
  • 网络Risk bearing capacity;risk profile
  1. 但不要指望我们买进超出我们风险承担能力的债券。

    ' But don 't expect us to buy more than our risk appetite would take .

  2. 投资顾问能够帮助别人计算他们的风险承担能力,制定财政计划,还有在如今非常重要的一件事情,那就是债务管理。

    Investment counselors can help people determine their risk tolerance , financial plans , and something very important these days manage their debt .

  3. 但是,政府机构节能却面临资金短缺、技术薄弱和风险承担能力弱等问题。

    However , government sectors fail to conduct their energy saving renovations due to shortage of capital fund , insufficient technology and weak ability of undertaking risks .

  4. 在金融业领域,压力测试用来诊断银行或其他的金融机构在未来加剧恶化的经济状况下的风险承担能力。

    In the financial sense , it 's to determine how robust a bank or other financial institution is to withstand further economic conditions that could increasingly get worse in the future .