
xiǎo mài bù
  • canteen;buffet;snack counter;retail department;retail section;a small shop attached to a school,factory ,theatre,etc. (selling cigarettes,confectionery,etc.);crush bar;a small shop attached to school, factory, theatre, etc. selling cigarettes, confectionary, etc
小卖部 [xiǎo mài bù]
  • (1) [a small shop attached to a school,factory ,theatre,etc. (selling cigarettes,confectionery,etc.)]∶与大商场相对而言,公共场所里卖糖果、烟酒等的小售品部

  • (2) [buffet;snack counter]∶供应便餐的柜台

小卖部[xiǎo mài bù]
  1. 你们都知道小卖部在哪里吧。

    And you guys already know where the canteen is .

  2. 这是家食品小卖部。

    This is a dry canteen .

  3. 这家小卖部很早就下市了。

    The convenience store closed very early .

  4. 小卖部管理员没穿内衣。

    The school store chick isn 't wearing a bra today .

  5. 酒店小卖部的老板一顶帐篷卖80元。

    The hotel 's own kiosk owner sold tents for 80 Rmb .

  6. 你去占2个座位,我去小卖部弄点吃的喝的。

    You grab two seats and I 'll hit the concession stand .

  7. 来吧我们突袭小卖部

    Come on , let 's raid the concession stand .

  8. 你在小卖部喜欢买哪种饮料?

    In store , which drink would you prefer ?

  9. 鲍伯:售货亭是不是就是电影院里的小卖部呀?

    Bob : Is a kiosk the same thing as a concession stand ?

  10. 这里肯定有小卖部卖那个。

    I 'm sure there 's a kiosk around here that sells it .

  11. 会有流动小卖部和例汤厨房,

    There 'll be mobile canteens and soup kitchens ,

  12. 银行在小卖部隔壁。

    The bank is next to the shop .

  13. 小卖部的电话卡都卖完了··

    Commissary of the phone cards are sold out

  14. 莫莉:在小卖部或是在自动售货机上都可以买到点心和饮料。

    Molly : We can buy snacks and beverages at snack bars and snack machines .

  15. 甚至一个仅几平米的小卖部也挂出“购物中心”的招牌。

    Even just a few square meter shop has hung a " shopping center " signs .

  16. 绵阳市43所学校食堂及小卖部卫生监测结果分析

    Result Analysis on Sanitation Surveillance of 43 Schools ' Canteens and Small Stores in Mianyang City

  17. 大多数的小卖部都有地方让你坐下来休息一会儿。

    Most snack bars have places for you to take a load off and sit for awhile .

  18. 一个夏天的日子,我们去新英格兰旅游,中途,进了一个乡村的小卖部。

    One summer day we were traveling through New England and stopped at a rural grocery store .

  19. 而隔壁小卖部的雪花啤酒每瓶才卖1.9元。

    A bottle of Snow from the grocery store next door cost just 1.9 renminbi , or about 30 cents .

  20. 到了小卖部,已经是中午了,小明选好了两个面包,到收银处结账。

    It was noon at that time when Ming took the bread and planned the pay the bill at the counter .

  21. 那些认为自己可以去小卖部与大家胡乱坐在一起的老板们犯了一个大错误。

    Bosses who think they can go to the canteen and sit hugga-mugga with everyone else are making a big mistake .

  22. 本船小卖部供应饮料和食品。要花多长时间到达卖食品的柜台呢?

    Our ship 's store provides you with drink and food . How long will it take to reach the buffet ?

  23. 这项结果可能会让那些选择在(电影院里的)小卖部买爆米花的人感到惊讶,因为他们认为电影院小卖部的爆米花(这)是相对健康的零食。

    The findings may surprise those who choose popcorn at the concession stand because they believe it is a relatively healthy snack .

  24. 这份报告称,小卖部、巨型零售商和超市全都在“努力争取便利店式的生意”。

    Drug stores , big-box retailers , and supermarkets are all " trying to win their convenience business , " says the report .

  25. 去小卖部或是自动售货机之前,问问你的同事或朋友看看他们需不需要捎点东西。

    Before you make a run to the snack bar or candy machine , ask your co-workers or friends if they want anything .

  26. 然而,使你的电影零食最健康的办法是不要吃爆米花,也不要去小卖部买爆米花。

    The best way to make your movie snack healthier , however , would be to skip the popcorn and the concession stand altogether .

  27. 游船上有个小卖部。但是如果你们愿意的话,我可以通知厨房为你们准备一些东西。

    There 's a kiosk on the ferry but I can ask the kitchen to make up something to take with you if you prefer .

  28. 去地方一家小卖部拿了处方回来后,我告诉丈夫说,新来的药剂师希望成为一名诗人。

    Having picked up a prescription at our local grocery store , I told my husband that our new pharmacist longed to be a poet .

  29. 半夜有贼闯入缅因路球场,从每个房间都偷了东西,除了小卖部。怪不得他们一个杯都没有拿走。

    Thieves broke into Maine road last night and stole something from every room except the canteen . that 's why they left without any cups .

  30. 警车到小卖部门口就停了下来,跳下来两个警察,一左一右将小明抓住,小明连反抗的机会都没有。

    The police patrol car stopped before the small shop and two policemen came out of the car and arrested Ming . Ming could hardly resist .