
tóu piào zhàn
  • polling station;polling booth
投票站 [tóu piào zhàn]
  • [polling booth;the polls;polling station] 为进行选举投票临时设立的投票地点

  1. 民意测验专家们认为她们可能只有走进投票站后才能打定主意。

    And pollsters believe that they may not make up their mind until they enter the polling booth .

  2. 你可以在当地的投票站投票。

    You can cast your vote at the local polling station .

  3. 来自投票站的消息称投票率很高。

    A high turnout was reported at the polling booths .

  4. 投票站还没有开门,就有人排起了队。

    Queues formed even before polling stations opened .

  5. 选民应于星期日前往投票站选举新总统。

    Voters are due to go to the polls on Sunday to elect a new president

  6. 星期五,他们去投票站投票选择他们所期望的国家管理者。

    They go to the polls on Friday to choose the people they want to govern their country

  7. 在史坦顿岛,一处无电源投票站设立在MidlandBeach海滩的某小学内。

    In Staten Island , a polling place was set up without power at a school in Midland Beach .

  8. 投票站开启的前一天,有调查显示,反对和支持独立的民众比例分别是51%和49%,反对独立的阵营(他们的口号是在一起更好(BetterTogether))仅以2%的优势领先。

    The day before polling stations opened , surveys put the lead for the NO campaign ( with the slogan Better Together ) at just 2 percentage points , with 51 % supporting a united Scotland versus 49 % demanding independence .

  9. 投票站出口民调显示,极右翼国民阵线(nationalfront)得票率约为14%,低于该党党魁马琳勒庞(marinelepen)在总统选举中18%的得票率。

    The exit polls showed the far-right National Front winning about 14 per cent of the vote , less than the 18 per cent achieved by marine Le Pen , the party leader , in the presidential election .

  10. 据NPR新闻的克雷格·温德姆报道,在战场州弗吉尼亚州的一个投票站,选民们要排队两个小时才能完成投票。

    NPR 's Craig Windham reports at a one polling place in the battleground state of Virginia people are standing in line up to two hours to vote .

  11. 据NPR新闻的玛戈·阿德勒报道,纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫已签署行政令,允许选民在州内任意一处投票站投票。

    NPR 's Margot Adler reports an executive order signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo allows people to file a provisional ballot at any polling site in the state .

  12. 大纽约交通运输管理局(MTA)会为史坦顿岛、Rockaways岛和康尼岛的选民提供免费摆渡车,便于选民来往于临时投票站。

    The MTA is running free voter shuttles for people in Staten Island , the Rockaways and Coney Island to ferry them to alternative polling sites .

  13. 在克里米亚的近卫军村(Gvardeyskoye),七辆没有车牌的军用拖车驶过一所学校,当地人正在设在学校室内篮球场的投票站排队投票。

    In the Crimean town of Gvardeyskoye , a convoy of seven military tractor-trailers with no license plates rumbled past a school where locals were lining up to vote in a polling station set up on the indoor basketball court .

  14. 鼓动女性走向投票站,

    It 's what pushed women to reach for the ballot .

  15. 预计几十个投票站将重新举行投票。

    Re-polling is expected to be needed at several dozen polling booths .

  16. 一些人不知道使用那个投票站。

    Some do not know which voting station to use .

  17. 他说,没有假投票站或做好记号的选票。

    He says there are no fictitious polling stations or pre-marked ballots .

  18. 我们在投票站外进行了一次非正式投票。

    We took a straw poll of voters outside the polling stations .

  19. 因为昨天一个投票站被提前关闭了数小时。

    This after one polling station was closed for several hours yesterday .

  20. 但它会让人们前往投票站。

    But it gets people to the voting booths .

  21. 这处投票站旁边的加油站,昨天已经关闭了。

    Next to the polling site was a gas station , closed yesterday .

  22. 下班后在投票站等我

    Meet me at the polling place after work .

  23. 顿涅茨克的投票站排起了长队。

    Long lines formed at polling stations in Donetsk .

  24. 所有男人、女人和孩子在进入投票站之前都要接受仔细检查。

    Every man , woman and child searched before entering the polling station .

  25. 这意味着你去投票站而不投票。

    It means you go to polling booths and vote for no one .

  26. 昨天在投票站的袭击事件至少造成7人死亡。

    At least seven people were killed yesterday in attacks at polling stations .

  27. 在日出之前,警方会为投票站的计票人员提供光亮。

    Police helped light flares for poll workers who needed light before sunrise .

  28. 你带一些年轻的共和党人去棕榈滩的投票站

    Bus some young Republicans down to the polling stations in Palm Beach .

  29. 他们制作了木质的投票站,摆出了新的亮闪闪的投票箱。

    They fashioned wooden voting booths and displayed a gleaming new ballot box .

  30. 见鬼了拉里那个机器在哪个投票站?

    No shit , Larry ! What polling station was the machine in ?