
  • 网络MACRS;Accelerated Depreciation;Normal Depreciation;depreciation
  1. 在现行的会计制度中,提倡企业使用加速折旧法。

    Current accounting system recommends enterprises to use accelerated depreciation .

  2. 关于固定资产加速折旧法有关问题的探讨

    A Discussion about the Accelerated Depreciation Method of Fixed Asset

  3. 利用折旧法中的楼梯法,再结合设备的主要组成物质的排放因子,初步分析了机械设备在折旧过程中排放的CO2量。

    The staircase method , combined with the main emission factors of the equipment , was used to analyze the CO2 emission of depreciation of manufacturing machinery .

  4. 企业应逐步推行快速折旧法

    Enterprises should carry out the Method of speeding up Depreciation Gradually

  5. 摊销无形资产通常用直线折旧法。

    The straight-line method normally is used for amortizing intangible assets .

  6. 双倍余额递减折旧法的深入研究

    The deep research on depreciation method of double decline balance

  7. 浅谈加速折旧法的简便算法

    On the Simple Calculation Way of Accelerating Depreciation Method

  8. 如符合有关规定,也可采用加速折旧法。

    If conforming to relevant regulations , accelerated depreciation method may be adopted .

  9. 以比直线折旧法更快的速度注销固定资产的成本。

    A depreciation method which allows faster write-offs than the straight line method .

  10. 递减价值定率折旧法不适定问题数值解法

    Depreciation method of fixed percentage of diminishing value numerical method for improperly posed problems

  11. 至今最为广泛使用的加速折旧法叫双倍余额递减法。

    By far the most widely used accelerated depreciation method is called double-declining-balance method .

  12. 递减价值定率折旧法

    Depreciation method of fixed percentage of diminishing value

  13. 采用加速折旧法就一定会减少纳税支出吗?

    Will accelerated depreciation really reduce tax expenditure ?

  14. 试论固定资产加速折旧法

    Talk on Accelerated Depreciation Method of Capital Assets

  15. 为什麽税务用途的加速折旧法产生了一项负债?

    Why does the accelerated method of depreciation for tax purposes lead to a liability ?

  16. 稳定的法理解读浅论固定资产市价折旧法

    An Interpretation of " Stability " on the Principle of Law On Market Depreciation Approach

  17. 用例中的数据,直线折旧法下年折旧率计算如下

    Using the data in our example , the annual straight-line depreciation is computed as follows

  18. 喜马拉雅条款研究浅论固定资产市价折旧法

    The Himalaya Clause On Market Depreciation Approach

  19. 定率递减余额折旧法;

    Fixed rate on declining balance method ;

  20. 原始成本定率折旧法

    Depreciation percentage of original cost method

  21. 使用年限比例折旧法

    Proportional depreciation method of application years

  22. 按成本的固定百分比折旧法

    Method of fixed percentage on cost

  23. 下表概括了整个资产使用年限中直线折旧法对资产的影响。

    The following schedule summarizes the effects of straight-line depreciation over the entire life of the asset .

  24. 筑路机械设备动态折旧法

    Road Machinery Dynamic Depreciation Method

  25. 直线折旧法。最简单且最广泛使用的计算折旧的方法是直线法。

    Straight-line method . The simplest and most widely used method of computing depreciation is the straight-line method .

  26. 加速折旧法最适合于在寿命早期能产生较高收益的资产。

    The accelerated metheds apply best to those assets that general greater revenue earlier in their useful lives .

  27. 双倍余额递减折旧法

    Double declining Balance depreciation

  28. 但该公司确实是在使用直线折旧法时比使用加速折旧法时更盈利吗?答案当然是否定的。

    But is the company more profitable than if it had used an accelerated method ? The answer is no !

  29. 为了所得税的避税,公司的会计方法通常选用比财务报告上更快的折旧法。

    For income tax purpose , the Company uses accounting methods that recognize depreciation sooner than for financial reporting purposes .

  30. 直线折旧法在资产使用年限内将等额折旧费用分配到每一年度。

    The straight-line method allocates an equal portion of depreciation expense to each period of the asset 's useful life .