刺了。

    We went to see the bees and Beth got stung .

  4. 在为人方面贝贝是一个杰出的典范。

    As a person David Beckham is a brilliant role model .

  5. 她觉得她的女儿和雷蕾贝贝。

    She think her daughters Bei Bei and Lei Lei .

  6. 他们是贝贝,晶晶,欢欢,迎迎,和妮妮。

    They are Beibei , Jingjing , Huanhuan , Yingying and Nini .

  7. 蓝牛贝贝高六十英尺,早饭前重十五吨。

    Babe weighed fifteen tons before breakfast and stood sixty feet tall .

  8. 彭尼:滚回你的婴儿用围栏里去,贝贝。

    Penny : Go back to your playpen , Baby .

  9. 蓝色的贝贝是一条鱼,代表着海洋。

    Beibei is a fish , symbolizing the sea .

  10. 水中项目是贝贝的强项,她是奥林匹克五环中蓝色的那一环。

    Beibei is accomplished in water sports , and reflects the blue Olympic ring .

  11. 莫奇,贝贝熊的家在哪里呢?

    Where is bobby 's house , mocky ?

  12. 每个星期天,贝贝都会到文化宫学习芭蕾舞。

    Every Sunday , Bei Bei goes to the cultural palace to learn ballet .

  13. 贝贝熊的家在那里。

    There 's bobby 's house , lulu !

  14. 贝贝:那上面只不过是一些谣言。

    Beibei : that is just gossip .

  15. 贝贝熊先生大受欢迎。

    Mr. Berenstain was a big hit .

  16. 把贝贝贴在黑板上。

    Put Beibei on the bb .

  17. 是贝贝在唱,还是琼在唱?

    Is Beibei singing or Joan ?

  18. “来到曼联对于贝贝来说并不容易,”布朗说。

    " Coming to Manchester United is a very different experience for Bebe ," said Wes .

  19. 去年,我在宣武艺园里看到一只纯白色的小猫,给它取名叫贝贝。

    Last year , I found a white kitten in the Xuanwu Park and named it Beibei .

  20. 我很高兴卡佩罗意识到了贝贝是我们球队中非常重要并且有很大影响力的球员。

    I 'm glad Capello realised Beckham is a very important and highly influential player for the team .

  21. 贝贝需要钉掌时,铁匠就得在明尼苏达新开一座铁矿。

    When Babe needed new shoes , the blacksmith had to open a new iron mine in Minnesota .

  22. 贝贝传递繁荣和丰收之意,它代表奥运的蓝环和水上运动。

    Beibei , passing the wish of flourish and harvest , it represents the blue ring and aquatic sports .

  23. 但与后来的许多科幻电影如出一辙,《霹雳贝贝》没能想象未来。

    But like most of the sci-fi films that followed it , Thunderbolt Baby failed to imagine the future .

  24. 我是贝贝,太高兴认识你啦!我希望我能为你做一些事。

    I 'm Beibei ! Nice to meet you too ! I wish I could do something for you .

  25. 霍老头应该谈更多如何激起球员的激情总好过和贝贝打嘴战。

    Roy would do better talking to his players about passion rather than talking to the press about Benitez .

  26. 贝贝饭量极大,须为他准备大量干草和土豆皮。但它的力气也极大,一次就能拉走一座森林的木材。

    The ox ate tremendous amounts of hay and potato peels and could haul a whole forest of logs .

  27. 有人说这是因为下蓝雪那年冬天,贝贝贪玩儿,在外头待得太久了。

    Some said it had turned blue from playing outdoors too long during the Winter of the Blue Snow .

  28. 贝贝贝蒂嘘昆虫首饰在六十年代很红但最近我注意到一个时尚潮流

    Insect jewelry had its heyday in the ' 60s , but lately I 've been noticing a fashion trend .

  29. 贝贝还在地上挖了一个小坑,灌了点水,造了一个“人工湖”。

    Bei-Bei dug a pit beside it , dropped some water inside and made it become an " artificial lake "!

  30. 我们都没有对贝贝的表现感到吃惊,因为他一直以来都是非常一个重要的球员。

    David Beckham 's display was no surprise to any of us , because he 's always been an important player .