
  • 网络hazard ratio;risk ratio;odds ratio
  1. 以风险比(HazardRatio)这一指标衡量时,心血管事件的风险降低了53%。

    By a measure known as the hazard ratio , the risk of cardiovascular events was reduced by 53 percent .

  2. 血浆GGT四分位最高组和最低组相比,多变量修正和咖啡因素修正后的肝癌风险比为3.13(95%置信区间:1.22~8.07)。

    For the highest vs the lowest quartile of serum GGT , the multivariable-adjusted and coffee-adjusted hazard ratio of liver cancer was3.13 ( 95 % confidence interval , 1.22-8.07 ) .

  3. 由本法得到的新药效果的估计风险比与由Cox模型得到的结果基本一致。

    The hazard ratios estimated from the proposed method and Cox regression model were essentially consistent .

  4. 目的探讨效益/风险比更佳的狼疮肾炎(LN)治疗方案。

    Objective To explore treatment protocols for lupus nephritis ( LN ) with best effect / risk ratio .

  5. 这些CDO提供高额回报率,意味着它们的风险比人们普遍假设的更大。

    The generous yield provided by those tranches suggested they were much riskier than widely assumed .

  6. 但IMF首席经济学家西蒙•约翰逊(SimonJohnson)认为,欧洲面临的下滑风险比许多人认为的都严重。

    ' Europe is in more serious danger of a slowdown than many people think , 'says Simon Johnson , chief IMF economist . 'If the U.

  7. 大型政府研究项目妇女健康倡议(Women'sHealthInitiative)2006年的一份报告显示,每日服用1000毫克钙补充剂的女性患肾结石的风险比服用安慰剂的女性高17%。

    In a 2006 report from the Women 's Health Initiative , a large government study , women who took 1,000 mg of calcium daily had 17 % more kidney stones than those who got a placebo .

  8. 大型政府研究项目“妇女健康倡议”(Women'sHealthInitiative)2006年的一份报告显示,每日服用1000毫克钙补充剂的女性患肾结石的风险比服用安慰剂的女性高17%。

    In a 2006 report from the Women 's Health Initiative , a large government study , women who took 1000 mg of calcium daily had 17 % more kidney stones than those who got a placebo .

  9. 为管理局工作的地质学家乔纳森·哈里斯(JonathanHarris)提出,巴拿马发生地震的风险比此前想象的要大得多。

    Jonathan Harris , a geologist working for the authority , reported that Panama 's earthquake risk was far greater than previously believed .

  10. 《心脏医学期刊》(Heart)上月刊登了一项针对24000名德国人的研究,研究发现,每日摄入约820毫克钙的人患心脏病的风险比摄入量少得多的人低31%。

    A study of 24,000 Germans published in the journal Heart last month , found that those who consumed about 820 mg of calcium a day had a 31 % lower risk of heart attack than those who consumed much less .

  11. 其中一篇文章援引了弗吉尼亚科技运输学院(VirginiaTechTransportationInstitute)的一项新研究,研究发现,卡车司机边发短信边开车时,撞车的风险比不发短信的司机高出23倍。

    One article cited a new study , by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute , which found that when truck drivers texted , their collision risk was23 times greater than when not texting .

  12. 本文介绍研究相关性的一种统一而灵活的工具&copula,并使用MonteCarlo仿真方法对高斯copula和t-copula进行比较,结果表明,t-copula对度量服从厚尾分布的贷款风险比高斯copula更精确。

    The paper introduces a uniform and flexible tool to study correlation : copula , and uses the Monte Carlo simulation to compare the Gauss copula and t-copula . The results show that t-copula has more precision than Gauss copula of measuring the heave-tail distribution of loan risk .

  13. 按暴露状况分层的累积死亡率以及风险比。

    Cumulative mortality according to exposure status , and hazard ratios .

  14. 斯特恩表示:损害风险比我之前认为的要大得多。

    The damage risks are bigger than I would have argued .

  15. 也就是说研究感知风险比研究感知利得对准确把握和理解消费者得购买行为更重要。

    Perceived risk 's study has important significance in theory and practice .

  16. 你开车上公路的风险比这大多了。

    You 're taking a much bigger risk going out on the highway .

  17. 聚类抽样情形下基于广义线性模型的风险比估计

    Estimation of the Risk Ratio in Cluster Sampling Based on Generalized Linear Model

  18. 结果:以有效性和安全性为基础的效益风险比是决定药品撤市的唯一标准。

    Result : The risk-to-benefit ratio was based on drug efficiency and safety .

  19. 但每个人都知道,希腊国债的风险比德国国债大得多。

    Yet everyone knows that Greek government bonds are far riskier than German bunds .

  20. 有些人甚至认为注射疫苗的健康风险比实际疾病更大。

    Some even see the shots as a greater health risk than the actual disease .

  21. 放弃固定汇率的经济风险比很多中国人笃信的要小。

    The economic risks in abandoning the peg are smaller than many in Beijing believe .

  22. 我在夏威夷毁灭美军舰队的时候,冒的风险比现在还要大。

    I destroyed the US fleet at hawall , where the risk was far greater .

  23. 从总的方面来说,全能银行经营风险比专业金融机构的风险小,也比专业金融机构稳定;

    Generally speaking , the Universal Banking operation has fewer risks than the Special Financial Institution .

  24. 但是他们有较高的脑出血的风险比其他医生。

    But they had a higher risk of bleeding in the brain than the other doctors .

  25. 与正常血压者相比,高血压前期者发生脑卒中的风险比为11.3。

    Compared with normotensives , prehypertensive individuals had a hazard ratio ( HR ) of 11.3 for stroke .

  26. 而喝2到3杯咖啡的人,风险比正常人低7%。

    Those who had drunk between one and three cups had a 7 per cent reduction of risk .

  27. 不过,总体来讲,委托贷款的风险比其他类型的影子银行业务要低。

    For the most part , however , entrusted loans are lower risk than other types of shadow banking .

  28. 在同时期内的资料看来,这样的绝对风险比独生子女还高。

    These absolute risks are high compared with those for singleton term births in Scotland during the same period .

  29. 内部控制关注风险比关注细节控制更为重要。

    , the attention of risk in the internal control is more important than the attention of detail control .

  30. 局部骨症状或体征是否存在,发生骨转移的风险比为1.722(95%可信限1.060~2.796);

    Skeletal complications ( yes vs no ), the hazard ratio was 1.722 ( 95 % CI 1.060 ~ 2.796 );