
  • 网络river indus;Ng Tung River;Indus River, Pakistan
  1. 在1398年,他越过了梧桐河,和他的军队解雇新德里。

    In1398 he crossed the Indus River , and his army sacked Delhi .

  2. 多项梧桐河防洪计划的设计工作正在进行,预计完工日期可配合深圳河治理工程,目的是在二零零二年或之前,可减低发生水浸的危险。

    The design of various flood control schemes for the river Indus is progressing with completion dates to tie in with the Shenzhen river regulation project so as to relieve the risk of flooding by2002 .

  3. 一个女孩半埋在银行的梧桐河。

    A girl is half-buried at the bank of river Indus .

  4. 双鱼河虽然是梧桐河的支流,但本身流量亦很大,在香港亦称得上是主要河流之一。

    The river beas , though a tributary of the river indus , is also a major river in its own right .

  5. 采用1994年实测洪痕资料对梧桐河下游段糙率系数进行了分析。

    This paper analyzes the roughness coefficient of the downriver section in Wutong River , basing on the practical survey flood imprint materials in 1994 .

  6. 而梧桐河及双鱼河的河道整治工程也会配合第二期的治理深圳河计划而于短期内动工。

    Works in the Indus and Beas rivers will start shortly so that the programme will match the Stage II works of the Shenzhen River Regulation Project .