
  1. 在哲学思想中,物质决定意识,意识反作用于物质。

    In philosophy , the material determines consciousness , consciousness reaction to material .

  2. 物质决定意识,意识在一定程度上决定存在的发展方向。

    Material determines consciousness , consciousness to a certain extent , decide the direction of their existence .

  3. 存在决定意识抑或物质决定意识&试论中国咨询心理学的发展道路社会各界对于心理健康服务的需求为我国心理学带来新的发展机遇,心理学家有责任积极参与这项工作。

    The increasing demand for people 's mental health service brings a good opportunity for advancing clinical and counseling psychology in China . Chinese psychologists have responsibility to devote themselves to completing this task .

  4. 物质虽然决定意识,但意识对物质的反作用不可以小觑。

    Although the material determines consciousness , but awareness of the reaction to the substance can not be underestimated .