
  1. 中国西部地区教育投资使用结构研究

    Study on Use Structure of Investment in Education of the West China

  2. 环保投资使用效率低下;

    The efficiency of environmental protection investment is low .

  3. 商业部门计划投资使用天然气的工厂,金额总值近1000亿美元。

    Businesses plan to invest almost $ 100 billion in new factories that use natural gas .

  4. 经常账户是度量一个国家贸易和投资使用最广泛的指标。

    The current account is the broadest measure of a nation 's trade and investment balances .

  5. 本研究认为,适度扩大学校规模将有利于提高教育投资使用效率。

    The research thinks that it is advantageous to improve the efficiency of winging educational investment to extend the school scale moderately .

  6. 目前,江西高等教育发展的焦点是如何提高高等教育投资使用效率,使有限的教育投资最大限度的发挥效益。

    Nowadays , the focus of development of Jiangxi , higher education is how to improve the efficiency of wing the educational investment to make the limited educational investment yield well .

  7. 本文以教育经济学理沦为基础,以朝阳地区为例,对欠发达地区的教育投资使用效率进行全方位探讨,包括规模效率、投资要素效率、学校教育质量效率等;

    Based on the theory of education economics , the article discusses about the efficiency of the educational investment including scale , investment elements the quality of education , etc , setting the example of Chaoyang area .

  8. 这项举措还有可能影响到参与票据(participatorynotes)。参与票据是境外基金在印度投资时使用的一种衍生金融工具。

    The move also could affect participatory notes , derivatives that foreign funds use to invest in India .

  9. 美军ATS的发展目标是减少专用ATS的投资和使用。

    The development objectives of DoD ATS are reducing investment and employment of unique ATS .

  10. 各银行表示,银行业监管机构表示愿意看到某种一致性,而与此形成对比的是,美国证交会(sec)在投资银行使用不同方式为复杂证券估值方面显得十分放松。

    In contrast to banking regulators , which banks say have indicated their desire to see some consistency , the US Securities and Exchange Commission appears relaxed about investment banks using different approaches to value complex securities .

  11. 区域供热、供冷(DHC)工程室外施工中,采用保温直埋管道在工程投资、使用效果、施工工艺、使用寿命等几方面与其他方式相比有许多优势。

    Outdoor preserving heat and direct-buried pipeline for DHC system is more advanced than other pipeline in engineering cost , used effects , making , etc.

  12. 广西西林县教育投资有效使用个案研究

    Study on Effective Use of Education Investment in Xilin County in Guangxi

  13. 改进我国银行业人力资本投资与使用的思路设计

    Thinking Design on Improving the Use of and Investment in Banking Human Capital in China

  14. 在高利润率的背后房地产行业又隐藏着资金风险、房屋质量较差、IT信息投资额使用不足等一系列问题。

    Capital risk , building quality problem , IT insufficient investment hide behind the high profit .

  15. 科教投资的使用要改进,这也是改革的重要内容。

    Another important aspect of reform is to redistribute the funds allocated to science and education .

  16. 大多数投资公司使用计算机化的风险控制系统,以限制交易员可能承受的风险。

    Most investment companies use computerised risk management systems to limit the risk traders can take .

  17. 阐述了风险投资中使用可转换证券的原因并且给出了简单的建议。

    And last he expounds reasons for the use of convertible securities in venture investment and puts forward a simple proposal .

  18. 但是用这两种方式仅仅能来解决喷灌的均匀度不均的问题,而无法降低喷灌系统一次性投资和使用维护费用。

    But those two methods could only solve the problems of uneven uniformity , and have little contribution to save the total investment .

  19. 这些边坡工程的稳定情况,甚至是局部工程的稳定情况,在很大程度上影响工程建设的投资及使用效益。

    These slope stability projects , even the stability of local projects , to a great extent , effect the investment and use benefits .

  20. 麦克金南博士说,外来物种会降低作物产量,堵塞灌渠,堵塞水电大坝,缩短发展投资的使用寿命。

    MacKinnon says the alien species can reduce crop yields , choke irrigation canals , block hydroelectric dams and cut the lifespan of development investments .

  21. 2003年,韩商来华投资实际使用金额44.9亿美元,中国已经成为韩国第二大投资国。

    In 2003 , the actual South Korean investment amount in China reaches 4.48 billion yuan and China becomes the 2nd Investment Country for South Korea .

  22. 从市场经济的要求来看,由于长期的计划经济体制形成了行政事业性国有资产在投资、使用、管理环节上存在着诸多方面的问题。

    Viewed from the demands of market economy , the prolonged planning economy caused a lot of problems in the investment , use and management of administrative assets .

  23. 增长型资本投资不使用杠杆,通常会向凯雷认为有增长潜质的企业开出3000万美元的股权支票。

    The growth capital investments do not use leverage and typically look to write an equity cheque of $ 30m in companies that Carlyle believes are well placed to flourish .

  24. 从而证明在不确定因素较多的环境下,企业进行战略投资,使用实物期权评价方法的科学性和准确性。

    Thus , it is proved that it is scientific and accurate to use the Real option evaluation method when the enterprises make strategic investments under more uncertainty in the environment .

  25. 它涉及人们为自己的繁荣以及为促进人类、科学、知识和文化等的发展而能够自由投资和使用的财产。

    If referred to property where people were free to venture and use for their own enrichment and for furthering the development of human kind , science , knowledge , culture , etc.

  26. 配对交易策略在华尔街至少有20多年的历史了,是统计套利的一种工具,目前广泛地被对冲基金以及投资银行使用。

    One popular short-term speculation strategy is known as " pairs trading " . The strategy has at least a20-year history on Wall Street and currently used by hedge funds as well as investment banks .

  27. 但是,另类投资基金使用的投资策略可能是极其复杂的,该类基金往往会频繁地运用利率掉期交易,进行卖空操作押注股票下跌,并进行货币、期权和大宗商品交易。

    But the strategies used by alternative funds can be dizzyingly complex , with a panoply of interest-rate swaps , short sales or bets that stocks will go down , and swarms of trades in currencies , options and commodities .

  28. 对于不可逆和较为稳定的环境的投资,使用可分配股利收益法具有操作简单,能将复杂的现实环境变成线形假设,便于投资者进行投资决策的优点。

    Can be allocated for the irreversible and a more stable environment for investment , the dividend yield method with simple operation can be complex reality into a linear assumption , to facilitate the advantages of the investors to make investment decisions .

  29. 其工程建设的安全关系着铁路工程建设的可靠性,会对整个铁路工程的可行性及经济性等起着非常重要的制约作用,很大程度上制约着铁路工程建设投资及使用效益。

    The security of engineering construction has an intense relationship with the reliability of railway construction . Simultaneously it plays an important regulatory role on the entire railway engineering feasibility as well as economical efficiency and largely restricts railway construction investment and the benefits of its appliance .

  30. 在大量领域都存在着监管的不确定性,从信托公司的经营,到合格境外机构投资者(QFII)对QFII投资额度的使用。

    Regulatory uncertainty spans a range of areas , from operating trust companies to the use of QFII investment quotas by qualified foreign institutional investors .