
  • 网络political market
  1. 政治市场理论正经受着一番剧烈的阵痛。

    The theory of political market suffers the disaster .

  2. 经济市场与政治市场的经济人行为比较研究

    Contrast Study on the Conducts of Economic Man in Economic Market and Political Market

  3. 如同货币是经济市场上的硬通货一样,良好的政府形象是政治市场的硬通货。

    The importance of a good government image is as that of hard currency in market .

  4. 作为政治市场的产物,贸易政策亦由其供需双方决定。

    As a product of political market , trade policy is decided by the supplier and demander .

  5. 商业以利润为最终目的,而政治市场上的货币则是民意。

    In the business world , profit is the ultimate goal , while in the political market , public opinion is currency .

  6. 公共选择理论分析从经济市场向政治市场的延伸是经济学研究领域的新扩展。

    Public choice theory analysis of the market from a market economy , an extension of the political economics of the new extension field of study .

  7. 本文把原本局限于经济市场的企业家才能理论拓展到对政治市场的研究中,丰富了该理论的深度和广度,因此也具有深刻的理论意义。

    This paper extends the entrepreneurship theory which is confined to the economic market into the researches on political market , enriching the depth and breath of this theory .

  8. 本文以公共选择理论的政治市场理论为借鉴,通过对政治市场主体的置换,阐述了类市场政治过程理论。

    This dissertation , based on the political market theory in the Public Choice theory , brought up the quasi-market-political process theory through exchanging the hosts of the political market .

  9. 美国的对外决策过程是在一个政治市场上完成的,这个政治市场为利益集团参与美国的对外政策过程提供了制度条件。

    The decision-making procedure of US foreign policy is completed in its political market , which provides constitutional conditions for the participation of interest group in the US foreign policy .

  10. 在有管理的竞争性政治市场和政府追求政治支持最大化等假定下,我们考察了政治均衡决定政府供给偏好的过程及其效率属性,以及政治价格在两级政治市场上的形成机制。

    Under the assumption of managed competitive political market and political support maximizing government , the political determination process , its efficiency character , and the political price formation mechanism are investigated respectively .

  11. 把经济人假设运用到政治市场领域,并提出政府人的行为理性问题,是新政治经济学的一个基本主张。

    It is a basic advocation of new political economy that applies the hypothesis of economy man to the domain of political market , and raises the question of rational behaviour of government man .

  12. 戈登·塔洛克寻租理论的基本内容包括寻租成本与收益、寻租的政治市场、有效寻租、护租、创租和抽租以及减少寻租的措施;

    The basic content of the seek-rent theory of Gordon Turlock includes : seek-rent cost and income , seek-rent political market , effective seek-rent , protect-rent , create-rent , draw-rent and measures to reduce the seek-rent .

  13. 政府作为社会的管理者,为实现其社会管理的职能,其行为又可细分为政治市场上运用公权力的政府行政行为和经济市场中市场化运作的政府商业行为。

    To perform the function of social management , the government 's action can be subdivided into the administrative action who exercised public right as a governor and the commercial action who operated on the basis of market as a participator .

  14. 地方政府为了吸引和留住各种资源,增强本地区的竞争优势,促进地区经济的发展,围绕政治市场、要素市场及产品市场等方面,展开了以公共品提供及制度供给为手段的竞争。

    In order to attract or retain all kinds of resources , exert local competition advantages , speed local development , local governments have been competing on political market 、 factor markets 、 product markets by supply of public goods and institutions .

  15. 三是全面总结公推竞选制度实践的基本背景、探索历程和整体绩效,理性分析这一制度创新对县乡有限政治市场的显性推动作用;

    Third , taking a comprehensive summary of the basic background , the exploration course and the overall achievements on public recommendation and competitive election , the dissertation analyzes rationally the system innovation to the dominant impetus function of the county and township limited politics market ;

  16. 本文将拥有企业家才能的地方政府官员定义为官员企业家,并对其基本特征进行阐述,认为其是政治市场中处于核心地位的竞争主体,通过企业家警觉进行制度创新并获得政治利润。

    This paper defines the local government officials with entrepreneurship as official entrepreneurs and elaborates their basic features . This paper suggests that official entrepreneurs are the competition subjects at the core of the political market and make the institutional creation to gain political profits via entrepreneurial alertness .

  17. 二是立足县乡有限政治市场的形成发展和政治合法性与有效性的有效增强,深刻阐述公推竞选制度创新的深层次根源和普遍传承意义;

    Second , based on the formation and development of limited politics market in county and township , and the enhancement of political validity and the valid effective , the dissertation elaborates profoundly the deep level root and the universal inheritance significance of public recommendation and competitive election ;

  18. 对希腊政治和市场动荡会蔓延的担心,使西班牙借债成本飙升至11年来高点,尽管欧盟(eu)与国际货币基金组织(imf)达成的一项协议降低了希腊很快违约的可能性。

    Fears of contagion from political and market turmoil in Greece sent Spanish borrowing costs to 11-year highs , in spite of a deal between the European Union and the international monetary fund that reduced the chance of an imminent default in Athens .

  19. 对安全感的追寻将加强政治对市场的控制。

    The search for security will strengthen political control over markets .

  20. 政治、市场机制对农业技术扩散的起到加速或减缓作用;

    Policity and market mechanism can push or baffle agricultural technology diffusion .

  21. 美国大选最可靠的“风向标”是爱荷华州政治期货市场。

    The most reliable predictor of presidential races is the Iowa futures market .

  22. 清初湘南派行盐引案反映了食盐专卖制度与地方政治、市场需求的关系,值得重视和研究。

    This reflected the relation of salt monopoly and local politics and market requirement .

  23. 政治和市场以不可思议的方式相互影响。

    Politics and markets interact in mysterious ways .

  24. 显而易见,《申报》的新闻报道策略是特定历史时期媒体的外在决策行为,其新闻传播活动受到了政治、市场、媒介组织等因素的影响。

    Its activities were affected by politics , market , media organizations and other factors .

  25. 她补充称,最初的决定可能与政治和市场状况都有关系。

    The original decision may have had as much to do with politics as market conditions , she added .

  26. 政治与市场:横断科学视角的思考

    Cross Science Theory Infected with Geological Education Thinking Points of View on Politics and Market : Perspective of Cross Disciplines

  27. 政治的市场与道德的市场&基于中国市场体制建设的政治面向和道德维度的分析

    Political Market and Moral Market : A Discussion on the Political Orientation and Moral Dimension of China 's Market System Construction

  28. 第三节论述话剧艺术在政治和市场的合力中寻求自律。

    The third part discusses the dramas ' seeking for " self-discipline " under the resultant force of political and market .

  29. 欧元区未来的不确定性和欧洲公共债务水平的上升,也在引发政治和市场紧张情绪。

    The uncertain future of the eurozone and the increase in public debt in Europe are also fuelling political and market tension .

  30. 但现实情况更加复杂,也更为有趣,这主要是源于政治与市场及私营领域相互作用的方式。

    The reality is more complex and more interesting , largely because of the way politics interacts with markets and with the private sector .