
  • 网络Indri;Indri indri
  1. 夜间活动的大狐猴,灰褐色皮毛,长尾巴。

    Nocturnal indris with thick gray-brown fur and a long tail .

  2. 尾巴上有黑色条纹的小狐猴。夜间活动的大狐猴,灰褐色皮毛,长尾巴。

    Small lemur having its tail barred with black . nocturnal indris with thick gray-brown fur and a long tail .

  3. 产于马达加斯加的短尾大狐猴,毛厚而如丝,有黑色、白色和浅黄色。

    Large short-tailed lemur of Madagascar having thick silky fur in black and white and fawn .

  4. 镜子映出一个疲惫的年轻女子,有着一双又大又圆狐猴一样的眼睛。

    The mirror reveals a tired young woman with big round lemur eyes .

  5. 但在其他几组实验中,来自大部落的狐猴比起来自小部落的更可能在一个人背后偷食物。

    But in the other tests , the lemurs from larger social groups were more likely than those from smaller groups to steal food behind a person 's back .