
wǎnɡ luò pèi zhì
  • network configuration
  1. 基于嵌入式Web门禁控制器的网络配置实现

    Achieve of Network Configuration Based on Embeded Web in Access Controller

  2. 基于Web的层次性网络配置管理系统

    Web-based Hierarchic Network Configuration Management System

  3. TivoliServiceAutomationManager7.2.1提供了改进的错误检查功能,特别是用于网络配置方面的检查。

    Tivoli Service Automation Manager 7.2.1 offers improved error checking , especially for the network configuration .

  4. 包括硬件的选择、网络配置文件的修改、PLC控制程序的移植等步骤及其注意事项和一些技巧。

    It includes hardware selection , network modification , PLC program transplantation , techniques and some points for attention .

  5. 基于LDAP的网络配置管理目录服务模型研究

    Research on the directory model based on the LDAP in network configuration management

  6. 当前,这类网络配置广泛使用的协议是SNMP(SimpleNetworkManagementprotocol),简单网络管理协议。

    The network devices must be inevitably configured and supervised via network . Nowadays , SNMP ( Simple Network Management Protocol ) is the most popular network management protocol .

  7. 在安装VIOServer代码前,您需要知道服务器的网络配置数据。

    Before installing the VIO Server code , you need to know the network configuration data for the server .

  8. 每个逻辑网络配置文件都指定了一个VLANID,您需要将虚拟服务器连接到这个VLANID。

    Each logical network profile specifies a VLAN ID to which you want to connect virtual servers .

  9. 网络配置功能实现了自动在局域网内搜寻存在的机器,获取主机名、IP地址等网络配置所需要的相关信息。

    Network-Configuration module implements the function : searching automatically for the needed information , including the hostnames and IP address of the computers existed in LAN .

  10. 克隆运行时映像经常会出现的问题是其包含一些依赖于外部环境的信息,例如网络配置IP地址。

    A recurring problem when cloning runtime images is that they contain some information that is dependent on the external environments , such as network configuration IP addresses .

  11. 但是SNMP协议在网络配置,传输效率,安全性,告警管理等方面仍然存在根本性的缺点。

    But the configuration , transmission efficiency , security and notifications management of SNMP are still fundamental weaknesses .

  12. 因此,网络配置中越来越多地使用了DHCP服务器及技术,随着网络应用的普及和深入,应用范围会愈来愈广。

    So DHCP technology will be applied more and more largely in network .

  13. 接着,本文详细阐述了在NGOSS指导下,采用WebServices技术设计和实现的网络配置管理系统。

    Then the thesis presents the design and the implementation of network configuration management system using Web Services and based on the principles of NGOSS .

  14. 方法:使用所有已定义接口的成功ping会展示网络配置是正确的。

    How to do this : A successful ping using all the defined interfaces will demonstrate the network configuration is correct .

  15. 在成功完成服务请求之后,您就可以登录到所分配的VM上,检查网络配置。

    Upon successful completion of the service request , you can login to the provisioned VM and check the network configuration .

  16. 介绍了此次改造内容,包括网络配置和全局变量的修改,L2级应用系统的修改和完善及功能调试。

    One step includes network settings and variable correction . Another step includes system improvement and function debugging of L2 grade system .

  17. 详述了利用原有Novell3.12网络配置成WindowsNTWIN95无盘站的一些特殊之处,有一定的推广价值。

    This paper described some outstanding points of making use of the original Novell 3.12 network disposing Windows NT WIN95 diskless workstation .

  18. 随着无线局域网规模的越来越大,智能化网络配置管理以及用户接入管理成为WLAN应用中最为重要的问题。

    With the increasing size of the WLAN , intelligent network configuration management and user access management has become very important in the application of WLAN .

  19. UNIX工作站固有的高速计算能力、标准的网络配置和先进的图形功能,极大地提高了仪器系统的整体性能。

    The inherited high speed and standard network ability of UNIX workstation made it possible that the over all system performance of instrument has been greatly improved .

  20. 采用PROFIBUS-DP单主站的网络配置模式实现了柔性加工系统的控制系统设计。

    The control system of flexible manufacturing system is designed as a single master station mode of PROFIBUS-DP in this paper .

  21. 在访问一个UNIX系统时,甚至是了解现有系统时,有关系统如何运行的一个关键部分就是网络配置。

    When accessing a new UNIX system , or even understanding an existing one , a key part of the puzzle to how the system operates is the network configuration .

  22. 在这两个阶段,eServerp5服务器的网络配置可以不一样。

    The network configuration of the eServer p5 server might be different in these two phases .

  23. 完成以上操作之后,eth0配置将被清除,单击Next继续。此时,您将回到网络配置界面。

    After you do that , the eth0 configuration will be cleared , so click Next to continue , and you are back to the network configuration screen .

  24. 在部署时,它将正确的网络配置分配给实例(例如,主机名、IP地址、DNS和网关),并将新密码分配给root用户。

    At deployment time , it assigns the correct network configuration to the instance ( hostname , IP address , DNS , and gateway , for example ) and the new password to the root user .

  25. 这种情况下,无论是设备硬件还是网络配置都具有巨大成本优势的稀疏波分复用(CWDM)技术是非常适用的。

    So CWDM is quite suitable for MAN with its advantages in cost of hardware and network configuration .

  26. 同时,研究了神经网络配置和训练问题并提出了AB网络模型。

    Besides the forecast model , a new model called AB neural network model is presented which is used to study the problems of configuration and training in neural networks .

  27. 如果使用软件iSCSI,那么可能需要先解决网络配置问题。

    If accessed using software iSCSI , then network configuration issues may need to be resolved first .

  28. 最重要的一点是,网络配置已完成并且已经进行了测试,其中包括能够执行从AIX节点到iSCSIIP端口地址的Ping测试。

    Most importantly , the network configuration is complete and tested , including the ability to perform a ping test from the AIX node to the iSCSI IP port address .

  29. P2P流媒体通过利用普通节点的资源为其它节点提供服务,在不改变现有网络配置的前提下具有良好的性价比,是一种具有广泛应用前景的流媒体分发方法。

    P2P media streaming can utilize bandwidth resource of host nodes to provide service to other peer nodes without changing the current deployment of Internet ; it is cost-effective and contains good application value in future .

  30. 在部署时,网络配置信息将由VDM来收集,并被保存到VM配置ISO文件中,以便在VM启动时可以访问这些信息。

    When deploying , the network configuration information will be collected by VDM and will be saved to the VM configuration ISO file so the information can be accessed when the VM starts .