
wǎnɡ diǎn
  • network
网点 [wǎng diǎn]
  • (1) [microdot]∶印刷物的图像被分解成便于照相复制的微点

  • (2) [the point of network]∶商业系统中的服务网和服务点

  1. 他想在自己银行离工作单位最近的网点开一个账户。

    He tried to open an account at the branch of his bank nearest to his workplace .

  2. 如果你想在开户行以外的网点兑现支票,也要收取类似的费用。

    There are similar charges if you want to cash a cheque at a branch other than your own .

  3. 公司售后服务网点遍布全国。

    The after-sale service network of the company has spread nationwide .

  4. 报告重申,到2025年年底,全国范围邮政快递网点禁止使用不可降解的塑料包装袋、塑料胶带和一次性塑料编织袋。

    Compiled by the development and research center of the State Post Bureau , the report reaffirmed the country 's plan to cease the use of non-degradable plastic packaging , plastic tape , and single-use plastic woven bags at postal and express service outlets by 2025 .

  5. 上海市银行网点GIS应用系统的设计与开发

    The Exploitation and application of GIS employing in the banks of Shanghai

  6. 网点编号的优化办法.NET的两大核心组件。

    Optimal method for net point number ;

  7. 运用GPS测量对自贡市城市控制网点的改算

    The coordinates transformation of Zigong City control network points with GPS Surveying

  8. GPS网点正常高求解精度探讨

    Discussion on the Solving Precision of the Normal Height for GPS Network Points

  9. 基于GIS的上海银行网点及区位研究

    A Study on Distribution Pattern and Location of Shanghai Banking Service Stands Based on GIS

  10. 基于GIS与遥感影像的银行ATM机网点选址方法研究

    The methods of ATM location selection based on GIS and remote sensing images

  11. 基于ARM系统的印版网点面积率检测的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Printing Plate Mesh Point Area Rate Detection Based on ARM System

  12. 与中国主要运营商中国移动(ChinaMobile)的合作,以及与零售连锁企业达成的在其营业场所开设光大通信零售网点的协议,都将推进光大通信的扩张计划。

    A partnership with China Mobile , the country 's leading operator , and agreements with retail chains to open EBT outlets in their premises is driving the expansion plan .

  13. 银行ATM系统提供24小时全天候服务,延长了银行网点的营业时间。

    ATM system is the true 24 hours service system . It extends bank service time .

  14. 基于制造业ERP构建企业多层数据仓库商业银行基层网点企业文化建设研究

    Framework of multi-layer enterprise data warehouse based on manufacturing industry ERP ; On the Corporate Cultural Construction of the Banking Outlets

  15. 一种基于网点的小脑模型及其在非线性动态系统建模中的应用MatLab实现神经网络的非线性对象动态建模


  16. Voronoi多边形在网点规划决策支持系统的应用

    The Application of Voronoi Diagrams in Web Site Planning Decision-Making Support System

  17. 这里还有一些信息:在因特网的Google搜索引擎中键入“瓦伦丁节”,会发现150万个网点,而“爱”一词则是1。

    Here 's something : type " Valentine 's Day " into the Google search engine on the internet and1.5 million hits are found .

  18. 系统故障令许许多多的有意购票者感到失望,许多人从一大早开始,在1001个被授权直接售票的中国银行(BankofCHina)网点前排队等候了几个小时。

    The system failure disappointed thousands of would-be ticket buyers , many of whom had queued for hours from the early morning at the 1,001 branches of the Bank of China authorised to offer over-the-counter sales .

  19. 工商银行先进的金融e通道与遍及全国的网点服务,形成了独具优势的多渠道金融服务体系。

    Integrating its advanced financial e-channel and wide spread network all over the country , ICBC has successfully built up a multi-channels service system with unique advantage .

  20. 布兰斯菲尔德将这些网络点通过谷歌地球的应用程序接口(API)在由英特网合作创建的程序中绘制出来,安全防护薄弱的网点数量之多令人吃惊。

    Bransfield mappedthose networks in a program created by an Internet collaborator , usingGoogle Earth 's API . The number of vulnerable access points surprisedBransfield ;

  21. 基于CTP流程的色彩与网点转移特性分析

    Analysis on the Characteristic of Color and Dot Transmission Based on CTP Workflow

  22. Perinatal和其他研究人员希望能将同样的研究项目拓展到其他调查涉及的网点中。

    Perin and the other researchers hope to extend the same study to other sites where the survey is used .

  23. DIA系统借助CCD数码相机和光学显微镜等设备直接进行像内检测,获取显微网点图像的RGB数据信息;

    With CCD digital camera and optical microscope , DIA carries out measurements directly within images and obtain its RGB information ;

  24. 各销售分支机构通过Internet与企业总部实时连接,为企业管理分布全国的销售网点,提供了一个功能强大、成本低廉、操作简便的企业管理解决方案。

    All sale branches can be kept in real-time connection with the headquarters through Internet . It provides enterprises an ideal managing method of powerful functions , low costs and convenient operations for managing all their sale branches across the country .

  25. 基于WEB的邮政计算机维护信息管理系统,采用Web管理结合终端收发信息的方式实现营业网点直接与维护、业务管理部门进行信息交流。

    BASED ON WEB POSTAL SERVICE COMPUTER MAINTENANCE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM , uses the Web management to unify the terminal receiving and dispatching information the way realization business mesh point with the maintenance , the business management department carries on the information exchange directly .

  26. 介绍一种网点形状参数化的数学函数描述方法,并给出了与之对应的PostScript语言描述。

    This article introduces a mathematical function describing method for the shapes of dots , and also gives the relevant PostScript description of it .

  27. 旗下拥有优衣库(uniqlo)品牌的迅销(fastretailing)关闭在北京的经营网点,另一家日资企业旗下的数十家7-11便利店也关门停业。

    Fast Retailing , owner of the UNIQLO brand , shut outlets in Beijing , while dozens of 7-ELEVEN convenience stores , which belong to another Japanese company , were also closed .

  28. 在IBM的通信系统ACF/VTAM中,连接终端和主处理机中应用程序的中间网点和数据链路。

    In ACF / VTAM , the intervening nodes and data links connecting a terminal and an application program in the host processing unit .

  29. 在相同的印刷条件下,通过柔性版印刷机进行印刷实验,建立了柔性版印刷profile文件,从而得到柔性版印刷网点扩大曲线、阶调再现曲线和色彩再现特性。

    Under the same printing conditions , the printing experiment was made using flexographic press and the profile document of flexography was produced , then the curves of dot gain , tones reproduction in flexography and the characters of color reproduction were established .

  30. 通过PatternEditor、AutoCAD等软件制作了二维网点文件,利用激光雕刻机对模仁进行网点加工,最后通过注塑成型的方法制作了双出射导光板样品。

    First , producing 2D dot files by software , such as Pattern Editor , AutoCAD and so on . Second , making dots on the module by Laser engraver machines . At last , obtaining dual-emitting LGP samples by injection molding .