
dà pán
  • Large market;overall situation of a stock market or futures market
  1. 他们从一大盘意大利面中取一些吃。

    They helped themselves from a large dish of pasta .

  2. 丹巴尔先生盛了一大盘千层面。

    Mr. Dambar had loaded his plate with lasagne

  3. 请把那只大盘子从架子顶层递下来。

    Please hand down the large dish from the top shelf .

  4. 他吃光了两大盘鸡肉。

    He demolished two big platefuls of chicken .

  5. 用尺寸更小的盘子。大碗和大盘子容易使我们变胖。

    Downsize the dishes . Big serving bowls and plates can easily make us fat .

  6. 最后,一个妇女端着一个装满食物的大盘子向他走来。

    Finally , a woman with a big plate full of food came up to him .

  7. 她将一大盘热气腾腾、美味可口的肉放在他面前。

    She placed a huge dish before him of savory steaming meat .

  8. 壳牌(shell)和英国石油(bp)相对于大盘的跌幅自今年年初以来已超过10%。

    Shell and BP are both down against the market by over 10 per cent since the start of the year .

  9. 另一只侧重于上述一部分选股方法的基金是DFA大盘美股投资组合(DFAUSLargeCapEquityPortfolio)。

    Another fund that focuses on some of the same stock-picking methods is the DFA US Large Cap Equity Portfolio .

  10. 调查总结称,这些股票的表现优于大盘以及其它形式IPO的股票。

    It concluded that the shares outperformed the overall market and shares issues in other initial public offerings .

  11. 论低PSR值的股票在大盘下跌中的抗跌特性

    On Anti-Drop Characteristic of Low-PSR Stocks in the Bulk Lots Fall

  12. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的中国金融分析师徐然(RichardXu)表示,投资券商本质上是对股市大盘的下注。

    Richard Xu , China financials analyst at Morgan Stanley , says brokerages are essentially a bet on the broader stock market .

  13. 该支撑大盘与飞机是一架E2鹰眼和其他道具飞机是芹菜灰狗。

    The prop plane with the big dish is an E2 Hawkeye and the other prop plane is a C2 Greyhound .

  14. 汉诺塔问题:有ABC三根柱子,A柱上有n个大小不等的盘子,大盘在下,小盘在上。

    Tower of Hanoi problem : There are three pillars ABC , A column has n different sizes of plates , the broader market in the next , small cap on .

  15. 尽管苹果的表现弱于大盘,不过它仍然顶住了关于iPhone5的传言的压力,并在本周二以升幅收盘。

    Although Apple has underperformed the broad market , it was able to withstand the pressure of the iPhone 5 rumor to finish Tuesday in positive territory .

  16. 在海拔2000米的地方,CapHorn餐馆专门提供海鲜食品,有寿司、鱼子酱、大盘冷藏牡蛎、蛤蜊、蟹和其它甲壳动物,几乎无所不有。

    At 2,000 metres , Cap Horn specialises in sea-level seafood : from sushi to caviar to giant plates of chilled oysters , clams , crab and assorted fruits de mer .

  17. 过去6个月,HTC市值已蒸发一半,而台湾股市大盘下跌1.16%。

    Over the past six months , HTC shares have lost half their value , while the overall index has fallen 1.16 per cent .

  18. 要求将所有的盘子从A柱搬到C柱上,每次只能搬动一个,搬动过程中可以借助另一个柱子,但是必须满足大盘在下,小盘在上。

    Requires that all of the plates to move C from A column column , you can only move one can make use of the process of moving to another post , but must meet the market in the next , small cap on .

  19. 将人力资本投资作为提供跑赢大盘表现的有效战略,可能会引发人们的疑问,但在axawfhumancapital,基金经理认为这将行得通。

    Investing in human capital as an effective strategy for delivering outperformance might raise a few questions and eyebrows , but at AXA WF human capital , fund managers believe it will work .

  20. 今年以来,与活跃的上海市场基准指数相比,该公司股价走势落后了40%左右,而炼油及营销业务规模更大的中石化(sinopec)则与大盘持平。

    It has lagged the buoyant Shanghai benchmark by about 40 per cent this year , while Sinopec with a much bigger refining and marketing business has kept pace .

  21. 比亚迪也在香港上市,其H股股价在过去一年里下跌57%,而同期内恒生指数(HangSengIndex)大盘上涨11%。

    BYD shares in Hong Kong , where the company is also listed , have fallen 57 per cent in the past year , compared with an 11 per cent rise for the Hang Seng index .

  22. 以华夏大盘精选基金为例的实证研究表明基于SVM的混沌时间序列预测可以较好捕捉市场运行趋势和识别市场异常波动,是一种优秀的风险预测与管理工具。

    Empirical studies for the Huaxia foundation have shown that SVM-based prediction of chaotic time series can capture the market trends and identify market fluctuations well and it is an excellent risk prediction and management tools .

  23. 大型能源和金融类股票领跌,拖累大盘,工行下跌5%,中石油(PetroChina)下跌8.4%。

    Large energy and financial stocks were among the biggest drags on the overall market , with ICBC down 5 per cent and PetroChina off 8.4 per cent .

  24. 另一家在秘鲁拥有权益的伦敦上市公司斯特拉塔(xstrata),股价也下跌了1%尽管大盘是在上涨。

    London-listed Xstrata , another mining company with interests in the Andean nation , slid 1 per cent in a rising market .

  25. 最终按照等权重的投资策略,以本文提出的基于SVM的分类技术所选出的优势股进行投资,无论是在牛市或是熊市,都能获取战胜大盘的超额收益。

    Investing by the stocks selected by the multi-class SVMs raised in this paper with the equally weighted portfolio , no matter when it is in a bull or bear market , investors can also get exceptional returns .

  26. 并且在大盘指数升高时,QFⅡ季度买入羊群行为值与卖出羊群行为值的差距会在一定程度上加大。

    And in the QFII quarter rises , buy and sell sheep herding behavior on the gap value will be increased to a certain extent .

  27. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)分析师在罗杰弗里曼(RogerFreeman)在一份简报中表示:不论来源如何,这一每股盈利水平都提高了高盛的账面价值,可能有助于其股票在短期内强于大盘。

    This earnings per share , regardless of its source , adds to book value and could help the shares outperform in the near term , Roger Freeman , analyst at Barclays Capital , wrote in a note .

  28. Lipper公司称,这是30年来活跃基金经理相对大盘表现最差的一年。

    Lipper says this is the worst year for active managers relative to the market in three decades .

  29. 因此,如果CPI数字好于预期,将再次激发一波空头回补反弹,有可能将大盘推至20日均线关键阻力上方。

    With that said , a better than expected CPI reading would trigger another short-covering rally , which has the potential to fuel a run above key resistant at the area of the20-day moving average .

  30. 新股上市后一年间的市场表现显著低于大盘指数,并且IPO首日收益越高的股票,长期表现越差,从而证实了我们关于二级市场存在噪声因素的推断。

    We find that the long term performance of new shares are significantly lower than the stock index , and the higher the initial return is , the worse the long-term performance , which prove the existence of noise trading in the secondary market .