
  • 网络continental;Continental AG;Conti;CONTINENTAL GROUP;Continental Corporation
  1. 大陆集团将从明年年初起提价5%,理由是“目前汽车轮胎生产中使用的主要天然橡胶品种价格过高”。

    Continental is to put prices up by 5 per cent from the start of next year , citing " the currently very high price level for the main types of natural rubber used in the production of car tyres " .

  2. 德国大陆集团是全球领先的汽车零部件供应商之一,大陆马牌轮胎公司是欧洲最大轮胎制造商。

    Continental Tyre Group AG is a leading global supplier of automotive components and the CONTITRAC TR TIRES Company is the largest tire manufacturer in Europe .

  3. 负责领导公司的培训和员工发展管理按照大陆集团的标准和专业的流程执行。

    Take the lead for the actual implementation system regarding training and people development management are running with professional & Conti-standard way in the plant .

  4. 德根哈特代表德国大陆集团董事会感谢安徽省、合肥市多年来对大陆轮胎项目的高度重视和大力支持。

    On behalf of the board , Degenhardt said he really appreciates Anhui Province and Hefei City for the support rendered to the project for many years .

  5. 他说,多年后再次来肥,不仅看到了这里翻天覆地的变化,还即将见证大陆集团合肥工厂一期项目投产,非常激动。

    He said he was very excited at seeing great changes taking place here in Hefei and being able to witness the successful operation of Phase I of the Continental Hefei Plant .

  6. 德国大陆集团的方向是:引领汽车业安全、环保、信息、经济适用车发展的四大趋势。并正在研发新的市场所需产品给力于汽车行业的当今趋势。

    The way of the Continental is that : leading the four trends of the auto development , safety , environmental , information , economic car and exploiture the new products to be suitable for the development of the auto industry .

  7. 根据大陆桥集团以现代物流为主的经济特点,运用BCG法选择总体战略模式采取同心多元化战略。

    According to the economic features that Continent Bridge Group makes the modern goods distribution as the main , the thesis applies the method of BCG to select general strategy pattern and adopt centripetal diversity strategy .

  8. 研究确定了大陆桥集团各项职能战略:确定了总部和分部两种不同的组织管理战略;

    The thesis sets up functions ' strategy of Continent Bridge Group : to determine the different management strategy with headquarters and branch ;

  9. 魏应充所在家族拥有顶新国际集团,在饮食行业涉猎广泛,尤其是在中国大陆,集团出品的康师傅方便面随处可见。

    Mr. Wei 's family owns the Ting Hsin International Group , which has broad interests in the food industry , particularly in China , where its Kang Shi Fu instant noodles are ubiquitous .

  10. 大陆希望集团作为多元化的产业集团,各业务板块所处的发展期不同,管理水平不同,竞争环境不同,必然对集团企业差异化管理和精细化管理带来更高的要求。

    As a diversified industrial group , its different business tectonic plate locates different development period , its management level is different , its competition environment is different , which Inevitably brings a higher request to the group variation management and the fine refinement management .

  11. 据知情人士透露,宏达国际已将中档价位的Desire系列中至少三款新机型外包给了台湾合同制造商仁宝电脑(CompalElectronicsInc.)和中国大陆的闻泰集团(WingtechGroup)。

    The Taiwanese smartphone maker has outsourced at least three of the new models in its midprice Desire series to Taiwan-based contract manufacturer Compal Electronics Inc. and China 's Wingtech Group , said people familiar with the matter .

  12. 太阳,从新大陆升起&贵州大陆企业(集团)总公司

    Guizhou Continent Enterprise ( Group ) Corporation