
  • 网络Investment Activities;Investing Activity
  1. 回归分析结果显示,TMT社会网络存量及与外部联系强度显著影响企业的经营及投资活动,但并未对企业的筹资活动产生影响。

    Regression analysis showed that the sum of TMTs ' social capital and the strength of external contact significantly affect the operating and investing activities , but not significantly affect the funding activities .

  2. 支付其他与投资活动有关的现金。

    Other cash payments relating to investing activities .

  3. 首先从FDI一般理论到FDI所影响的国内投资活动及其所带动的经济增长活动及就业影响三个方面进行了分析。

    Firstly , this paper analyzes the common theories and the effect of FDI to economy as well as employment .

  4. 企业高新技术创新项目RD活动在企业发展中具有举足轻重的作用,同时也是一项高风险、高收益的投资活动。

    Enterprise high-tech innovative project RD plays an important role in enterprise development , which is also a high-risk and high-profit activity .

  5. 近年来,公司治理与RD投资活动的关系逐渐受到国内外学术界的广泛的关注,学者开始关注公司治理、RD投资和公司绩效三者之间的关系。

    In recent years , scholars at home and abroad pay close attention to corporate governance and the relationship between R D activities , direction shifted to corporate governance , R D investment and corporate performance of the relationship between the three .

  6. 本文借鉴由COSO委员会提出的《内部控制&整体架构》报告,对企业实业投资活动进行内部控制评估与设计。

    This report , in term of COSO'report " Internal Control – System Construction ", givesevaluation and design of Industrial Investment Internal control .

  7. 过去一年发生了好几起收购案,但奢侈品行业发生的多数投资活动则是来自时尚界一些耳熟能详的品牌成功进行了首次公开上市(IPO)。

    There has been a handful of acquisitions in the past 12 months , but much of the investment activity in the luxury sector has come from successful initial public offerings by some familiar names in fashion .

  8. 普华永道(pwc)昨日公布的一份研究报告显示,一旦全球经济企稳可能在明年下半年中国企业的海外投资活动将强劲反弹。

    Overseas investments by Chinese companies will rebound strongly once the global economy stabilises , possibly in the second half of next year , according to a study published yesterday .

  9. 为交易募资所能利用的杠杆消失,导致投资活动大幅缩减和信心坍塌,3i和赛伯乐(Cerberus)等公司竞相关闭亚洲地区的办事处。

    The disappearance of leverage available to fund deals led to a collapse in activity and confidence , as firms such as 3i and Cerberus scrambled to close regional offices .

  10. R&D投资活动的价值评估,传统的DCF方法并不能适应其需要,而必须引进金融期权定价理论(OPT),这一点在国内外学术界已得到公认。

    It 's commonly recognized that the traditional DCF system can not properly deal with the valuation of R & D project investments , and financial option pricing theory ( OPT ) must be introduced .

  11. 今年年初,阿灵顿宣布,他将重操旧业,继续进行投资活动&并为初创公司纳普斯特(Napster)的创始人肖恩•范宁与掘客网(Digg)创始人凯文•罗斯提供了资助。

    Then , earlier this year , Arrington announced that he was back in the investing game & backing new start-ups from Napster founder Shawn fanning and Digg creator Kevin rose .

  12. GIC是在2008年首次发表年度报告的,此前该基金利用新加坡外汇储备开展投资活动已有27年。GIC表示,这么做是考虑到美国和欧洲日益强烈的关切。

    GIC , which published its first report in 2008 after 27 years of investing the island state 's foreign reserves , said it was doing so in the light of increasing concerns in the US and Europe .

  13. 其中,对外直接投资活动起着不可替代的作用。

    Foreign direct investment plays a very important role in them .

  14. 跨国直接投资活动中东道国与跨国公司之间的博弈

    The Game between the TNC and the Host Country in FDI

  15. 企业投资活动中模仿学习行为的经济学解释

    An Economic Explanation of Imitation and Learning Behaviors In Enterprises Investment

  16. 在这些变化中,投资活动的变化是最明显的,也是最基本的。

    The action of investment was most basic and marked .

  17. 但是,它是一笔包含投资活动和筹资活动的重要的经济业务。

    But it is a significant transaction involving investing and financing activities .

  18. 华尔街的投资活动,仍然是一项信仰行为。

    Investing in Wall Street remains an act of faith .

  19. 国有股份制银行的无形资产及其投资活动分析

    A Study on Intangibles and Intangibles Investment of Stated-Owned Shareholding Commercial Banks

  20. 与证券交易、证券投资活动有关的财务顾问;

    Financial advising relating to activities of securities trading or securities investment ;

  21. 投资活动是企业最基本的财务活动。

    Investment behavior is one of most basic financial activities of enterprise .

  22. 企业通过投资活动,才能得到投资回报。

    Enterprises through investment activities to get return on investment .

  23. 但在投资活动中,收益总是伴随着风险。

    But in investment activities , revenue is always accompanied with risks .

  24. 因此在房地产投资活动中,投资分析的作用是决定性的。

    So the function of investment analysis is determinable in real estate investment .

  25. 试析台资企业在广东的投资活动

    An Analysis of Taiwan Enterprise 's Investment in Guangdong

  26. 任何投资活动都不能完全避免风险。

    Any activity of investment can not avoid risks .

  27. 此外,该国的贸易和投资活动也陷入停滞状态。

    And Commerce and investment flows are in stasis .

  28. 再次,从发展能力和收益质量两个方面对企业投资活动现金流量进行分析;

    Thirdly , discuss the invest activity of cash flow from 2 aspects .

  29. 房地产开发日益活跃,展现在人们眼前的往往是房地产投资活动蓬勃、盈利丰厚的一面。

    The development of real estate is increasingly enlivened .

  30. 2010年我们可能会看到私人股本投资活动迅速增加。

    We 're likely to see private equity activity rapidly increase in 2010 .