
  • 网络investment management system
  1. 第二、进一步改进境外投资管理体制;

    The second , further improve abroad investment management system ;

  2. 轨道交通设施的投资管理体制探讨

    Discussion on the Investment Management System of Track Traffic Facilities

  3. 社会主义市场经济下电力投资管理体制的研究

    Mamagement System of Electric Power Investment in Socialist Market Economy

  4. 云南省政府投资管理体制的改革设想

    On the Reform of Managerial System of Government Investment in Yunnan Province

  5. 完善民航企业投资管理体制的思考

    To Ponder the Perfection of Investment Management System in Civil Aviation Enterprise

  6. 集团公司对内投资管理体制与决策方法研究

    The Study on the Intra-Investment Management System and Decision-making Method of Group Company

  7. 建立规范的投资管理体制

    Establish the normal investment management system

  8. 建立海外石油勘探开发基金和进一步改革海外投资管理体制。

    Establish the funds of overseas petroleum exploration and exploitation and improve management system of overseas investment .

  9. 闲置市场的形成与现行的投资管理体制的误差有着密切的关系。

    The formation of idle market has close relation to the error in current investment management system .

  10. 同一个国家不同的社保基金投资管理体制也不尽相同,这大多是与基金性质有关。

    The investment management of different national social security fund is different in one country because of fund nature .

  11. 完善我国现阶段投资管理体制的设想

    Some Tentative Suggestions on ihe Ways of Improving China 's Investment Management System at Its Present Stage of Economic Development

  12. 其中,投资管理体制是影响林业生态工程建设的关键与核心。

    Among them , the investment management system is the key core of impacting the constructing of forest ecological engineerings .

  13. 不同国家的社会保障投资管理体制不尽相同,这是由本国的实际情况所决定。

    Social security investment management system is not the same in different countries , which is determined by their actual situation .

  14. 信息技术宽频革命与我国公路建设投资管理体制创新

    Revolution of Information Technology of Wide Band and Bringing Forth New Ideas in Investment Management System of Highway Construction in Our Country

  15. 随着我国城镇化速度的加快,城镇发展对公共设施建设提出了巨大的需求,迫切需要以市场化、社会化为主要方向,改革城镇公共设施投资管理体制。

    Following urbanization in China , city development need large scale infrastructure construction , and reform investment system according to marketization and socialization .

  16. 在此基础上,提出了改革我国海外投资管理体制的原则、指导思想及其目标定位;

    On this basis , the author proposals the reforming principal , guiding ideology and target orientation of China overseas investment management system .

  17. 2001年我国政府对农村义务投资管理体制进行了改革,开始实行以县为主的农村义务教育投资和管理新体制,但农村义务教育投资短缺状况仍然没有得到根本性改变。

    In 2001 , our government reformed the management system of rural compulsory investment , and the " County-Oriented " Investment and Management Policy in rural compulsory education was constructed .

  18. 通过对我国目前项目投资管理体制现状的分析,找出现阶段我国项目投资管理体制中存在问题的原因,从而提出改革投资管理体制的办法和措施。

    The article analyses the present condition about project investing management system in our country , points out the existing problems , and gives out the ways and measures for solving them .

  19. 摘要我国工程造价的改革是随着我国经济体制,特别是投资管理体制和建筑业管理体制的转变而进行的。

    Reforms in the field of project cost have been carried out with the reformation of china 's economic system , especially with the transformation of investment management system and construction management system .

  20. 因此,探索建立符合林业生态工程特点、科学合理的投资管理体制,已成为理论和实践的迫切需求。

    Therefore , to explore the establishment of forestry projects in line with the characteristics of forestry ecological engineerings , scientific and reasonable investment management system has become the urgent needs of the theory and practice .

  21. 加快外商投资管理体制改革,认真清理吸引外资行政审批事项,提高招商引资效益。

    Efforts will be made to expedite the reform of the foreign investment management system , seriously check up administrative deliberation and approval items related to foreign capital utilization , and increase the efficiency of foreign capital introduction .

  22. 本论文紧密结合我国煤化工工程建设投资管理体制和宁煤集团25万吨/年甲醇项目工程实际,对其投资控制进行了比较深入的探讨和研究。

    In this paper , concrete situation of domestic investment management system and real condition of the Ningxia Coal Group 250000t / a methanol Project consideration is taken into consideration , the investment control methodology is discussed in detail .

  23. 根据目前我国投资管理体制的现状及存在的问题,分析了市场经济条件下投资决策的特点,提出了改善我国投资决策体制的若干对策。

    The paper has analysed some features of decision-making of the investment under the conditions of market economy based on the present situation and problems of the investment management mechanism in China . Then the author puts forward some countermeasures to improve the present mechanism in this respect .

  24. 适应市场经济要求,云南省应通过改革政府投资管理体制,打破制约经济发展的投资瓶颈,推动经济社会的全面发展。

    In order to adapt to the requirements of market economy , Yunnan province should reform the managerial system of governmental investment , break the bottle neck of investment which restricts the development of economy , and try to push the comprehensive development of the economy and the society .

  25. 据此,文章提出了加速我国能源工业发展的总体构想,并对价格、产销政策、改革投资管理体制和工业管理体制、强化内部管理、发展第三产业等方面提出了政策建议。

    This thesis illustrates the general ideas of accelerating the development of our energy industry , and puts forward suggestions on price reform , production and sale policies , investment , management structure , industrial management system , strengthening internal management , developing the third industry and so on .

  26. 论高等教育投资项目管理体制改革

    On the management system reform of investment projects in higher education

  27. 国家投资项目管理体制的不健全;

    The management structure of state investment project was not sound ;

  28. 加强政府投资项目管理体制改革。

    Reforming the project management organization of the government investment .

  29. 这就需要研究国外先进管理经验,通过推进改革来完善我国政府投资项目管理体制的办法加以解决。

    But how to manage these programs is becoming a critical issue , which should be solved by researching and improving our country 's government investment program management system .

  30. 其次,要完善以县为主的农村义务教育投资和管理体制,保障公共教育经费投入,建立依法保障教育投入的长效机制;

    Second , the Rural Compulsory Education investment and management system of county oriented must be strengthened and made perfect . Through it the public education finical system can be warranted .