
  • 网络Identify;identification ability
  1. 学生对基本事件的辨认能力有待加强。

    Students the basic events identify ability remains to strengthen .

  2. 观众对数字特效影像的辨认能力也有一定的差异。

    The ability of the audience to identify the digital effects images is different .

  3. 利用白光信息处理系统,对X射线底片采用空间频率假彩色编码技术处理,使射线底片假彩色化,以提高对缺陷的辨认能力。

    Radiographic film is processed by artificial color encoding technique with a light information processing system to improve defect recognition ability .

  4. 精神发育迟滞患者辨认能力的影响因素研究

    Affect factors on capacity of discrimination in patients with mental retardation

  5. 有些脸盲症患者出生时有辨认能力。

    Some people with face blindness are born with the ability to recognize .

  6. 有很强的方位辨认能力

    Have a good sense of locality

  7. 海军飞行员在夜晚和复杂气象环境下执行飞行和搜救任务时需要飞行员具有在低照度下对运动目标优秀的辨认能力。

    Navy pilots should have outstanding eyesight to identify moving targets in night and rough weather conditions .

  8. 主动攻击对悲伤表情的辨认能力较低,反应攻击组对愤怒表情的辨认较弱。

    Proactive boys performed worse in the task of sad faces perception , and reactive boys were weaker in identifying anger faces .

  9. 接受不同字母集的被试对语法串和非语法串的区别辨认能力要好于接受相同字母集的被试。

    ( c ) The subjects ' distinguishing ability of accepting different symbol sets is better than that of accepting same symbol sets .

  10. 有很强的方位辨认能力球往下掉时,重力位能又转换回动能。

    Have a good sense of locality On the way down , the ball gains kinetic energy at the expense of gravitational energy .

  11. 方法对239例刑事责任能力评定案件资料进行相关分析和逐步判别分析,筛选出对辨认能力和控制能力评定有重要影响的判别因子。

    Method Correlate analyses and stepwise discriminant analyses were conducted for 239 cases to inspect the discriminant facts of cognitive and volitional ca - pacity in psychotic offenders .

  12. 因此,作为生产厂商和贸易公司,了解和掌握国际上通用的对色标准和对色方法,提高辨认能力是减少经济损失的有效手段。

    Therefore , It is an effective way for them to reduce the economic loss by knowing and mastering general international color assessing standard and method hence improving ability for identification .

  13. 其中,在四个流利度指标中,平均停顿长度与词块辨认能力的相关性最强,而语速比与词块输出能力之间的相关性其他三个指数更加明显。

    Among the four fluency indicators , average length of pause is most closely correlated with competence in identifying lexical chunks ; while speech rate is more closely associated with competence in outputting than the other three indicators .

  14. 应用人机工程的有关原理,从提高人的视觉信息辨认能力入手,探讨了视觉信息传递系统设计的有关问题。

    To study some man - machine problems in designing the vision information transmission system , as'a result , to improve man 's competence of discerning the vision information . The study is based on some relative theory of man - machine engineering .

  15. 刑法第十七条第二款的立法根据除了考虑犯罪的严重性以及已满十四周岁不满十六周岁的人的辨认控制能力特点之外,实际上还考虑到犯罪的常发性和包容性。

    The grounds for legislation of clause 2 article 17 of criminal law have taken the frquency into consideration in addition to the seriousness of crime and the ability of self-control and identification of person who over 14 under 16 years old .

  16. 随着跟多的了解,你辨认真爱的能力会得到提升。

    With more insight , you will also be more discerning about your next love .

  17. 研究人员发现,人过了35岁,辨认面孔的能力就开始缓慢减退。

    After the mid-thirties , researchers found a person 's skill at recognizing faces declined slowly .

  18. 目的探讨服刑女犯人的情感辨认和交流能力及其与人格特征的关系。

    ObjectiveTo investigate relationship between the abilities of affection 's identification and communication and the features of personality .

  19. 在当今世界,电脑在人群中或互联网上辨认面孔的能力越来越高,一份新的研究对这种情况下的隐私进行了研究。

    A new study looks at in a world where computers can recognize faces in a crowd or online .

  20. 小学儿童分析、概括和辨认汉字字形能力的发展研究Ⅰ.在速示条件下辨认字形能力的发展

    Developmental studies on the recognition and generalization of Chinese characters in primary school children ⅰ . development of recognition under tachistoscopic condition

  21. 揭示了特殊群体的本质特征为是否欠缺辨认和控制能力或是否具备普世人道主义观念,并以此厘清刑法意义上的特殊群体范围,明确特殊群体刑事责任轻缓化的涵义。

    It reveals the essential characteristics of the special groups for lack of to identify and control or whether they have the concept of universal humanitarian .

  22. 类似的研究还有助于确定其他一些表情产生的机制,或者有助于搞清由于视觉问题造成的大脑缺陷,例如缺乏辨认面孔的能力。

    Similar research could help pinpoint other emotions , or help determine the brain defects in people with visual problems such as the inability to recognize faces .

  23. 患者的视野中心丧失视觉,而经常失去阅读,驾驶车辆甚至辨认面孔的能力。

    Those suffering from it lose sight in the center of their field of vision , often losing the ability to read , drive , or even recognize faces .

  24. 根据新华社报道,团队领导陈小平表示,希望能够发展和完善他的发明,并进一步搭载有深入学习以及辨认面部表情能力的人工智能。

    Team director Chen Xiaoping says he hopes to develop and refine their creation , equipping it with artificial intelligence through deep learning and the ability to recognize people 's facial expressions , according to Xinhua News .

  25. 但现在却有了辨认陨石怪的能力。

    And now he has the abilityto identify meteor freaks .

  26. 公司和研究室开始从事的一步带来兴奋的进步的语言辨认科技以有能力负担的价格进入市场的主流。

    Corporations and research labs began working at a feverish pace to bring advanced speech-recognition technology into mainstream marketplace at an affordable price .

  27. 衡量一个品牌成功与否的标志,说到底,其实就是在面对众多商品,它能够让消费者产生识别、辨认与区别的能力。

    A measure of the success of the brand logo in the final analysis , is in fact in the face of many commodities , which allows consumers to identify , and to identify the difference .

  28. 因赛尔及同事已经证明了催产素能够提高老鼠辨认其他老鼠的能力,但是他指出:这是第一次发现催产素在人类中的特殊作用。

    Insel and colleagues have shown that oxytocin improves the ability of mice to recognize other mice , but he notes that this is the first time such a specific effect has been seen in humans .

  29. 6个月大的应儿子在区别动物的脸方面没有问题,但是到9个月大时,他们就失去那种能力,相反,年龄越大,他们辨认人脸方面的能力就越强。

    Six-month-olds apparently have no trouble telling apart animal faces , but then they lose that ability by the time they turn nine months old . In contrast , as they get older , they just get better at distinguishing between human faces . D : Hmm !

  30. 结果表明6个月大的婴儿在辨别某类型的脸部方面胜过9个月大的婴儿。在最近的研究中,科学家观察到在辨认非人脸方面和辨认人脸方面的能力是一样的。

    It turns out that six-month-olds are better than nine-month-olds at recognizing certain faces . In a recent study , scientists observed that six-month-olds are equally good at distinguishing between non-human faces , as they are at distinguishing between human faces .