
  • 网络Network Economics;Network Economy;The Economics of Networks
  1. 由密码和数字技术推动,网络经济学改变了我们所谓的“不错的隐私”。

    One of the consequences of network economics , as facilitated by ciphers and digital technology , is the transformation of what we mean by pretty good privacy .

  2. 本文的主要任务是将网络经济学的相关理论运用到规制企业滥用市场支配地位的具体实践,以完善我国在这方面的具体制度。

    The main task of the paper is to put network economics theory into specific practice of regulating corporate abusing a dominant market position in order to improve the specific system of our country in this regard .

  3. 其中国民生产总值模型是一个典型的EBP网络经济学预测模型,显示神经网络预测的优点,也告诉用户使用本模型的基本思路;

    The first one , GDP Prediction Model , is a typical economics prediction model , and it shows the advantages of ANN prediction and tell users the normal way to use our model ;

  4. 信用卡标准与银行竞争:基于网络经济学角度的分析

    On the Credit Card Standard and the Competition among Banks

  5. 网络经济学的产生对传统经济学理论提出了挑战,但是网络经济学的理论发展远远落后于实践。

    There is a challenge of internet economics to traditional economics . The theoretical development of internet economics lags behind its practice .

  6. 现在,免费在线内容之所以更有意义,并不是由网络经济学的某些基础定律决定的,而是因为在线广告市场已经成熟。

    Free online access makes more sense now not because of some fundamental law of online economics , but because the online advertising market has matured .

  7. 接着利用网络经济学理论,探讨技术标准的网络效应和正反馈机制,并分析网络经济条件下的标准竞争。

    Then it probes into the network effects and the positive feedback mechanism by means of network economics . Finally it analyzes the standards competition under network economy . 2 .

  8. 从网络经济学角度看,对个人信息采取必要适当的保护措施,对社会整体经济利益而言具有正面影响;

    From the point of view of economy , it has a positive effect on the economic interest of the whole society to take some necessary protective measures on individual information ;

  9. 这一方面对传统网络经济学赢者通吃的观点提出了挑战,另一方面也引发了发展中国家对软件产业发展模式和发展战略的思考。

    This , on one hand , has challenged the traditional network economics ' idea of Winner-take-all , and on the other hand , it has triggered the thoughts of the developing countries on the developing mode and strategies of software industry .

  10. 本文可能的创新之处主要体现在:1、将网络经济学的理论和企业战略管理理论进行了有机的结合,比较全面地分析阐述了企业发展战略在网络经济时代的变化特点和相应的调整措施。

    Innovations of the dissertation lie as follows : 1.Combine the network economy theory with the enterprise strategy management theory , analyse the characteristics of the enterprise 's development strategy in the network economy times and the concerned adjustment ways to a comparatively complete degree .

  11. 同时利用交易成本理论对协作RD网络进行经济学研究,并由此描绘了协作RD网络形成流程。

    Meanwhile using the transaction cost economic theory to do economic research on the cooperative R & D , and describe the forming process .

  12. 本文对ANN的特点、有效性及局限性结合经济学应用进行了分析,认为人工神经元网络为经济学研究提供了强有力的分析工具,在不久的将来会成为经济学研究的重要领域。

    Making analysis of ANN 's characteristics , efficiency , and limitations in view of its economic applications , the article holds that ANN provides a powerful tool for economics researches , and it will become an important field of economic researches in the near future .

  13. 利用网络产业经济学的相关经济理论对氢经济基础设施的经济特性进行分析。

    On the basis of economic theory of energy industry networks , it also analyzes economic characteristics of the hydrogen economy infrastructure .

  14. 信息经济学在未来新世纪,将朝着信息网络的经济学研究、电子商务及其对策研究、信息市场及其国际化研究等十个方向发展。

    Information economics tends to develop in ten aspects : study of information network , electronic business , information market and its internationalization , etc.

  15. 基于网络制造的经济学思考

    The Analysis of the Net-based Manufacturing in Economics

  16. 基于网络传播的经济学分析

    Based on . Economical Analysis on Network Propagation

  17. 网络组织的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of Network Organization

  18. 最后,在对网络保险进行经济学分析的基础上,结合国外保险公司发展网络保险的实际情况,提出了几点总结:一、网络保险将加剧保险公司的竞争;

    In the end , based on the economy analyzing of e-insurance and the practice , We get some conclusions : 1 , e-insurance will prick up the competition between insurance companies .

  19. 认知无线网络中基于微观经济学的动态频谱管理算法

    A Microeconomics Based Dynamic Spectrum Management Algorithm for Cognitive Wireless Networks

  20. 致命的瓶颈:制约信息网络经济发展的经济学规律

    Fatal Bottleneck : The Economics Rules Restricting the Development of Network Economy

  21. 企业间网络及其效率的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of Inter-enterprise Network and Its Efficiency

  22. 孵化器创新网络是新制度经济学思想的具体体现。

    The innovation networks of incubators also embodied some thoughts of new institution economics .

  23. 电信网络互联定价的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of Network Interconnection Pricing

  24. 网络信息污染的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of Network Information Pollution

  25. 论网络组织&基于经济学与管理学的分析比较浅谈会计国际化从近现代企业会计组织制度看会计职业的伦理属性

    Study on the ethical nature of accountancy by analyzing the modern enterprise accountancy organization system

  26. 对网络外部性的经济学分析

    The Economics Analysis of Network Externalities

  27. 论文运用交通资源配置理论和产品资源网络经济的运输经济学分析方法,对交通用地配置的经济内涵进行了理论分析。

    Transport resources allocation theory and transport economics analysis method of " products-resources-network economy " are used to analyze the economic connotation of transport land configuration in theory .

  28. 网络时代的政治经济学并不是以商品为其对象,而是以陈述这个精神与物质统一的新事物为其核心概念。

    The political economics in the Network Age does not make commodity its object , but takes statement , a new thing that integrates spirit with matter , as its core conception .

  29. 电信业属于典型的网络型产业,根据网络经济学的研究,网络指标是衡量电信企业的竞争力的重要指标。

    The telecom industry belongs to the network .

  30. 网络经济的产生和崛起,会给经济学带来什么样的影响?在经济学大家族中是否会生长出一个新的成员&网络经济学?

    In big household in economics whether would grow an a new member - network 's economics ?