
  1. 深港通将为基金管理公司提供另外大约2600只上市股票。

    The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect will offer fund managers an additional universe of some 2,600 listed securities .

  2. 预计今年晚些时候还将开通连接香港与深圳股市的深港通,让更多股票加入这份清单。

    More shares are set to join the list with the anticipated launch of a similar tie-up between the Hong Kong and Shenzhen stock exchanges later this year .

  3. 香港交易所计划在今年开启第二个互联互通机制将之与深圳证券交易所相连的深港通,并且希望在晚些时候加入其它资产类别比如股票衍生工具及固定收益产品。

    The Hong Kong exchange plans to open a second link into the Shenzhen stock exchange this year , and hopes to add other asset classes such as equity derivatives and fixed income later on .