
  • 网络social need
  1. 你的工作是为你的狗提供所有所需的,食物,水,兽医,社会性需要,安全,等等。

    Your job is to provide for all of your dog 's needs * food , water , vet care , social needs , security , etc.

  2. 运动团队文化具有育人、团队规范形成、运动恢复和精神调节、满足心理性和社会性需要等功能;

    The function of sports team culture are follows : instructing people , construction of team standard , recovery , spiritual adjustment , meeting psychological and social demand .

  3. 这既是出于生命社会性生存的需要,也是出于生命个体性生存的抉择。

    This was not only a need for social survival , but also a choice of individual survival .

  4. 醉酒驾驶行为的严重社会危害性表明需要将醉酒驾驶予以事前规制。

    The serious social harm of driving while intoxicated shows we should regulate this kind of behavior in advance .

  5. 与此同时,我们现在已经知道,要让城市更具有生态可持续性、经济活力和社会可承受性需要些什么。

    At the same time , we now know what it takes for cities to be more ecologically sustainable , economically dynamic and socially viable .

  6. 城镇居民收入差距问题是一个全局性的社会性问题,需要全社会来共同解决。

    Citizen income difference problem is a social problem on a whole , which need to be solved with the effort of the whole society .

  7. 医疗服务涉及人们的健康,具有极大的社会公益性,需要按照公共品的基本原则,规范其行为准则和公开其财务。

    Medical service is related to people 's health and has great social public welfare , needs to normalize its behavior standard and reveal its finance according to the basic principle of public conduct .

  8. 提高农民工社会保险便携性需要构建与其相适应的内外环境,建立城城和城乡社会保险制度的有效衔接。

    Improving the social security of farmer workers needs to build its portability required to adapt the internal and external environment , set up the social insurance system effectively between " city to city " and " city to urban " .

  9. 学习既是个别化的行为,也是社会性行为,学习需要交流与合作。

    Learning is both individual and social , which needs communication and cooperation .

  10. 应当提出的是本文认为保险业人才队伍建设不只是保险企业自身内部的事情,而是社会系统性工程,需要各方统筹,共同努力。

    This article is that it should be made by the insurance industry personnel construction insurance enterprises not only its own internal affairs , but social systems engineering for the coordination and joint efforts .

  11. 人是自然属性、社会属性和精神属性相统一的存在物,都有特定的自然性需要、社会性需要和精神性需要。

    Human beings exist with the unification of natural attribute , social attribute and spiritual attribute . All have the specific and scientific need , sociality need with psychic need .

  12. 首先,归因及归因理论一直是社会心理学的重要研究领域,宗教性归因有其根深蒂固的心理根源,即源自人类所固有的意义需要、控制需要、社会性需要等。

    First , attribution and attribution theory have been an important research area in social psychology . Religious attribution has its ingrained psychological root , namely coming from the need of human inherent significance , control , societies and so on .