
  • 网络Tai Mo Shan
  1. 安娜:大帽山。就是那座山的名字。

    Anna : tai Mo shan . that 's the name of the mountain .

  2. 大帽山高地灌木林区特别地区〔位于城门郊野公园内〕

    Tai Mo Shan Montane Scrub Forest Special Area [ within the Shing Mun Country Park ]

  3. 安徽马鞍山惊天液压机械制造有限公司发展战略研究地理分布:大帽山、马鞍山。广东。

    The Study of Development Strategy of Giant Hydraulic Breaker Manufacturing Co. , Ltd ;

  4. 地理分布:大帽山、嘉道理农场、柏架山。广东、广西亦有。

    Distribution : Tai Mo Shan , Kadoorie Farm , Mount Parker . Guangdong , Guangxi .

  5. 参与渔农处的大众植树计划,于大帽山举办植树活动。

    Participated in the tree planting campaign organized by the agriculture and Fisheries Department and planted trees at Tai Mo shan .

  6. 与此同时,香港运输及房屋局拒绝就这处大帽山基地是短期租用亦或私人合约方式批租发表看法。

    Meanwhile , the Development Bureau declinedto comment on whether the Tai Mo Shan site was a short-term tenancy or privatetreaty grant .

  7. 全港最高的山峰是新界的大帽山,海拔957米。

    The seabed is relatively flat . The highest point in Hong Kong is Tai Mo Shan in the New Territories at 957 metres above Principal Datum .

  8. 如果真是这样的,其作用就相当于97年回归前英国在大帽山所设立的用于监视中国大陆的雷达站。

    Ifso , the facility will be similar in purpose to a British radar station based onTai Mo Shan and used to monitor mainland China until the colony was returned toChinese rule in 1997 .

  9. 地理分布:大帽山、大东山、柏架山。华东、华南至西南以及南亚至中南半岛。接管公司几天后,他就视察了公司位于朝鲜半岛东南部顶端的蔚山组装工厂。

    Distribution : Tai Mo Shan , Sunset Peak , Mount Parker . SE , S to SW China ; India to Indochina . Days after he took over , Chung visited Hyundai 's sprawling plant at Ulsan on the southeastern tip of the Korean peninsula .