
  1. 自1982年2月美国堪萨斯市期货交易所上市价值线综合平均指数期货交易以来,股票指数期货日益受到各类投资者的重视,交易规模迅速扩大,交易品种不断增加。

    The stock index futures trading has been attached importance to increasingly by varied investors since Kansas Futures Exchange released Value-line Composite Index Futures on February . , 1982 . Trading scale has enlarged quickly and varieties added have gotten more increasingly .

  2. 提出了我国的工程造价指数编制范围及各单项工程造价指数、综合指数及平均数指数的测算编制方法;

    Proposes the range of compilation concerning construction cost index and the calculation formula for every individual cost index , composite index and average index in our country ;

  3. 阐述了综合指数、平均数指数和平均指标指数的编制方法及三种指数在编制过程中应注意的问题,并配以实例进行计算和分析。

    In this paper , we discuss the methods of drawing up synthetic exponent , average exponent and average index exponent . We also cite examples to analyze problems in drawing up the above three exponents .