
tóu dì
  • deliver;send;consignment;post off;post
投递 [tóu dì]
  • [deliver;send] 递送公文、信件等

  • 投递信件

投递[tóu dì]
  1. 由于地址字迹不清,致使信件无法投递。

    It is impossible to deliver this letter because the address is illegible .

  2. 我们正在寻找老实正直的年轻人投递报纸和杂志。

    We 're looking for honest young people to deliver newspapers and magazines .

  3. 我于星期一以最快投递邮件寄出包裹。

    I sent the package first class on Monday .

  4. 若无法投递,请退还寄信人。

    If undelivered , please return to sender .

  5. 他干过很多种工作:打字员、推销员、投递员等。

    He has done many jobs : typist , salesman , deliverer and so forth .

  6. 他已成为一名投递员。

    He has become a deliverer .

  7. 无法投递,退回原处。

    Undeliverable , returned to sender .

  8. 他们正在减少火车服务和邮件投递。

    They 're cutting back train services and postal deliveries .

  9. “包裹机”指专门用来投递物品的无人机。

    Parcelcopter is an unmanned aircraft used to deliver goods .

  10. 请帮我投递这个包裹。

    Please help me deliver this package .

  11. 鼓励企业使用可循环多次使用的包装物来运送和投递物品。

    Companies are also being encouraged to use recyclable multiuse boxes to transport and deliver items .

  12. “蜗牛报纸”这个词是对“蜗牛信件”一词的演绎,蜗牛信件指通过人工投递的信件、账单等,比电子邮件肯定慢很多。

    The word " snailpaper " is a play on snail and therefore much more slowly than e-mail .

  13. 工作内容是投递贺年卡前的分类工作,在大约一个月的时间里,每天都要工作八小时。

    The job involved sorting New Year 's postcards for delivery for eight hours a day every day for about a month .

  14. 不能使用exchange管理控制台配置投递目录。

    You cannot configure the drop directory by using the exchange management console .

  15. 邮件必须投递到SAP的这个端口。

    Mail had to be delivered to SAP on that port .

  16. 亚马逊公司(Amazon)正在测试用无人机投递小包裹。

    Amazon is testing drones for delivering small packages .

  17. 对于使用file传递协议投递通知的应用程序,分发服务器必须对写入通知的文件夹具有写入权限。

    For applications using a file delivery protocol to post notifications , the distributor must have write permissions in the folder where the notifications are written .

  18. 他太太也在使用CollectPlus的服务,不过她买了东西会投递到离家更近的一家商店。

    His wife even uses Collect Plus – but she has her purchases delivered to a shop closer to home .

  19. RSS是一种基于XML,在互联网上被广泛采用的内容包装和投递协议。

    RSS is an XML-based , content packaging and delivery agreement which is widely used on the Internet .

  20. 例如,一个因特网邮件服务公司可能有一个XML文档,内容是与客户订单挂钩的记帐地址与投递地址。

    For example an internet mailing company might have an XML document with a billing address and delivery address associated with a customer 's order .

  21. 通过设置消息的mandatory和/或immediate属性为真,这些投递保障机制的能力得到了强化。

    These delivery guarantees can be enforced by setting the message properties mandatory and / or immediate to true .

  22. 以后所有来自被阻止用户的消息将自动投递到JunkMail文件夹。

    All future incoming messages from the blocked users will be delivered automatically to the Junk Mail folder .

  23. 如果一个服务器能够预先估计可能会产生的最大并发连接数,服务器可以投递一个使用零缓冲区的receive在每一个连接上。

    If a server anticipates handling a very high number of concurrent clients , the server can post a single zero byte receive on each connection .

  24. 电邮上说:“我们会将运费付迄标签投递给UPS。”他给UPS打了电话。

    The email said , " We will send the call tag to UPS . " He called up UPS .

  25. 亚马逊确认了该公司正在使用地铁投递PrimeNow订单:在曼哈顿,我们的员工会使用自行车、徒步或使用公共交通方式递送包裹。

    Amazon confirmed it was using the subway for Prime Now orders : In Manhattan , our folks bike , walk or use public transportation .

  26. direct交换器将消息根据其routing-key属性投递到包含对应key属性的绑定器上。

    The direct exchange delivers messages when the routing-key property of the message is identical to the key property of the binding .

  27. 在客户支持方面,贝叶斯过滤(BayesianFiltering)算法会阻击所有spam,让email能够准确投递到相应的部门。

    On the customer support side , a Bayesian Filtering algorithm zaps spam and turns email into trackable cases routed to the correct department .

  28. 这个属性类似现有的IsPostBack但是只有跨页投递发生时返回true。

    This property works just like IsPostBack but returns true when a cross-page postback has occurred .

  29. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、京东商城(JD.com)等大型电商公司一直在投入巨资建设物流体系,以实现更快速的商品投递。

    Big e-commerce companies , including Alibaba and JD.com , have been investing heavily in building logistics systems to support faster delivery times .

  30. 文章介绍了适合实时数据传输的运输协议RTP在多点投递场合的实现。

    This paper presents the implementation of RTP , a transport protocol which supports the real-time dare transmission in multicast session .