
  • 网络Changjiang Securities
  1. 长江证券(changjiangsecurities)驻上海分析师钟华表示,内地市场可能出现调整,但他不认为目前的股市是泡沫。

    Zhong Hua , analyst at Changjiang Securities in Shanghai , said the mainland market could see corrections but he did not think it was a bubble .

  2. 在与中国合作方长江证券(ChangjiangSecurities)出现战略分歧之后,法国最大的银行&巴黎银行(BNPParibas)日前撤出了自己在中国具有开创意义的合资证券公司。

    BNP Paribas , France 's largest bank , has pulled out of its pioneering Chinese securities joint venture following disagreements over strategy with its local partner , Changjiang Securities .

  3. 长江证券的周金涛(ZhouJintao)表示:我们认为市场的泡沫只是处于很早期的阶段。

    Zhou Jintao at Changjiang Securities in Shanghai , said : We believe the bubble in the market is only at a very early stage .

  4. 巴黎银行将其持有的33%股份出售给了长江证券,但金额不详。

    It has sold its 33 per cent stake to Changjiang for an undisclosed sum .

  5. 该集团在一份联合声明中表示,双方在合资企业的未来发展上观点不同,已经和平达成一致意见,巴黎银行将其所持全部股份转让给长江证券。

    In a joint statement , the group said that they had different views on the future development of the joint venture and had come to an amicable consensus that BNP transfer its entire equity stake to Changjiang .