
  • 网络Media;network media;internet;Online media
  1. 正因为网络媒体广告要比电视和广播广告更有效,所以相对来说网赚还是比较简单的一种创业方式。

    Running a business is easier on the Internet since it is a better advertising3 medium than radio or television .

  2. 美国私人网络媒体公司Buzzfeed对这个文化现象做了报道。

    American private Internet media company BuzzFeed reported on the cultural phenomenon .

  3. 作为社交网络媒体,Twitter为用户提供了许多乐趣。

    As a social networking medium , Twitter is a lot of fun .

  4. 朗先生告诉网络媒体CapitalNewYork,去年他总共录制了数千小时的素材,但有幸剪出来的样片也都不理想。

    Mr. Wrong ended up with thousands of hours of footage , and the luxury of cutting any example that was not perfect , he told Capital New York last year .

  5. 2006年,欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)通过了欧洲理事会(CouncilofEurope)的一项提案,将回应权用于网络媒体。

    In2006 , the European Parliament adopted a Council of Europe recommendation that a right of reply be imposed on the online media .

  6. 网络媒体公司PlastickMedia就是一个这样的客户。

    Plastick media , an Internet-based media agency , is one such client .

  7. 从印刷媒体到广电媒体再到网络媒体,都在iPad上找到了全新的起点,纷纷上线自己的iPad应用客户端。

    From the print media , radio and television media and networking media , to find a new starting point on the iPad , have on-line iPad application .

  8. 网络媒体时代广播电视的体制改革

    Reform of the Broadcasting System in the Age of Network Medium

  9. 第一,网络媒体与媒体公信力。

    The first , network media and public trust of media .

  10. 简论网络媒体的发展模式

    Probe into the modes in the development of network 's media

  11. 富媒体技术与网络媒体及传统广告的兼容

    Compatibility between Rich Media Technology , Network Media and Traditional ADs

  12. 论网络媒体的议程设置功能

    Study on the Function of Agenda Setting of Network Media

  13. 北京地区老年网民网络媒体接触研究

    Research on Internet Contact Habits of Senior Netizens in Beijing

  14. 众所周知,任何媒体都需要批评。本文论述的是运用网络媒体对电视进行批评。

    It is well known that any medium needs to be criticized .

  15. 疾病控制领域网络媒体监测及其实施结果分析

    Analysis of media surveillance in areas of disease control

  16. 中国网络媒体营利模式探析

    The Research of Internet Media Seeking Profits in China

  17. 论网络媒体核心竞争力的培育

    The Cultivation of the Core Competence of Network Media

  18. 网络媒体艺术很年轻,却具有很大的发展潜力。

    Internet media art very young , but has great potential for development .

  19. 换句话说,网络媒体创业不适合胆小鬼。

    In other words , online is not for the faint of heart .

  20. 纸介媒体与网络媒体的竞争和融合

    Competition and Combination of Paper Media and Net Media

  21. 基于分布式消息驱动的计算机网络媒体传输同步机制

    A Computer Network Multimedia Transmission Synchronization Mechanism Based on

  22. 网络媒体发展日新月异,也引起社会各界的广泛关注。

    The rapid development of Internet media , have also attracted wide attention .

  23. 网络媒体与其他媒体在成本和应用方面的比较研究

    Compare Research about the Cost and Application of Network Medium with Other Media

  24. 艾滋病知识信息42.19%来自网络媒体。

    42.19 % AIDS knowledge came from network media .

  25. 网络媒体的道德危机和社会责任

    Web Media 's Moral Crisis And Social Responsibilities

  26. 论网络媒体传播功能的特点

    On Characteristics of Communicational Function of Networking Media

  27. 宁波网络媒体与宁波社会发展关系研究

    Study on the Relation between the Internet Media and the Social Development in Ningbo

  28. 下一代网络媒体控制模型

    Study on the Media Control Model for NGN

  29. 网络媒体的欣欣向荣对传统的纸质媒体形成了巨大的冲击。

    The thriving of net medium formed a huge impact to traditional newspaper medium .

  30. 论文预测了传统媒体与网络媒体大众评论之间相互融合的趋势,它带动传统媒体改革评论板块。

    It further the reform in traditional media .