
wú zé rèn nénɡ lì
  • Irresponsibility;incapacity for criminal responsibility
  1. 目的:对中国湖南省和加拿大BC省两地无责任能力精神障碍患者人口学等资料进行比较,探讨不同的法律体系中无责任能力的精神障碍患者的基本特点。

    Objective : To explore and compare the demographic differences between persons with mental disorder who have been found not criminally responsible in BC , Canada and Hunan , China .

  2. 无责任能力的评定中男性比例高于女性;

    Male is higher than female in appraisal about irresponsibility .

  3. 90例无责任能力精神病违法者鉴定后处理的随访研究

    Follow-up of disposal of 90 psychiatric cases with irresponsibility after forensic assessment

  4. 无责任能力人致人损害的行为与不法侵害的问题。

    The destroy action of irresponsibility person and the problem of the actualizing action .

  5. 对无责任能力人的侵袭予以反击行为应属于防御性紧急避险。

    Counter-attacking the infringement from a person without ability of responsibility should be considered as defensive necessity .

  6. 26.3%为有完全责任能力,21.8%为限定责任能力,51.9%为无责任能力。

    26.3 % of them had complete responsibility , 21.8 % had delimited responsibility and 51.9 % irresponsibility .

  7. 有责任能力者占22.4%,限定责任能力者占14.9%,无责任能力者占62.7%。

    There were 22.4 % of criminal responsibility , 14.9 % of reduced responsibility and 62.7 % without responsibility .

  8. 作案时绝大多数有梦魇体验,案发后遗忘明显,23例均评定为无责任能力。

    During committing crime , most cases have nightmare experience and then forgot after . So 23 cases were evaluated to be without responsibility .

  9. 虽然直接导致犯罪结果发生的行为是处于无责任能力或限制责任能力状态,但导致这一状态出现的原因却是自由的。

    Although a direct result of the behavior of the consequences of the crime occurred the state no obligation or limitation of liability capacity , resulting in this state because it is free .

  10. 在原因自由行为中,只要最初的意思决定控制或影响到无责任能力状态下的身体动静,心素、体素即可认为同时存在,其特点符合行为内部要素要求。

    For liberal act in cause , as long as the original mental decision controls or affects the body movements under non-responsible ability , Mental and physical elements can be regarded exiting at the same time .

  11. 原因自由行为是指完全责任能力人或限制责任能力人故意或过失地陷入限制责任能力状态或无责任能力状态,并在此状态下导致某一犯罪构成客观方面出现的行为。

    Actio libera in cause means that the persons who have capacity of full liability or limited liability get stuck in the state of limited capacity for duties or no capacity for duties intentionally or neglectfully and cause the emergence of a certain objective factor of criminal constitution .

  12. 无刑事责任能力精神病人的司法处遇预防犯罪和刑事司法司

    Judicial Penalties to the Criminal Incapacity of Psychosis ; Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Division

  13. 方法采用邮寄调查问卷、电话问讯办案人员的方式对90例无刑事责任能力案例进行调查,并统计分析有关资料。

    Methods : Data about 90 cases with irresponsibility was collected by mail or telephone questionnaire , and statistically analyzed .

  14. 强制医疗是指对无刑事责任能力的精神病人所适用的,旨在消除其危险状态、保障社会安全的强制隔离和治疗的刑事实体措施。

    Compulsory medical treatment refers to the ability of non-criminal mentally ill applied , aimed at eliminating the dangers of state , to protect social security mandatory isolation and treatment measures for criminal entities .

  15. 自然人有无民事责任能力是考虑自然人有无行为能力的前提,有无行为能力是考虑自然人在过错责任原则下是否需要承担责任的前提。

    Whether natural person having capacity for civil liability or not is the premise to capacity for civil conduct , but natural person having capacity for civil conduct is the premise to civil liability under the liability for fault .

  16. 刑法的原因自由行为,又名自陷行为,是指行为人由于自身罪过致使自己陷于意识不清或行为失控的状态,并且在此无刑事责任能力或限制责任能力的状态下实施了犯罪构成要件。

    Action libera in causa , refers to acts because of their own sin result in a sense of unclear or act out of control state , and no criminal liability in this capacity or limiting the liability of the state of implementation capacity of the crime Elements of composition .

  17. 方法对110名经司法鉴定为无或限定责任能力的精神分裂症患者及60名正常者进行了P300电位及艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)测定,并将结果加以比较。

    MethodsP_ ( 300 ) potentials and EPQ test were used for 110 no or limited responsible schizophrenia patients by judicial expertise and 60 normal healthy peoples . The results were retrospective compared .