
  • 网络Small-cap;Small Cap;small-cap stocks;small stocks
  1. 国内经济增长疲软,公司上市前缺乏风险资本投资,小盘股市场波动性高等,都是日本IPO活动低迷的原因所在。

    Weak domestic economic growth , a lack of venture capital invested in companies before they list and high volatility in the small-cap markets have all contributed to the slump in Japanese IPOs .

  2. 找出市场是青睐大盘股还是小盘股。

    Find out if the market currently favors big-cap or small-cap stocks .

  3. 但由中国公司组成的小盘股指数香港创业板指数(Gem)却上扬8.5%。

    Yet the GEM board , a small-caps index of Chinese companies , has risen 8.5 per cent .

  4. 另外,由于最近通过的JumpstartOurBusinessStartupsAct法案,我们还将开始看到一系列小盘股发行。

    We also could begin to see a slew of new issuance from small-cap companies , thanks to recent jobs act legislation .

  5. 深证综指(ShenzhenComposite)收涨2.93%,而以小盘股为主的创业板(ChiNext)则收涨2.76%。

    Shenzhen had gained 2.4 per cent , while the small cap ChiNext board had added 1.9 per cent .

  6. 对小盘股(DimensionalFundAdvisors的小公司组合衡量的对象)来说,与国会和白宫在同一政党控制之下的情形相比,如果华盛顿陷入僵持,这些股票的回报率平均要低21个百分点。

    Small stocks ( as measured by Dimensional Fund Advisors ' small-company portfolios ) returned an average of 21 percentage points less in years when Washington was in gridlock than they did when Congress and the White House were under common control .

  7. 麦格理(Macquarie)策略师邵炯在上周发给客户的一份报告中也表达了同样的担心,警告说蜂拥抢购中国小盘股使风险处于空前的高位。

    Macquarie strategist Jiong Shiao echoed those concerns in a note to clients last week , warning that the rush to Chinese small caps has left risk at ' unprecedented ' high levels .

  8. 总的来说,包括冬青基金(WintergreenFund)经理戴维•温特斯和来自GardnerRusso&Gardner公司的汤姆•罗素在内,所有与会投资者都认为大盘股的机会更大,好过小盘股或科技股。

    Generally , all the investors , which also included David winters of the wintergreen fund and Tom Russo of Gardner Russo & Gardner , thought there was more opportunity in large capitalization stocks , than smaller or technology companies .

  9. 同时,采用投资者心态模型(BSV模型)检验发现由于中国投资者的心理偏差导致了在我国证券市场上的行为偏差&反应不足和反应过度,还引起了我国小盘股的新年效应。

    Finds out the mental biases of China investors arouse the behavior biases on the security markets and Turn of Year Effect on Stock Market Prices .

  10. 小盘股市场的发展及其监管机制

    On the Development and Surveillance Mechanism of the Small - Cap Market

  11. 香港股市中的小盘股效应及季节效应分析

    Small Firm Effect and Monthly Effect : Evidence from Hong Kong Stock Exchange

  12. 第一股东变更型的更名股票中,小盘股的公司占一半以上。

    Shareholder changed , the small dish stock company occupies one above the half .

  13. 小盘股基金:海外运作经验及其借鉴

    Overseas Experience of Managing Small-size Investment Fund

  14. 有关部门应该设计更巧妙的方式,提高小盘股的市场流动性。

    The authorities should devise more ingenious ways to increase market liquidity for small caps .

  15. 然而,自2001年开始,英国投资者开始不断从小盘股行业撤资。

    However , since 2001 UK investors have been taking money away from the small cap sector .

  16. 令人瞠目的估值促使一些市场观察人士警告,小盘股已形成泡沫。

    The eye-popping valuations have led some market watchers to warn of a bubble in small-cap shares .

  17. 在近期中国内地股市领先世界的涨势中,小盘股(尤其是科技股)跑赢了大型股。

    Small-cap shares especially tech stocks have outperformed large-caps during the recent world-beating rally in mainland shares .

  18. 到目前为止,中国小盘股的整体表现弥补了导致这些差错的无序管理。

    Until now , aggregate performance has compensated for the rough and tumble that led to these slip-ups .

  19. 通过投资小盘股,该基金在过去15年里实现了17.6%的年化回报率。

    It has produced a 17.6 % annualized return over the last 15 years by investing in small-cap stocks .

  20. 作为一名投资者,今年44岁的韦伯十分专注于香港的小盘股公司。

    As an investor , Mr. Webb , 44 , focuses pretty much exclusively on Hong Kong small-cap stocks .

  21. 相反,他们表示,投资者是在用股指期货对冲中小盘股上的多头仓位。

    Instead , they say investors are using index futures to hedge long positions in small and mid-cap stocks .

  22. 我们要避免受收入下降和银行信贷紧缩拖累的小盘股。

    We would avoid the small caps , which are hurt by falling revenue and tightened credits by banks .

  23. 这并不是说,支持小盘股的机构反对海外企业到这个市场上市。

    This is not to say that the institutions that back small cap stocks are against overseas companies joining the market .

  24. 一些客户卖掉了风险较高的投资品种(例如小盘股),转而买进防御性更强的蓝筹股。

    Some clients have moved out of riskier investments - such as smaller companies - and are buying more defensive blue-chips .

  25. 过去几年,它们非常关注日本,尤其是日本小盘股和亚太小盘股。

    They 've been very focused on Japan for the last several years , particularly Japan small caps and Asia-Pac small caps .

  26. 小盘股比大盘股更难定价,第一和第三个四分位数的差距有4.7%。

    Small-cap stocks are tougher to price than large-cap stocks , so there 's a4.7 % differential , first to third quartile .

  27. 一位基金经理人问道:为什么英国的小盘股基金经理就该为世界上的小盘股提供资金呢?

    Why the hell should UK small cap fund managers finance the small cap sector of the world ? asked one fund manager .

  28. 但当你走出衰退,小盘股的趋势是非常好的,所以这也没什么特别的。

    But when you come out of recessions , small-caps tend to do very well , so maybe this is not out of the ordinary .

  29. 我国企业破产的几个基本问题探析香港股市中的小盘股效应及季节效应分析

    Exploration and Analysis on Several Basic Problems concerning China 's Firm Bankruptcy Small Firm Effect and Monthly Effect : Evidence from Hong Kong Stock Exchange

  30. 投资基金在整体上遵循典型的正反馈交易策略,但在小盘股上却没有表现出显著的正反馈交易倾向。

    The investment funds follow the typical positive-feedback strategy on the whole , but the smallest scale stocks didn 't show the notable positive-feedback strategy .