
  • 网络political management;political governance;political administration
  1. 《周易》政治管理思想的现代意义

    Modern Significance of Political Management Thought of The Book of Change

  2. 论中国封建社会的政治管理模式

    The Political Management Mode of Chinese Feudalistic Societies

  3. 联邦制意味着存在众多各自都拥有权力的政治管理机构。

    Federalism implies a plurality of political authorities , each with its own powers .

  4. 迈克尔·桑德尔是哈佛大学政治管理系教授(ProfessorofGovernment),我们时代最有影响力的政治理论家之一。

    Michael J.Sandel is the Anne T.and Robert M.Bass Professor of Government at Harvard University , and is one of the most influential political theorists of our time .

  5. 高校多校区办学的学生思想政治管理模式初探

    On Student Political Administration in Multi - Campus Higher Learning Institutes

  6. 同时强调要加强政治管理中的伦理、道德建设。

    The paper also puts its due stress on strengthening the ethical construction .

  7. 对革命纪念馆的投入属于政治管理的社会成本。

    The investment in revolutionary memorial museums belongs to social cost of political management .

  8. 中国传统治道之源&对《论语》中政治管理思想的现代诠释

    The Origin of Traditional Chinese Governance

  9. 在政策执行过程中,公民通过参加社会事务和国家事务,为政治管理不断注入活力,有利于政府政策的顺利贯彻。

    People participate in state and social affairs for government increased vitality and implementing the policy smoothly .

  10. 律历和谐,执政治国的政治管理层面;

    Law is gone through harmoniously , the political management aspect in power and run a country ;

  11. 卡斯特罗说过,代表大会将为国家的“经济管理和政治管理”设置方向。

    Mr Castro has said that the congress will set the country 's " economic and political directives " .

  12. 必须坚持和不断完善我国社会主义的经济、政治管理体制,这是重要条件和必然要求;

    It must stick to and perfect our economical and political administrative system , which is important and necessary requirement .

  13. 传统中国社会之政治管理与经济管理建基于人治文化之上。

    Based on the culture of man ruling , there exist traditional political management and economic management in the society of China .

  14. 他的吸引力体现了日本政治管理上真实而又无法避免的一面,即选民对于主流政治的耐心,可能最终开始削弱了。

    His appeal suggests one Stark aspect of governance in Japan-the patience of voters with hopeless mainstream politics-may at last be weakening .

  15. “天人合一”思想基本意蕴有四一是政治管理之策;

    The basic connotations of the thought of " harmony between the nature and man " are firstly on strategies for political administrations ;

  16. 主要是立足现实,从财政分配管理、政治管理体制、法律关系规范三个方面对中央与地方关系上的现实问题进行分析。

    It mainly emphatically in to realistic question analysis based the reality . The third part is in the base of the second part .

  17. 奠定传统治道基础的《论语》,对中国政治管理模式影响至深。

    The analects , which is the origin of traditional Chinese thoughts on governance , exerts a profound influence on China 's political governing pattern .

  18. 重视民族传统文化资源在现代民族社会政治管理中的作用。

    We should also pay attention to the functioning role of the resources of traditional ethnical culture in the administration of modern ethnic social politics .

  19. 善治是政府与公民之间的积极而有成效的合作,这种合作成功与否的关键是参与政治管理的权力。

    Good governance is active and effective cooperation between governments and citizens . The key to get cooperative success is the power to participate administration .

  20. 第三部分则探讨公共部门的管理者所需具备的素质,主要体现在政治管理、资源管理和方案管理三个方面。

    Part Three makes a deep study of the qualities of public administrators mainly in three aspects : political administration , resource administration and program administration .

  21. 法和礼同属于制度规范,尤其是在政治管理过程中,法也需要借助名来实现其目的。

    As an institutional norm like Rituals , Law also needs the help of Idea to realize its purpose , especially in the governance of political affairs .

  22. 这样,对道教政治管理之道的研究长期无人问津,道教文化的这一思想面貌无由彰显。

    Thus Daoism religion political administration remains unknown for a long time , making the original appearance of Daoism religion culture have no chance to be revealed .

  23. 在政治管理精英的监管下,媒体市场和组织结构和文化已经越来越具有竞争性,越来越煽情,越来越具有攻击性。

    The structure and culture of media markets and organizations have become more competitive , more sensationalistic , and more aggressive in their surveillance of political administrative elites .

  24. 庄园制的政治管理形态具体从行政管理、司法制度以及人身依附关系三个方面来分析,说明庄园运作的方式和其所产生的影响。

    From the aspect of political management of a manor , it states the administration , the judiciary system , and relations of lords and serfs of manor system .

  25. 政治管理功能的社会性方面与“兼爱”的社会性内容和社会性基础息息相通。

    A conclusion is drawn that the sociality content and sociality base of Mozi ′ s Univeral Love is related firmly to the sociality of political mangement ′ s function .

  26. 他拯救了在社会主义规则执政的国家中其童年时代鲜活的场景和记忆,并为之在今天赋予了新的、独特的阐释&杂交式社会政治管理模式。

    He rescues scenes and memories lived during his childhood in a country with socialist precepts in force , which today give a solution to a unique cross-breeding of political-social conduct .

  27. 要实现人与自然和谐、生态健康的目标必须切实改善我们的生产生活方式、经济运行体系和社会政治管理体系。

    In order to realize the goals of harmonious coexist and ecological health , we must improve production mode and way of life , economic operation system and social political management system .

  28. 在清代国家统一及新疆良好的社会政治管理的大背景之下,清代新疆多元“法”文化的并存的状况最终走向多“法”归一的结局。

    A conclusion is that the contradict of the co-existence of multiple kinds of laws and the political management leads to the termination of co-existence of multiple kinds of laws in Xinjiang .

  29. 因此,对道教政治管理之道的研究,应该是道教文化研究中的一个努力方向,也应该成为中国古代管理文化研究中的重要组成部分。

    Therefore , study on this field should be a direction of Daoism religion cultural research one need to exert much efforts on , furthermore , it should become an important part of studying ancient Chinese administration culture .

  30. 利用革命纪念馆的价值来发挥政治管理的功能,就要树立政治管理意识,重视它的地位和作用,使其非商业化。

    In order to use the value of revolutionary memorial museums to give political management function to full play , political management consciousness should be set up to emphasize their position and role and to make them non-commercialization .