
  • 网络Evidence Form;proof form
  1. 物证鉴定是司法鉴定的重要组成部分。物证鉴定结论作为一种证据形式,在诉讼活动中起着举足轻重的作用。

    Evidence identification forms a major part of judicature appraisal .

  2. 证人证言是我国民事诉讼中法定的基本证据形式之一。

    Testimony of witness is one of legal and basic forms of evidence .

  3. 关于我国刑事证据形式划分的思考

    Reflection on the Form of Criminal Evidence Division

  4. 第四章对几种法定证据形式及相关规则进行了分析,分析了最佳证据规则产生的原因,认为:在我国民事诉讼中,应当赋予书证之复印件、副本、节录本完全的证据资格;

    The fourth chapter analyzed the several legal forms of evidence and their concerning rules .

  5. 我国修订后的刑事诉讼法首次将视听资料作为一种独立的证据形式予以规定。

    The audiovisual material was first regarded as the independent proofs in the modified Criminal Law .

  6. 刑事证据形式划分是刑事证据立法和理论研究中的一个基本问题。

    The form of criminal evidence division is a fundamental problem in the legislation and theoretical research of criminal evidence .

  7. 鉴定结论作为我国的七种法定证据形式之一,常常在诉讼中发挥着其他证据不可替代的作用。

    As one of the seven forms of legal evidence , expert conclusion plays an irreplaceable role in legal proceedings .

  8. 鉴定意见是我国民事诉讼法中明确规定的一种证据形式,对于案件事实的认定起着很重要的作用。

    Expert opinion is one of the country lawsuit legal evidence forms . It plays an important role to determine the case facts .

  9. 作为刑事诉讼证据形式之一的证人证言,已为我国刑事诉讼法所确认。

    Testimony of witness , as one of the forms of evidence in criminal procedure , has been acknowledged by our criminal procedure law .

  10. 第三部分详细论述视听资料的收集问题,包括视听资料的收集原则,收集要求和收集方法。首先对比其他法定证据形式的收集原则,重点突出协调配合原则从而对视听资料的收集原则进行阐述。

    The third chapter argues the collection of the audio-visual material in detail , including Audio-visual Material collection principle , collection rule and collection method .

  11. 司法认知从本质上讲既非证据形式,也非诉讼证明方式,而是法官的一种职权行为。

    In essence , judicial notice is neither a form of evidence nor a mode of proof . It is a judicial act of judges .

  12. 证人证言作为法定刑事证据形式的一种,是整个刑事诉讼过程中不可或缺的关键一环。

    Witnesses ' testimony as statutory criminal evidence form of the criminal litigation , is the whole process of a key link in the indispensable .

  13. 本文从鉴定机构资格及中立性、证据形式要件三个方面对医疗事故技术鉴定证据的合法性提出质疑,并就完善我国医疗事故技术鉴定证据作一思考。

    From the condition of expert testimony , neutrality and essentials of evidence , this article doubts its legal validity and brings out some proper suggestions .

  14. 我国民事诉讼法对证据形式规定了“证人证言”和“鉴定结论”,并无专家证人意见的概念。

    " Witness'testimony " and " expert 's conclusion " have been stipulated as evidence forms in China civil procedural law , but no expert witness therein .

  15. 刑事推定的成立,必须满足三个条件,即表现为证据形式的基础事实、推定事实以及二者之间的常态联系。

    The criminal presumption must abide by three conditions , i.e , the basic fact and the presumption fact of the evidence form , and the normal relationship between them .

  16. 与传统证据形式相比,电子证据具有高技术性、精确性、传输速度快等优势,但同时也有易被篡改、破坏的特点。

    Compared with the traditional forms of evidence , electronic evidence is advanced by its high-tech , precision , fast transmission , and other advantages , but is also susceptible to tampering and destruction .

