
  • 网络Hot money;fast money;HotMoney
  1. 我国FDI流入量中热钱规模的估算

    The Estimation on the Hot Money Scale of the Inflow Amount FDI in China

  2. FDI和热钱对我国贫富差距的影响

    The Influence of FDI and Hot Money to the Gap between the Rich and the Poor of China

  3. 在热钱流入规模度量上,侧重研究隐藏在FDI的热钱。

    When measure the scale of Hot Money , the article focuses on the part of Hot Monet hiding in FDI .

  4. 实际上,贵国需要投资者热钱的帮助,才能把投资从占gdp五分之一的水平提高,并平衡本国的经常账户赤字。

    And you actually need their hot money to help increase investment levels from a low fifth of GDP as well as to balance your current account deficit .

  5. 通过IPO,印度可以消化外部资本,将潜在可逆的热钱流入,转换为更像外国直接投资的稳定资本。

    Through IPOs , India can mop up outside capital , converting potentially reversible hot portfolio flows into something more akin to stable foreign direct investment .

  6. 研究方法是构建FDI的九个影响指标,并建立了FDI的预测模型,将FDI实际值与预测值的差额作为隐藏在FDI中的热钱。

    It builds nine index of FDI , sets up a prediction mode of FDI , and makes the gap of actual value and predicted value as the Hot Money hiding in FDI .

  7. 为了避免人民币升值,中国央行不得不买进足够的外汇,以抵消贸易顺差、外国直接投资(FDI)以及热钱流入人民币资产所造成的影响。

    To prevent the renminbi appreciating , the central bank has to buy enough foreign currency to offset the trade surplus , foreign direct investment ( FDI ) and foreign money going into renminbi assets .

  8. 随着美联储(Fed)出台第二轮定量宽松举措,向全球金融体系注入6000亿美元,加之美国利率仍接近于零,热钱涌入中国几乎没有终止的迹象。

    With the Federal Reserve pouring $ 600bn into the global financial system through a second round of quantitative easing and with US interest rates still close to zero , hot money inflows into China show little sign of stopping .

  9. Stone&McCarthy驻北京分析师洛根•莱特(LoganWright)估计,今年前5个月流入的热钱可能高达1500亿至1700亿美元。

    Logan Wright at Stone & McCarthy analysts in Beijing estimates that hot money entering in the first five months could be as high as $ 150bn - $ 170bn .

  10. 在IMF出台规定之前,巴西等增长迅速的新兴市场国家采取了一系列旨在遏制热钱流入的措施,因外国投资者急于利用这些国家强劲的经济和高利率获利。

    The IMF framework follows a series of measures adopted by Brazil and other fast-growing emerging markets aimed at stemming a flood of money from foreign investors keen to cash in on their strong economies and high interest rates .

  11. imf发布这个框架,实际上就是承认了,短期资本管制是管理“热钱”流入的“正当工具”不过该机构仍然将它们与对外国资本设置的长期阻碍作了区分。

    By issuing the framework , the IMF has recognised that short-term capital controls are " squarely within the toolkit " for managing inflows of " hot money " but also distinguishes them from long-term barriers to foreign capital .

  12. 摩根大通中国证券主席李晶(JingUlrich)表示,加息可能只会加剧投机“热钱”从海外流入。

    A rate hike would likely only increase the flow of speculative " hot money " into the country from abroad , says Jing Ulrich , chairman of China equities at JP Morgan .

  13. 因此本文再通过单位根检验、协整分析、向量误差修正模型、granger因果关系检验、脉冲响应和方差分解进一步查证热钱以何种路径、方式来影响通胀。

    Therefore , this article verify further hot money affect inflation in what path , the way through the unit root test , cointegration analysis , vector error correction model , granger causality test , impulse response and variance decomposition .

  14. 然后利用Granger因果检验法和VAR模型验证得出:(1)热钱流入或流出会推动股票指数的上升或下降;(2)证券市场的收益率变动会引起热钱流动。

    In the next chapter using Granger causality test and VAR model to derive that : ( 1 ) the flow of hot money promote the stock index to rise or fall ;( 2 ) The stock return change cause hot money flowing .

  15. 但随着美国推出新一轮的定量宽松(qe2)并由此引发人们对美元贬值和热钱涌入新兴市场的担心上述担忧再度抬头。

    But they flared up again with the launch of a new round of quantitative easing QE2 by the US , triggering fears of dollar devaluation and floods of hot money into emerging markets .

  16. 热钱素有不稳定的恶名,名声更差的是其顺周期性。

    Hot money is notoriously unstable and even more notoriously procyclical .

  17. 这意味着有更多的热钱流入中国。

    This means even more hot money is flowing into China .

  18. 第三部分研究了我国对热钱法律监管制度的完善。

    The third part studies the legal supervising to Hot Money .

  19. 国际热钱是短期投机资本,具有逐利性、投机性、流动性极强的特点。

    Hot money is short-term speculative capital , profit-driven , strongly liquid .

  20. 这或许意味着,“热钱”正在离开中国。

    That might mean that " hot money " is departing China .

  21. 如果潮流发生改变,热钱将会流出。

    If the tide changes , the hot money will flow out .

  22. 我们看到很多热钱都涌入了中国。

    We see a lot of hot money was poured into china .

  23. 中国对热钱的限制导致外国直接投资额降低。

    Brake on hot money leads to drop in FDI .

  24. 化解热钱流入形成的升值压力:市场自动调节机制和政策措施

    Hot Money and the RMB Revaluation Pressure : Policy Options

  25. 给热钱降温的举措是可以理解的以前是,现在也是。

    Moves to cool hot money were , and are , understandable .

  26. 宏观调控政策影响下沪楼市投资热钱何去何从?

    Shanghai property market macro-control policy implications of investment hot money go ?

  27. 全球热钱涌入加大人民币升值压力

    Global capital flows to China intensify RMB appreciation pressures

  28. 但这两种选择都会吸引更多的热钱,进而推高通胀。

    But both those options attract more hot money that will feed inflation .

  29. 专家分析:是谁在为上海楼市拉响热钱警报?

    Experts : Who in the Shanghai property market sounding alarm hot money ?

  30. 持续涌入中国的热钱不应忘记这一点。

    The hot money continuing to pour into China should not forget that .