
  • 网络party organisation;party organization
  1. 开始之前我们先简要复述一下之前提到的政党组织。

    Before we launch into this let 's recap briefly about party organisation , as seen a previous developer 's dairy .

  2. 四三会议对蒙区的政治整合包括政权整合、军事整合、政党组织整合、政治思想整合和阶级关系整合。

    43 conferences to Mongolian area political conformity including political power conformity , military conformity , political party organization conformity , political thinking conformity and social class relations conformity .

  3. 民族阵线是英国极端右翼政党组织。

    The national front is an extremely right-wing political party in britain .

  4. 政党组织的民事法律地位初探

    A Probe into the Status of Civil Laws in Party and Government Organizations

  5. 在以后的数月里,各政党组织将成为美国人时刻关注的对象。

    In the coming months the party machines will meander across America 's consciousness .

  6. 关于政党组织嬗变问题的研究:综述与评价

    On the Organizational Change of Parties

  7. 政党组织对内外环境变化做出整体调适的结果被称作政党组织形态的变化。

    The result of overall adaptation of political party to internal and external changes could be taken as transformation of organization modality .

  8. 没有政党组织建设的科学化,不可能有政党建设的科学化。

    Without the organizational construction scientification of the governmental party , it will not have the scientification of the governmental party construction .

  9. 法律基础和法律地位,以及政党组织结构特点都决定了韩国政党的个人化特点和派系的繁盛。

    The legal base and status and the organizational structure characteristics have determined the personification of parities of ROK and the blooming factions .

  10. 论述赋予政党组织民事法律地位的必要性和依据,并提出相应的立法建议。

    This paper explores the necessity and gist for granting civil law status to party and government organizations and raises proposals for the corresponding legislation .

  11. 左联组织形象的构建经历了一个从左翼文化(文学)阵线滑向亚政党组织的过程。

    The composing of organization image of the CLWA experienced the process from a Left wing culture ( literature ) turning to a sub-party organization .

  12. 从这个层面而言,成熟的社会阶级不仅是国家形态完善的重要标志,亦是政党组织成熟的基本要求。

    From this perspective , the mature social class is not only an important symbol of perfect national form , also the basic requirements for a mature political organization .

  13. 在无产阶级专政下继续革命的理念指引下,政治伦理统合了大众伦理,政党组织统合了社会组织。

    Under the guidance of Continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat , the mass ethics was integrated into the political ethics and the social organizations were integrated into political party too .

  14. 在社会发展的各个历史时期,政治动员作为国家和政党组织社会力量,实现社会发展目标的一种政治活动,在社会历史发展进程中发挥着重要作用。

    During every period of society development , political mobilization plays an important role in development course , as a kind of politics by which nation and party organize social force and realize development target .

  15. 主要内容是:研究中国民族政治中的政党组织、国家机构、民族工作部门、精英与大众等各类主体的功能和相互关系,分析民族工作运行周转的体制环境。

    This chapter mainly studies the Chinese multi-ethnic politics from the function and the relationship of its subjects , such as party organization , state institution , work departments , the elite and the populace and so on .

  16. 本文根据马克思主义的观点,参照西方和中国政党组织结构研究的理论成果,对政党和政党组织结构的概念以及所包含的基本因素作了较为明确的界定。

    ( I ) Following Marxism points and referring to the theoretical achievement of the study to Western and Chinese political party 's organization structure , this thesis gives a comparatively sound definition to political party and its structure as well as its inclusive basic factor .

  17. 这些政党的组织机构都在精心准备秋天的大选。

    The political parties ' organizations are gearing themselves up for an autumn election .

  18. 因此,政党的组织管理和一般组织既有相同的地方,又有自己的不同特点。

    Therefore , comparing with organizational management of common organization , the organizational management of party has same characteristic .

  19. 国际标准化组织集装箱设备数据交换编码这些政党的组织机构都在精心准备秋天的大选。

    ISO container equipment data exchange code The political parties ' organizations are gearing themselves up for an autumn election .

  20. 此次改组,重点工作之一就是以俄为师,引入列宁主义政党的组织模式,将建立基层组织作为党务工作的重心。

    The reorganization is one of the central tasks " to Russia as a teacher ", the introduction of Leninism party organizational model will be established as a grass-roots party organizations to focus on .

  21. 党的先进性是一个比较性概念,所标示的是与人类历史上其他政党和组织相比较而体现出来的一种长处和优势;

    The advanced nature of the Party is a comparative concept , and what it represents is a merit and advantage that is embodied with comparison of other parties and organizations in the human history ;

  22. 他们陆续建立了一系列政党和组织,把争取在国内的平等权利与地位和支援以巴解为代表的巴勒斯坦国的建立作为政治斗争的两大目标。

    From then on they built up a series of political parties and political organizations , demanding for equality and resolution of the Palestinian problem , which compose the major two aims of their political struggle .

  23. 他帮助把该政党从一群组织涣散、意志消沉的乌合之众打造成了一只不容小觑的力量。

    He has helped to transform the party from a disorganised , demoralised rabble into a force which must again be taken seriously .

  24. 支配政党活动的组织。

    A group that controls the activities of a political party .

  25. 一是分析国外政党与民间组织关系的几种模式。

    First , it analyses several models on the relation of both .

  26. 新闻工作者参加俱乐部、协会、政党或宗教组织有可能造成利益冲突。

    Memberships in clubs , associations , political parties , or religious organizations can create a conflict of interest for a journalist .

  27. 政党作为政治组织,充当国家和社会的中介,其存在的根据是社会及民众的支持和认可。

    As political organizations , to act as the intermediary of the state and society , political parties are based on social and public support and recognition .

  28. 候选人本人花费的40亿美元,这些令人乍舌的资金来自外部的竞选活动,政党和独立组织。

    The amount of $ 4 billion that spent by candidators themselves , and eye-poping amount is coming from outside candidates campaigns , political parties and independent groups . $

  29. 政党与民间组织的关系,是现代政党与社会关系的重要研究课题。

    The relationship between the Communist Party of China ( CPC ) and the Non-governmental Organizations ( NGOs ) is the important research topic of the relation of modern party and society .

  30. 本文从制度环境、制度安排、政策和策略等方面对新加坡执政的人民行动党及其政府如何处理与其它政党、社群组织和普通选民的关系和社会控制方式进行了分析。

    From perspectives of institutional environment , institutional arrangement , policy and tactics , this thesis analyzes the models how the ruling party PAP deals with other parties , social groups , constituency and model of controlling the society in Singapore .