
zhé kòu shānɡ diàn
  • Discount store;discount house
  1. 即便是工作日的下午,也有成百上千的购物者在这个小镇充满意大利风情的街道上溜达。佛罗伦萨小镇的建筑面积为6万平方米,品牌折扣商店林立,各色名品琳琅满目,从普拉达(Prada)背包到彪马(Puma)鞋应有尽有。

    Even on a weekday afternoon , hundreds of shoppers stroll the Italianate lanes of the 60000m2 outdoor complex with their rows of discount brand outlets selling everything from Prada bags to Puma shoes .

  2. 近来据传闻,连锁折扣商店aldi为毕业生提供4万英镑的起薪3年后升至6万英镑以及一辆公司的汽车。

    Aldi , the discount chain , was recently reported to be offering university leavers a starting salary of 40000 , rising to 60000 after three years , and a company car .

  3. 他们会去折扣商店,但仍购买同一品牌。

    They will go to value outlets but still buy the same brand .

  4. 折扣商店往往花在商品陈列方面的时间与费用较少。

    In most discount houses , less time and money are spent on displaying goods .

  5. 在折扣商店你付现金,那里不接受信用卡和支票。

    You have to pay with hard cash at the discount store ; they won 't accept credit cards or cheques there .

  6. 然而,你到多数折扣商店去买摄影器材,家庭用品、书籍、唱片及其他非个人用品,可以省点钱。

    Nevertheless , you can save money in most discount stores on such things as photographic equipment , household items , books and records and other non-personal articles .

  7. 罗克珊娜:在我去最大折扣商店血拼时,我需要你帮我抢货。还有帮我拎所有的包和袋子。

    Roxana : I need you to run interference while I go for the best bargains and to hold all of the bags and packages while I shop .

  8. 杰夫说甚至有证据显示一些商家开始试图取消最近秋季的订单,或直接向折扣商店发出订单。

    There 's even evidence some stores have been trying to cancel orders for late fall or send what they 've ordered straight to discounters like TJX Cos . , Jaffe said .

  9. 但专业文具商开始填补一个小众市场,即针对折扣商店销售的回形针、圆珠笔和笔记本,为零售顾客提供定制的、高端的、或奇特版产品。

    But specialist stationers are starting to fill a niche for retail customers with bespoke , high-end or quirky ranges of the same paper-clips , ballpoint pens and notebooks sold by the discounters .

  10. 它的赞助商,爱丽丝。沃尔顿,是欧扎克第一家族的后裔,她的父亲,山姆。沃尔顿于1962年在阿肯色州的罗格斯附近开了一间折扣商店,起名沃尔玛。

    Its patron , Alice Walton , is the scion of the Ozarks'first family : her father , Sam Walton , opened a discount store called Wal-Mart in nearby Rogers , Arkansas , in1962 .

  11. 霍华德不得不回家,然后在一个打八折折扣的商店里工作。

    Howard had to go home and then worked at a store selling merchandise of a20 % discount .

  12. 折扣高尔夫俱乐部网上商店提供最优质的高尔夫俱乐部和高尔夫设备,箱包,鞋类及配件的高尔夫游戏很大的折扣。

    Discount Golf Clubs Online Shop provides the highest quality golf clubs and Golf Equipments , bags , shoes and accessories for your golf game at great discount .