
  • 网络securities dealer;jobber;Securities Dealers' Representatives
  1. 美联储(fed)今天将在纽约同证券交易商、投资人及交易所高管见面,试图加快为信用衍生品市场建立中央结算对手(centralcounterparty)的进程。

    The Federal Reserve will meet dealers , investors and exchange executives in New York today to try to speed the creation of a central counterparty for the credit derivatives sector .

  2. 全国证券交易商自动报价协会〔美国〕

    National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations [ United States ]

  3. 我知道,现在百度被音乐行业列入非法下载黑名单,它是中国最大的搜索引擎,在NASDAQ(是指美国“全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统)

    Now I know that baidu.com is one of those that 's been singled out by the music industries , it 's the biggest Chinese search engine , it 's listed on Nasdaq and it 's been subject / to be deliberately named .

  4. 保护投资者使其免上诈欺性证券交易商当的州法

    Us state laws to protect investor against fraudulent trader in securities

  5. 如今,纳斯达克与全美证券交易商协会已分离了各自的管理层、董事会和董事长。

    Today Nasdaq and NASD have separate managements , boards of directors and chairmen .

  6. 全美证券交易商协会。

    The National Association of Securities Dealers .

  7. 日本证券交易商自动报价协会

    Japanese Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations

  8. 全美证券交易商协会自动报价系统。世界上最大的计算机化交易系统。

    An exchange system in which principals and dealers negotiate with each other for the best price .

  9. 这个系统被称为“那斯达克”,是“全国证券交易商自动报价系统协会”的英文缩写。

    The system is known as NASDAQ , short for The National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation .

  10. 这种情况两年前在全国证券交易商协会开始收集交易价格时就已经开始有所转变。

    That began to change two years ago when the National Association of Securities Dealers began collecting transaction prices .

  11. 那样我们就能切断与全美证券交易商协会的一切关联,并消除一切可能的冲突。

    That would allow us to sever all our ties from the NASD and any possible conflict would be eliminated .

  12. 另一类主要的商业票据是交易商票据,由证券交易商代表公司客户发行。

    The other major variety of commercial paper is dealer paper , issued by security dealers on behalf of their corporate customers .

  13. 事务委员会讨论有关证券交易商及证券保证金融资提供者的财务规管制度检讨的文件。

    The panel discussed the paper on the review on the financial regulatory framework for securities dealers and securities margin finance providers .

  14. 现在,证券交易商也加入进来,与央行一道努力扑灭市场恐慌的大火。

    Now the battle has been joined with securities traders in central banks ' effort to stamp out a combustion of market panic .

  15. 全美证券交易商协会是纳斯达克的所有者和监管机构。

    The SEC blamed Nasdaq 's owner and regulator , the National Association of Securities Dealers , for failing to police Nasdaq adequately .

  16. 最近的一连串股票下跌导致了2000年12月20日位于时代广场上的纳兹达克交易市场令人难以理解地休市,这一年是有29年历史的全国证券交易商协会自动行情指数最糟的一年。

    The latest in a string of stock sell-offs caused the curious to pause at the Nasdaq Marketsite in Times Square on Dec.20.2000 was the worst-ever year for the29-year-old Nasdaq index .

  17. 美国监管机构昨天宣布,同意为全美5100家证券经纪/交易商建立一个单一的监管组织。此举表明,美国将展开数十年来最大规模的证券市场监管改革。

    US regulators yesterday signalled the biggest overhaul of securities markets regulation in decades by agreeing to create a single oversight organisation for the country 's 5,100 broker-dealers .

  18. 美国的联邦储备局,纽约证券交易所,全美证券交易商协会和个别公司共同规定证券客户的信贷延展问题。

    S.is regulated by : the Federal Reserve Board , the New York Stock Exchange ( NYSE ), the National Association of Securities Dealers ( NASD ), and individual firms .

  19. 向经纪人提供证券的价格报表的计算机系统;全国证券交易商自动报价系统协会。

    A computerized data system to provide brokers with price quotations for securities ; national Association of Securities Dealers Automated quotations .