
  1. 据英国BBC网站报道,卡罗琳·威廉姆斯(CarolineWilliams)称扒手不仅手法熟练,还熟知你大脑思维的弱点。

    Pickpockets use much more than sleight of hand , says Caroline Williams , they hack your brain 's weaknesses .

  2. BCI的技术关键在于通过信号分析、特征提取和模式识别等方法从脑电信号中识别出大脑思维操作意图,并将之转换为控制命令。

    The critical step in BCI is how to using signal processing , feature extraction and pattern recognition techniques to extract mind intents and transform them to output operation commands .

  3. 能否提取出大脑思维活动中的有效特征信息是BCI研究的关键所在,是正确识别不同思维意识模式的基础。

    Weather can we extract effective information in the brain activity of thinking characteristic , is the key to BCI research and the key to identify the correct sense of the basis for the different ways of thinking .

  4. 知道问题出在我的大脑思维意识中让我非常崩溃。

    Knowing the problem was largely in my head made it devastating .

  5. 这是使大脑思维不断更新的方式。

    This is how rewiring the brain works .

  6. 快乐是人们理解虽然的眼睛闪烁着光芒,但我的大脑思维缓慢。

    Happy are the people who understand that though my eyes shine , my mind is slow .

  7. 事件相关脑电的量化表征对于研究意识任务识别和认识大脑思维机制具有重要意义。

    The quantification of event-related EEG is important in identifying mental tasks and study brain thinking mechanism .

  8. 但由于人类大脑思维固有的缺陷,使得我们无法有效的使用这一认知工具。

    Due to the inherent defects of human brains , we can not use this tool with high effectiveness .

  9. 冥想的一个目的是使大脑思维清晰,另一个目的则是达到内在的平静。

    One objective of meditation is to clear the mind , but another element of meditation is inward peace .

  10. 试验显示,随着年龄增长而出现的记忆衰退并不仅仅是因为大脑思维减慢。

    Experiments show that the memory lapses that come with age are not simply due to brain slowing down .

  11. 第二,从思维学出发,把认识主体的大脑思维活动作为系统来规范和运作。

    Second , learn from the thinking , understanding of the main brain thinking activities as a system specification and operation .

  12. 思维导图作为一种功能强大的图形技术,它被视为打开大脑思维无穷潜力的金钥匙。

    Mind Map is considered as the golden key to unlocking the unlimited potential of the brain as a powerful graphic method .

  13. 或者更确切地说,年轻人和老一代的大脑思维方式是不是不一样呢?

    And more specifically , if the brain is going to be wired differently for the younger generation than the older generation ?

  14. 在不久的将来,偷取无接触式借记卡对小偷来说与入侵我们大脑思维一样有成效。

    In the not too distant future , hacking contactless debit cards could prove just as fruitful for thieves as hacking our minds .

  15. 随著这个过程的继续,对多数人来说就会有一个质的转变,从依赖于大脑思维转向于用心来思考。

    As this process builds , there is a shift for most from relying on one 's mind to thinking with one 's heart .

  16. 4.:使人担心,惦念随著这个过程的继续,对多数人来说就会有一个质的转变,从依赖于大脑思维转向于用心来思考。

    eg. As this process builds , there is a shift for most from relying on one 's mind to thinking with one 's heart .

  17. 体育技术的教学,是以身体素质为基础,运动能力和大脑思维为主导的复杂过程。

    The teaching of physical education techniques is a complex activity based on students physique and dominated by their ability to exercise the body and mind .

  18. 作为人类大脑思维活动的产物,软件网络成为大脑结构的一个分形,其内部结构也表现出了明显的复杂网络特征。

    As product of human intelligence , software network is a fractal of cerebral structure , and its internal structure also present significant characteristics of complex network .

  19. 因此对于大脑思维机制和规律的研究,必将极大地推动人的智力开发和新的科学技术革命。

    Thus , the research of the thinking mechanism and the law of the brain will promote people 's intellectual development and affect new scientific technical revolution greatly .

  20. 本文讨论的是听者接受信息时的大脑思维活动,从而有针对性地提高教师对学生听力技能进行培养的实效。

    The essay analyzes the brain activity of the listener when he receives information , and accordingly probes into what the teachers should do to cultivate the students'listening skill .

  21. 否则,你的视觉,听觉,感知,思考,梦想和潜意识会受到对你的大脑思维有着强烈兴趣的外人的影响和支配。

    Otherwise your vision , hearing , sensing , thoughts , dreams and subconscious will be influenced by an outsider , who does not have your best interests in mind .

  22. 这是因为计算机的工作过程与人的大脑思维过程极为相似。

    In Chinese , a computer is popularly known as an " electrical brain ", for the working process of a computer is similar to a human brain very much .

  23. 歌唱艺术是情感的艺术,歌唱所要表达和传递的思想感情无一不是人的大脑思维心理意识活动的现实反映和必然结果。

    Singing is an art of feeling , and the feelings and emotions expressed and communicated through the act of singing are realistic reflections and natural consequences of psychological activities .

  24. 当你们开始用心去生活而不再由大脑思维主导生活时,很多人正感受到巨大的担忧害怕涌现出来,我们在此表示对整个星球上的所有人的支持和爱。

    Many of you are experiencing great fear surfacing as you begin to live from the heart and no longer the mind and we are here to show our support and love for ALL across the planet .

  25. 这些理论都忽略了译者作为有意识的人,活动往往受到大脑思维活动的控制,译者在翻译中也必然有自己的心理活动并受多种心理机制的作用。

    These theories ignore the fact that the translator , as a man with consciousness , has to be controlled by his mind ; that therefore he is to be controlled by some psychological faculties in the translating process .

  26. 我们可以说,小帕的技术能力非常强,大脑思维快,聪明程度高,因次,我不觉得小梅能轻易骗过他并压迫他的进攻。

    We can say , I feel , that Manny 's technical ability , brain and ring savvy are very good , hence , I don 't feel Floyd will easily trick him or force him to fight Floyd 's fight .

  27. 本文主要是从陌生化理论入手,分析在周杰伦歌词中那些突破人们大脑思维传统形式并且给人们带来全新的审美效果的新奇多变的语言表达方式。

    This paper , guided by the theory of unfamiliarity , makes an analysis of joy chou ? S style of language usage in his words of songs with break through traditional human thought and his brand-new exotic changeabilty of appreciation to people .

  28. 当福尔摩斯重新介入让他被迫退休的未结之案,并寻找生命谜团的答案和在一切为时过晚前的爱时,他的大脑思维能力逐渐减退,所以他要依赖着男孩才能解开一切。

    Grappling with the diminishing powers of his mind , Holmes comes to rely upon the boy as he revisits an unsolved case which forced him into retirement , and searches for answers to the mysteries of life and love before its too late .

  29. 然后,本文采用矛盾分析方法,对计算机模拟方法中的物理实在与虚拟实在、确定性与不确定性、人的大脑思维与人工智能之间的关系进行了具体分析,进一步揭示了计算机模拟方法的哲学本质。

    Then , this paper analyzes the relationships between physical reality and virtual reality , certainty and uncertainty of computer simulation , human brain and artificial intelligence in details by the adoption of contradiction analysis method , reveals the philosophical nature of computer simulation method as well .

  30. 大脑是思维器官。

    The brain is the organ of thought .