
  • 网络csr
  1. 在项目识别中加入社会责任指数和安全指数,是本文的重要创新点。

    It is an important Innovations that put the indexes of societal duty and safe duty in the project Identification .

  2. 在获取社会责任披露指数时,采用了指数评分法,构建了冶炼行业特有的社会责任披露指标体系,通过三值分析法得到社会责任信息披露的质量指数。

    In obtaining social responsibility disclosure index , the index score , build the smelting industry-specific social responsibility disclosure system , through the analysis of three-valued mass index of social responsibility information disclosure .

  3. 本章首先提出假设,然后以股票持有至到期收益率为被解释变量,社会责任信息披露指数为解释变量,利用了收益模型加入控制变量后进行回归。

    This part first makes hypothesis , then take stock held to maturity yields as explained variable , social responsibility index as explain the variables , and make a regression with Return Model and some control variables .

  4. 这里首先对评价企业社会责任信息的三大指标进行了评析,最终选择了社会责任指数法作为本文的计量方法。

    Here first analysed the the three major indexes , and final seleced the Social Responsibility Index as a measurement method of this article .