
  • 网络Web Standards
  1. 主页眉和页脚是根据IBM的公司网站标准定义的;当您使用Toot-O-Matic创建自己的教程时可能要更改这个区域。

    The masthead and footer were defined by IBM 's standards for corporate Web sites ; this is one of the areas you 'll probably want to change when you create your own tutorials with the Toot-O-Matic .

  2. 然而,在您做此之前,我高度推荐你们中的每一个去首先浏览JOF网站标准。

    However , before you do this , I highly recommend every one of you go to browse the criterion of JOF website first .

  3. 在品牌上,满足符合大学网站标准,同时能够快速调整对于其他私人网站平台来说十分困难。

    Staying on brand , being compliant with campus-wide standards and having the ability to adapt quickly has proved to be a hassle with other proprietary web platforms .

  4. 着重介绍了各网站标准数据库系统,以实例说明由分类号、关键词、标准号等途径检索与表面处理技术相关的各国国家标准和国际标准的方法。

    Searchable databases of standards in these websites were emphatically described . Methods for searching international and national standards about surface treatment technologies by document number , keyword , standards classification et al were explained with examples .

  5. C口提供了DTR集中器与令牌环网站、标准集中器和其它DTR集中器的基本连接。

    The C-Ports provide the basic connectivity from the device to token-ring stations , classic concentrators or other DTR concentrators .

  6. 2000年前后,得克萨斯州一个名叫丹尼斯·凯恩(DennisCain)的政府气象学家用照片做了一套符号——下雨的街道、旋风、大雾中的汽车灯光——它们成了weather.gov网站的标准符号。

    Around 2000 , a government meteorologist in Texas named Dennis Cain made a set of icons from photographs - rainy streets , wind turbines , headlights in the fog - which became the standard images on .

  7. 指定此网站的标准时区。

    Specify the standard time zone for this web site .

  8. 建立农业网站建设标准提升农业信息服务水平

    Promote level of rural information service through establishing standards of agriculture website

  9. 从政府网站评估标准的共性及个性方面对目前的典型评估方法进行了比较分析。

    From the government website evaluation criteria in terms of commonality and personality is typical of a comparative analysis of evaluation methods . 2 .

  10. 当你的组合充满了按照最好的实践和网站设计标准的顶级作品时,最终将有更好的项目诞生。在这些更好的项目中,客户将看到这些东西的价值。

    When your portfolio is full of top-of-the-line work that follows best practices and web design standards , it will lead to better projects where clients care about the value of these things .

  11. 论文中尝试给出了专题学习网站的评价标准。

    In the thesis the criterion of evaluation has been given .

  12. 一些网站按照国际标准运作,甚至获得证书。

    Some sites operate at international standard even have got certifications .

  13. 构建学科专业网站教学评价标准引发的思考

    Reflections brought from the establishment of teaching evaluation standard for the subject specific websites

  14. 浅谈网站信息资源标准化管理

    Discussion on Carrying out Standardization Management at Website

  15. 考虑到用户的需要,许多网站开始注重标准的布局和设计。

    Much of the web is beginning to move towards standard layout and design because that 's what people want .

  16. 本文依据美国评价电子商务网站的权威标准,对联想、海尔、戴尔三家企业的商务网站进行了调查分析,形成综合调查报告。

    This paper appraises the E-business website of Lenovo , Haier and Dell , according to the authoritative standard of America , forming investigation report .

  17. 这就需要制定中小学教育网站的评价标准,规范中小学教育网站的建设。

    This evaluation of the website used for of the primary and junior high school education needs to draw up . It will be the norm of the construction of the website .

  18. 学习目的描述:本单元以帮助学生该怎么样在网上查资料;确定判断网站好坏的标准;在资料书中找到答案;提高作笔记的方法;及认识用于作笔记的康奈尔体系。

    Presentation of learning objectives : this unit helps students with deciding where and how to find information on the web ; developing criteria for evaluating websites ; finding their way around a source book ; developing strategies for note-taking ; and understanding the Cornell system for note-taking .

  19. 考虑到BestBuy的介入,我想应该它会拉动其它零售厂商在他们的网站上采用该标准。

    Given Best Buy 's involvement , we hope that this will push more retailers into adopting the standard on their own sites .

  20. 介绍了W3C/WAI网站易访问性标准、美国的Section508、网络资源建设标准中的易访问性规范以及网站易访问性评价工具的使用及这些工具存在的优缺点。

    This article introduces accessibility standards of W3C / WAI , Section 508 of the U.S. , accessibility guidelines of constructing standards on web-based resources , and some using methods and deficits of tools .

  21. 云模型理论能避免评价过程中人为因素的主观性,通过比较待评价电子商务网站综合评价云和标准云进行比较,进而对电子商务网站进行评价。

    Cloud Model theory can avoid the human subjectivity in the evaluation process , by comparing the evaluation of e-commerce web site evaluation and standard cloud , then to evaluate the electronic commerce web site .

  22. 介绍铁路办公信息系统和政府网站建设的技术标准、系统功能、结构以及在实施铁路电子政务建设的安全保障措施;

    The Office Information Systems , technology standard of the government web establishment , function and structure of the System and the security guaranteeing for the establishment of the e-Government affairs were introduced as well .

  23. 对报社网站应遵循的标准、网站的运营、地方性网站的特点、如何办好报社网站等问题进行了探讨。

    This paper probes into some problems such as the standards that the press website should follow , the website operation , the features of local website , and how to do well the press website , etc.

  24. 本文主要介绍了世界上一些重要的标准化组织在因特网上建立的网站和国内的一些标准化信息网,并就如何在这些网站上获取标准信息作了较详细的介绍。

    This thesis paper introduces some major websites founded by the international organization and some domestic standardization websites , and then dwells on the methods about how to search information in them .

  25. 这些详细信息都刊登在可公开访问的网站上,网站由符合WHO标准的注册中心管理。

    These details are published on a publicly-accessible website managed by a registry conforming to WHO standards .

  26. 创建医学学科教学网站的探索学科专业网站教学评价标准研究

    Research on the Instructional Evaluation Standard of the Subject Specific Website

  27. 文章对美国图书馆协会下属机构MARS评出的美国2003年最佳免费参考网站进行了评介并介绍了MARS的网站评选标准。

    This paper evaluates the best free reference websites of 2003 selected by MARS of ALA and introduces MARS ' criteria of selecting them .

  28. 文章分析了网站排行榜各种评价模式的优缺点,提出了网站信息资源评价标准。

    The article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of website ranking system and puts forward some criteria of the ranking system .

  29. 然后从用户和网站的交互过程着手,研究了用户的搜索行为,总结出用户评价网站的一些标准,提出了用户满意度的评价模型和体系结构。

    Then , beginning with the interaction between users and websites , this article makes a study of users searching behaviors , summarizes some evaluating criteria , and puts forward an evaluation framework .