
  • 网络social care;social caring
  1. 老年人对社会照顾方式的偏好与养老服务体系的建构

    Elders ' Preferences for Social Care and the Establishment of Social Service System

  2. 老年人对社会照顾方式偏好的影响因素分析&以浙江省为例

    Analysis of the Factors Influencing on Elder 's Preferences for Social Care & Empirical Evidence from Zhejiang Province

  3. 目前农村老年人几乎完全依靠家庭照顾,社会照顾资源匮乏,老年人接受社会照顾的比例为O。

    Nowadays , the rural aged almost entirely depend on family care , the rate of social care receipt is 0 .

  4. 与此同时,在许多国家里,不管受害者是夫妻中的哪一方,都已经可以受到比较妥善的法律保护以及社会照顾,但是相比较而言,目睹婚姻暴力的儿童却受到了人们的忽视。

    Meanwhile , in a lot of countries , victims already can have received appropriate care from the law and society . But comparatively speaking , the witnessing children of the spousal violence are ignored by people .

  5. 二是社会老年照顾发展缓慢。

    Second , the elderly social service has not been developed .

  6. 在许多社会中照顾这些老年人会十分困难。

    For many societies , caring for all those aging citizens could be difficult .

  7. 社会必须照顾无家可归的人。

    The community must look after homeless people .

  8. 他试图要回自己的孩子——12个孩子现在正由社会服务机构照顾——他已经通过日本寄来的DNA样本证实自己就是孩子们的亲生父亲。

    He is trying to get hischildren back - the 12 in Thailandare being cared for by social services - and he has proven through DNA samplessent from Japanthat he is their biological father .

  9. 由于计划生育政策、城镇化、土地变化等因素的影响,农村人口结构迅速老龄化,家庭结构日益核心化、小型化,传统的家庭养老功能被削弱,急需社会化的照顾方式。

    Owing to the influence of " one-child " policy , urbanization , the aged tendency of population structure is more and more prominent , and the family members become less , which are undermining the function of the traditional family-care system in rural area .

  10. 文明社会的特征是照顾最弱势群体。

    The mark of a civilized society is that it looks after its weakest members .

  11. 执法机制保护社会保障、医疗照顾受益人和低收入方案不会受到任何削减。

    Enforcement protects Social Security , Medicare beneficiaries , and low-income programs from any cuts .

  12. 残疾人作为一个弱势群体,应该受到国家和社会的关心和照顾。

    As a minority groups , the disabled person should be cared and attended by the nation and the society .

  13. 独生子女夫妇将必须寻求社会的帮助去照顾四为上了年纪的老人家。他们强调。

    Only-child couples will have to turn to social support to care for four ageing parents , they pointed out .

  14. 例如,一位社会医疗工作者因为照顾孩子而选择离职。后来她凭借救济院志愿者服务的经历成功获得另一家救济院提供的一份有偿工作&志愿者经理。

    For instance , a medical social worker who took a career break to care for her children parlayed her volunteer work at a hospice into a paid position at another hospice , as a volunteer manager .

  15. 社会补偿又称社会照顾,主要是指公民遭受健康损害时,应由国家予以承担责任并提供补偿的情况。

    Compensation also known as social care , it refers primarily to citizens suffered health damage , the state should assume responsibility and provide compensation situation .

  16. 无论在传统社会还是现代社会,家庭照顾一直是中国老年人照顾的主要方式,这既受经济和社会发展水平的限制也源于传统文化的沉积和亲情观念的影响。

    In the ancient times or modern , family care is the major way of taking care of senile people both in the city and the countryside . It is limited by the economic and social development and also influenced by the cultural tradition and the family love conception .

  17. 利用社会支持量表评定病人的社会支持及主要照顾者SAS评分、SDS评分等作为相关因素。

    Methods Self-rating Anxiety Scale ( SAS ), Self-rating Depressing Scale ( SDS ), Social Support Inventory were administered to82 patients .