- 名conversion rate

Stored liquor quantity in liquor-stored containers of different shapes and different volume capacity could be calculated accurately through the determination of alcohol content and density and the calculation of conversion rate and liquor-stored volume capacity .
At the same time , the exchange shall adjust and publicize the and lists of subject-matter securities and conversion rate from time to time in accordance with the market conditions .
Determining nitrogen requirement by rape yield and nitrogen efficiency of pig manure
The big banks agree to buy out the little banks at an appropriate discount .
Agreeing discount rates to calculate NPV ( Net Present Value ); NB in publicly procured schemes this rate is set by the Treasury .
The uniform calculation formula of the conversion volume stirrup rate of CFRP is given .
The experimental study results show that the major factor governing the transition of the intermittent to annular flow is the gas phase reduced speed and the liquid phase reduced one with the effect of oil fraction and tube diameter playing an insignificant role .