
  • 网络revolutionary struggle
  1. 这场斗争在一定程度上打击了日本帝国主义,但是,它同时给东满地区的革命斗争带来了不应有的损失。

    It took due losses to the revolutionary struggle .

  2. 中国朝鲜族革命者在南方的革命斗争研究

    The Study on the Revolutionary Struggle of the Chinese Korean Revolutionist in South

  3. 他这一生都是以社会主义革命斗争为中心的。

    His whole life centered in the fight for revolutionary socialism .

  4. 从恩格斯的革命斗争战略转变谈起

    Viewed From the Change of Engels ' Strategy of Evolutional Struggle

  5. 它在不同的历史时期是为不同的革命斗争服务的。

    Their thought serves the different revolutionary conflicts in different periods .

  6. 他们在长期的革命斗争中结下了深厚的友谊。

    They built ties of profound friendship during the long-term revolutionary struggles .

  7. 党领导革命斗争的一个重要特点就是建立根据地。

    It is an important feature of the revolutionary struggle to establish base .

  8. 我们的革命斗争已取得了很大进展。

    Our revolutionary struggle has made much headway .

  9. 对于范文同来说,同我打交道只不过是革命斗争中的策略运用。

    To Pham Van Dong the encounter with me was tactic in a revolutionary struggle .

  10. 世界人民革命斗争方兴未艾,日益高涨。

    The revolutionary struggles of the world people are rising and surging ahead every day .

  11. 我们一直认为世界人民的革命斗争就是我们自己的斗争。

    We have always identified the revolutionary struggle of the world 's people with our own .

  12. 在革命斗争中,逐渐形成了税收法定原则和税收公平原则。

    In the revolutionary struggle , it gradually developed taxation legal principle and taxation fairness principle .

  13. 而这种武装斗争,就是在无产阶级领导之下的农民土地革命斗争。

    And this armed struggle was the peasant agrarian revolution under the leadership of the proletariat .

  14. 游击战往往自发地进行,但它可作为革命斗争的方式之一种。

    Guerrilla warfare commonly begins spontaneously , but may be used as a means of revolutionary struggle .

  15. 我们现在的革命斗争,甚至比过去的武装革命斗争还要深刻。

    Our present revolutionary struggle is even more profound than the revolutionary armed struggle of the past .

  16. 一场轰轰烈烈的革命斗争

    A fiery revolutionary struggle

  17. 一批反映革命斗争生活的京剧现代戏应运而生。

    A lot of Peking opera modern drama reflecting the struggle life of revolution appeared at the historic moment .

  18. 一向孤立的中国革命斗争,自从十月革命胜利以后,就不再感觉孤立了。

    Always isolated in the past , China 's revolutionary struggle no longer feels isolated since the victory of the October Revolution .

  19. 邓子恢同志在过去长期革命斗争中做过许多工作,有成绩,应当承认。

    It should be acknowledged that Comrade Teng Tzu-hui did a lot of work during the long revolutionary struggle and made contributions .

  20. 若不彻底纠正,则中国伟大革命斗争给予红军第四军的任务,是必然担负不起来的。

    Unless these ideas are thoroughly corrected , the Fourth Army cannot possibly shoulder the tasks assigned to it in China 's great revolutionary struggle .

  21. 希腊公共秩序部长波利多拉斯说,警方正在调查希腊左派极端团体“革命斗争”对袭击负责的声称。

    Public Order Minister Vyron Polydoras says police are investigating a claim of responsibility on behalf of the Greek left-wing extremist group , Revolutionary Struggle .

  22. 在过去长期的革命斗争和近年来的建设工作中,中国青年已经有了良好的表现。

    The youth of China performed their duties very well in the long years of revolutionary struggle of the past and in construction of recent years .

  23. 国际主义是马克思提出的关于无产阶级通过革命斗争的方式实现社会主义伟大胜利和人类最终解放的指导原则。

    Internationalism , puts forward by Marx , is a guideline concerning proletariat achieves the great socialism victory and the ultimate mankind emancipation via revolutionary way .

  24. 马克思去世后,为了丰富马克思主义,给无产阶级的革命斗争提供正确的理论指导,恩格斯对社会主义进行了再认识。

    After Marx died , in order to enrich Marxism , offer correct theory guidance for the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat , Engels studied socialism again .

  25. 当讲述中国内战的故事时,贝尔登引述了很多的目击者,而每一个目击者都是这场革命斗争中某一方面的主角。

    In writing about China 's Civil War , Belden summons many witnesses , all of them protagonists in one way or another of the revolutionary struggle .

  26. 中青年干部接班,最重要的是接老同志坚持革命斗争方向的英勇精神的班。

    What is most important for the young and middle-aged cadres when they take over from the old is to emulate their heroic spirit of revolutionary struggle .

  27. 他的理论不仅成为法国革命斗争强有力的思想武器,同时也为法国政治思想的进步奠定了基础。

    Boetie 's theory not only became the powerful thinking weapon in the French revolution , but also established the foundation for the development of French political thought .

  28. 中国过去一切革命斗争成效甚少,其基本原因就是因为不能团结真正的朋友,以攻击真正的敌人。

    The basic reason why all previous revolutionary struggles in China achieved so little was their failure to unite with real friends in order to attack real enemies .

  29. 他极力促进工人阶级的觉醒与革命斗争,但同时他的思想又时常停留在改良主义阶段,悲观主义色彩浓烈。

    He tried hard to promote the awareness of the working class and revolutionary struggles , but his thought often remained in a reformist stage with heavy pessimism .

  30. 对亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲人民的反帝斗争,对各国人民的革命斗争,我们就是要支持。

    We certainly will support the anti-imperialist struggles of the people in Asia , Africa and Latin America and the revolutionary struggles of the people of all countries .