  17. 被害人作证的证据形式即被害人陈述,是记载被害人作证内容的法定证据种类。

    The form of evidence for the victim to testify , that is to say , the victim statement , is the type of statutory evidence documenting the content of the victim to testify .

  18. 在第四部分,笔者着重指出了我国的法定证据形式和原件、复制件证明力的区别对电子证据证明力的消极影响。

    In chapter four , I point out emphatically the negative influence on the evidence value of the electronic evidence from the form of legal evidence and the difference of original paper and duplicate in China .

  19. 因为:一方面,从不同诉讼阶段的证据形式来看,证据相关性是所有证据自始至终一直均具有的属性。

    Because : on the one hand , from the form of evidence in the different stages of the proceedings , the relevance of evidence is the attribute that all the evidence always have from first to last .

  20. 由于视听资料具有其他证据形式不可比拟的优越性,现代法治社会中,当事人依赖它来维护自己合法权益的诉讼呈不断增加之势。

    Because the audio-visual material has other evidence form incomparable superiority , in the modern government by law society , the lawsuit which the litigant relies on it to defend his rights and interests assumes potential of the unceasing increase .

  21. 应该说,这些证据形式基本概括了在三大诉讼中证明案件事实的各种证据材料的表现形式,也基本满足了三大诉讼中审查各种案件事实的证据需要。

    Rethink and Reconstruct the Sorts of Evidence in China Objectively , these sorts of evidence materials , which are used to prove the truth of case in the three proceedings , satisfy basically the needs for examining and distinguishing all kinds of facts in the cases .

  22. 鉴定结论作为一种重要的证据形式,是由具有某项专门知识或技能的人接受鉴定委托后,利用其专门知识或技能对客观事物的某种属性进行观察、验证后并作出的认定或判断。

    As an important type of evidence , expert conclusions are prepared by people who have special expertise . Being employed or appointed , they make use of their special knowledge or technical ability to observe and test the nature of the target objects and draw conclusions .

  23. 首先,从贿赂案件自身的特殊性出发对其证据的形式和特点进行认识和分析。

    Firstly , from their own particularity of the bribery case based on the evidence forms and features of understanding and analysis .

  24. 其作为证据的形式多样性和易篡改性,使得视听资料司法鉴定在司法诉讼活动中显得尤为重要。

    As the sound and video evidence is multiplicity and easy to falsify , It is very important to determine the truth of the evidence by judicial expert .

  25. 鉴定结论是一种重要的证据表现形式,但鉴定结论并不具有高于其它证据形式的证明力和证据能力。

    An expert conclusion is an important kind of form of evidence but expert conclusion s haven 't the force of evidence and admissibility above other forms of evidence .

  26. 即根据证据表现形式以及起诉阶段的需求来细化哪些证据是必须移送,哪些证据不得移送。

    That is based on the evidence and the prosecution phase of the manifestations of the demand to refine what evidence is to be transferred and what the evidence is not transferred .

  27. 新的支付方式和支付工具的结合,对传统的法律制度、原则如公平原则、证据的形式、举证责任的承担,提出了挑战,各国都在修订自己法律。

    Mixing new payment form and payment instrument result in challenge for the traditional legal system and legal principle , such as fair principle , the admissible form of proof , the burden of proof , making each country revise the law .

  28. 研究报告明确指出,在有证据表明其他形式的防护同样有效或更加有效之前,应遵守CDC的现行指南。

    The report specifically endorses the current CDC guidance and says it should be followed until there is evidence that other forms of protection work as well or better .

  29. 关于刑事诉讼证据的存在形式,世界各国立法与理论一直存有争论。

    On the forms of existence of evidences in the criminal litigation , there are many theories at issue .

  30. 弹劾证据的表现形式主要有以下五种:先前不一致的陈述、偏见证据、品格证据、证人感知能力及精神状况的缺陷、具体的矛盾。

    Impeachment evidence exists mainly in the following five forms : prior inconsistent statements , bias evidence , character evidence , witness perception or the defect and specific conflict of mental .